The Conduit's Kerry Ganofsky (background) and Eric Nofsinger (foreground)

As you might have read in the earlier feature on the Conduit Multiplayer event at Sega, Nintendo Life staff member Tom had the opportunity to interview two of the chaps from High Voltage Software – Kerry Ganofsky (CEO) and Eric Nofsinger (CCO).

Armed with a couple of questions the community wanted to know (and a few of the ones we decided upon deep within our Nintendo Life lair) he set about talking to Kerry and Eric about their very impressive looking game and got some answers that shed a lot of light on the title's driving force.

The technical fairies at Nintendo Life have managed to extract the audio from Tom's iPhone and have mashed it together in our latest Podcast, which can be found below. For those wanting a bit more information on The Conduit, this is an essential listen.

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