Mario loves podcasts

Yes, it was but one month ago we all gathered around the soft glow of our audio devices to discover who won the Nintendo Life Game of the Year Awards. This month we look forward, with audio recaps of our recent previews of Art of Balance, Rage of the Gladiator and Calling, as well as a podcast exclusive preview as I talk about my time with Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.

There's also a round-up of recent news and reviews too, covering No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars, Dark Void Zero and more.

Missed a past episode of the Nintendo Life podcast? You can find the complete archive here, including Jon's stellar chip and game music show NLFM. Want to make sure you never miss an episode again? Well then, subscribe to our Podcast feed or download it using this direct link. You can also find us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter for the latest news and get in touch using the Contact form's new podcast option.