We knew that Sonic Colours Wii is going to feature cooperative multiplayer, but an IGN interview with Sonic Team lord Takashi Iizuka has revealed the DS version will also feature multiplayer, either through local wireless play or online via Nintendo WiFi Connection.
As opposed to the Wii version's cooperative play the DS game will include a head-to-head race mode for gamers to face-off wherever they are. Both versions will also feature online leaderboards, enabling you to see how your best times and scores match up against players all over the globe.
Sonic Colours is released in Europe on November 12th, with a North American release following on November 16th.
[source uk.wii.ign.com]
Comments 15
Both versions having leaderboards has been confirmed for quite a while, but its nice to see real online multiplayer in the DS one. I'm more interested in the Wii version, though.
Looks really good. As a sequel to the first two Sonic Rush games, this looks really promising. Is it really Sonic Team who is behind the DS version? It looks more like a Dimps creation.
The Sonic Rush games wheres the best Sonic games released in the last decade, if you ask me, and two of my favorite DS games overall. Dimps where also co-developer on Sonic 4, and that game also seems excellent.
Maybe SEGA should just handle over the Sonic franchise to Dimps? I think they would bring Sonic back to form.
Sounds great! Still need to grab Sonic Classic Collection first though...
@dres : Dimps are behind the DS version and Sonic Team behind the Wii.
The DS version of Sonic Colours is my very first pre-ordered game (hell, of anything). I usually wait for games to drop in price (plus, I'm yet to complete Sonic Rush Adventure), but damn it, I just couldn't resist that awesome hat. I'm a little torn with the Sonic Rush games. Sure, the production standards are sky high, but the level design is just so damn repetitious. Hopefully Sonic Colours will make enough changes and improvements to refresh my interest in the Sonic franchise.
Can lightning strike twice? We'll see...
Good to hear.
all this really is is Sonic Rush 3 but with a different name but then the Sonic Rush series is fantastic and that is no bad this.
Havn't seen any gameplay yet
Woah, now i might get both....
According to the numerous prevws, the DS and Wii games are entirely different games. If they both are good, they are BOTH worth getting surely!
Sonic Rush 3 DS the prevws suggest too. Increasingly tempted to get both!
No fair, why can't the Wii version get a multiplayer race mode? I love that mode in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.
I'm looking forward to the Wii version more. Not so sure about the DS version though.
I never liked the Sonic Rush and Adventure on the DS, but let's hope this'll turn out better than.. you know, Sonic Racing?
cant w8! =D
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