Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: South Province, Mesagoza - All TM Locations 1
Image: Nintendo Life

The South Province is where you start your Pokémon Scarlet & Violet journey and contains the most number of Areas. It's also home to Mesagoza, Cortondo, Alfornada, and Artazon.

Here is where you'll find all TMs across all of the South Province Areas, including TM rewards for quests and League Reps. If you're looking for our TM hub, which includes all recipes, you can find that here.

All South Province TMs

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs

South Province Area One is where you'll start your journey. From the Poco Path, to the Inlet Grotto, all the way to Mesagoza. It's also home to Wo-Chien and the Purple Shrine. here is where to find all of the TMs in South Province Area One.

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Protect (TM007)

To the far southeast of Los Platos, on a small U-shaped hill.

Protect (TM007) Recipe 400 LP 3x Lechonk Hair, 3x Scatterbug Powder

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Ice Fang (TM010)

Mesagoza - On the east side of town on top of a roof.

Ice Fang (TM010) Recipe 800 LP 3x Cubchoo Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Acid Spray (TM013)

On a southeastern tip, close to the Purple Shrine where Wo-Chien lies.

Acid Spray (TM013) Recipe 800 LP 3x Toxel Sparks 3x Wooper Slime

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Struggle Bug (TM015)

  1. Northeast of the Los Platos Pokémon Center on the tip of a small cliff.
  2. Very far south of the spiral plateau, and southeast of Los Platos, on the very tip of a cliff overlooking the coast. You can see Nemona's house to the far west.
Struggle Bug (TM015) Recipe 400 LP 3x Tarountula Thread

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Psybeam (TM016)

Just hop over the wall behind the ruins to reach this TM, which is under a tree.

Psybeam (TM016) Recipe 800 LP 3x Psyduck Down

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Thief (TM018)

Mesagoza - On the west side of the city, in an alleyway tucked behind the bakery.

Thief (TM018) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Houndour Fang
3x Shroodle Ink

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Confuse Ray (TM017)

In the southeast corner of the area tucked in a very small section of ruins with four pillars close together.

Confuse Ray (TM017) Recipe 400 LP 3x Gastly Gas
3x Mareep Wool

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Disarming Voice (TM019)

Mesagoza - Right by a pond and a wall southwest of the Academy.

Disarming Voice (TM019) Recipe 200 LP 3x Ralts Dust

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Metal Claw (TM031)

Hiding in a alcove tucked behind a tree, slightly northeast of the Los Platos Pokémon Center.

Metal Claw (TM031) Recipe 400 LP 3x Teddiursa Claw 3x Shinx Fang

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Swift (TM032)

  1. Poco Path - West of the Poco Path lighthouse on a small plateau.
  2. Northeast of Los Platos, in an alcove next to a small cliff.
  3. Next to a pond on the west side of the area.
Swift (TM032) Recipe 200 LP 3x Fletchling Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Air Cutter (TM040)

Next to a small waterfall on the lower bank, which breaks up Area Two from Four. You can get here by dropping to the south from the olive groves.

Air Cutter (TM040) Recipe 400 LP 3x Combee Honey

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Stored Power (TM041)

From the west exit of Los Platos, head south behind some trees. You'll spot this TM behind a rock in the very corner.

Stored Power (TM041) Recipe 800 LP 3x Gothita Eyelash 3x Ralts Dust

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Endure (TM047)

  1. Directly east of Los Platos, you need to go around a small plateau to find this TM tucked away. It's on the border between Area One and Area Five.
  2. South of Los Platos, underneath the waterfall for the tiny stream
Endure (TM047) Recipe 200 LP 3x Scatterbug Powder

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Sunny Day (TM049)

Cabo Poco - On top of your home. You'll have to come back when Koraidon/Miraidon has high jump.

Sunny Day (TM049) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Sunkern Leaf
3x Torkoal Coal 3x Litleo Tuft

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs False Swipe (TM057)

False Swipe (TM057) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Mesagoza - False Swipe is a reward from Mr. Jacq, your homeroom teacher, after taking the first Biology lesson and registering 30 Pokémon in your Pokédex.

Rest (TM085) Recipe 400 LP 3x Kricketot Shell
3x Chewtle Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Air Slash (TM065)

  1. Mesagoza - On top of the fashion store and bag store in the central part of the south side of the city.
  2. In the middle of a small island in a medium-sized pond, southeast of Los Platos
Air Slash (TM065) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Noibat Fur 3x Wingull Feather 3x Flamigo Down

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Rock Blast (TM076)

You'll find Rock Blast south of the large spiral plateau. Drop down the edge of a cliff to reach it.

Rock Blast (TM076) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Nacli Salt 3x Chewtle Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Grass Knot (TM081)

  1. Mesagoza - on the southeast side of the city near a sandwich store, next to a tree.

  2. Poco Path - On a small left just to the northwest of the path towards the lighthouse.
Grass Knot (TM081) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Cacnea Needle 3x Shroomish Spores

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Thunder Wave (TM082)

Thunder Wave (TM082) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Reward from the League Rep at Mesagoza (South) Pokémon Center.

Thunder Wave (TM082) Recipe 400 LP 3x Mareep Wool 3x Pawmi Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Rest (TM085)

Los Platos - by a bench near the pond.

Rest (TM085) Recipe 400 LP 3x Drowzee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Taunt (TM087)

On the far west side of the area, drop down to the area closer to the river. This TM is on a small platform partway down.

Taunt (TM087) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Meowth Fur
3x Sableye Gem
3x Sneasel Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Eerie Impulse (TM096)

On the flat roof right behind the Poco Path Lighthouse

Eerie Impulse (TM096) Recipe 400 LP 3x Voltorb Sparks 3x Shinx Fang

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Dragon Dance (TM100)

In Poco Path's Inlet Grotto, tucked high up inside the cave.

Dragon Dance (TM100) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Tatsugiri Scales 3x Gible Scales 3x Noibat Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Substitute (TM103)

  1. Down the side of the cliffs towards the ocean just north of your house.
  2. Mesagoza - Next to the west gate, behind the southern pillar.
Substitute (TM103) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Mimikyu Scrap 3x Azurill Fur 3x Falinks Sweat

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Tailwind (TM113)

Poco Path - Next to a large tree on a large, long plateau to the southwest of the lighthouse.

Tailwind (TM113) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Rufflet Feather 3x Rookidee Feather
3x Bombirdier Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Calm Mind (TM129)

There's a lake with two islands in it northwest of the Purple Shrine where you find Wo-Chien. On the island next to the cliff face is TM for Calm Mind.

Calm Mind (TM129) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Stantler Hair 3x Indeedee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Play Rough (TM127)

On a small plateau south of Los Platos. You can see the Pokémon Center from the platform.

Play Rough (TM127) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Fidough Fur 3x Tandemaus Fur 3x Tinkatink Hair

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Amnesia (TM128)

Mesagoza - Behind the academy, directly north, on the grassy area.

Amnesia (TM128) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Slowpoke Claw
3x Slakoth Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Pollen Puff (TM131)

In the centre of a ring of yellow flowers northwest of the Poco Path Lighthouse.

Pollen Puff (TM131) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Rellor Mud 3x Petilil Leaf 3x Kricketot Shell

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Phantom Force (TM151)

On a high platform inside the Inlet Grotto. You won't be able to get this on your first visit and likely need high jump or climb to reach this TM.

Phantom Force (TM151) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Sinistea Chips 3x Shuppet Scraps 3x Greavard Wax

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Baton Pass (TM132)

Behind the Pokémon League.

Baton Pass (TM132) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Girafarig Fur
3x Eevee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area One TMs Draco Meteor (TM169)

Draco Meteor (TM169) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Mesagoza - Given to you after beating Starfall Street.

Draco Meteor (TM169) Recipe 14,000 LP 8x Goomy Goo 5x Frigibax Scales 3x Applin Juice

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs

Located to the west of Mesagoza, South Province Area Two is full of olive fields and is home to the Bug-type Gym Leader at Cortondo, Katy. Here is where to find all TMs in South Province Area Two.

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Agility (TM004)

To the northwest of the western gate to Mesagoza.

Agility (TM004) Recipe 800 LP 3x Fletchling Feather
3x Oricorio Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Mud-Slap (TM005)

North of the olive fields — specifically, where they curve around the path. The TM is in the middle of the field.

Mud-Slap (TM005) Recipe 400 LP 3x Gastly Gas 3x Murkrow Bauble

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Protect (TM007)

East of the olive groves and the Watchtower, this TM is low down in the corner between a ramp and a hill.

Protect (TM007) Recipe 400 LP 3x Lechonk Hair,
3x Scatterbug Powder

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Low Kick (TM012)

South of the Watchtower, and southwest of the olive groves. The TM is overlooking the groves and Cortondo from the cliff edge.

Low Kick (TM012) Recipe 400 LP 3x Mankey Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Fake Tears (TM003)

Close to Wild Tera Meowth, on the south lower section of the Area. You'll spot this on a piece of grass surrounded by a darker ring of grass.

Fake Tears (TM003) Recipe 400 LP 3x Bonsly Tears
3x Teddiursa Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Acid Spray (TM013)

On a high-up area, west of Mesagoza and east of Cortondo. This TM overlooks the river which heads into Mesagoza.

Acid Spray (TM013) Recipe 800 LP 3x Toxel Sparks
3x Wooper Slime

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Thief (TM018)

On a small platform sandwiched between the highest plateau in the Area and a lower one, directly west of Mesagoza.

Thief (TM018) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Houndour Fang
3x Shroodle Ink

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Disarming Voice (TM019)

Disarming Voice is south of Cortondo. Drop down from the olive field/dry terrain area to a much grassier area, and this TM is found in an alcove-type area.

Disarming Voice (TM019) Recipe 200 LP 3x Ralts Dust

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Pounce (TM021)

Pounce (TM021) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Cortondo - Reward for beating the Bug-type Gym.

Pounce (TM021) Recipe 800 LP 3x Nymble Claw 3x Tarountula Thread

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Aerial Ace (TM027)

Aerial Ace (TM027) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Cortondo - League rep reward at west Pokémon Center.

Aerial Ace (TM027) Recipe 800 LP 3x Starly Feather 3x Fletchling Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Draining Kiss (TM037)

Cortondo - behind the Gym.

Draining Kiss (TM037) Recipe 800 LP 3x Igglybuff Fluff 3x Flabébé Pollen

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Stored Power (TM041)

In one of the olive fields, just west of the Watchtower, near where Wild Tera Diglett wanders.

Stored Power (TM041) Recipe 800 LP 3x Gothita Eyelash 3x Ralts Dust

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Night Shade (TM042)

In the ruins near Wild Tera Fletchling, behind a broken staircase.

Night Shade (TM042) Recipe 400 LP 3x Gastly Gas
3x Murkrow Bauble

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Bulk Up (TM064)

Slightly northeast of Cortondo up a dry grass trail Bulk Up is at the very top of the plateau.

Bulk Up (TM064) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Makuhita Sweat 3x Axew Scales

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Drill Run (TM106)

Drill Run (TM106) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Just west of the western gate to Mesagoza, on top of a dry grassy plateau with a tree on it.

Drill Run (TM106) Recipe 8,000 LP 3x Pineco Husk
3x Dunsparce Scales
3x Arrokuda Scales

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Stealth Rock (TM116)

On a low platform on the east side of the highest point in the area is, near the ruins and close to Wild Tera Fletchling.

Stealth Rock (TM116) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Rolycoly Coal
3x Rockruff Rock

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Surf (TM123)

Levincia - East of the south Pokémon Center on the south side of the city, tucked between two buildings. There are two vending machines on the left wall, and a barrel.

Surf (TM123) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Finneon Scales 3x Finizen Mucus 3x Wiglett Sand

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Grassy Terrain (TM137)

Just north and below the stone bridge where Wild Tera Scyther can be found. You can also go southeast from the Pokémon Center.

Grassy Terrain (TM137) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Flabébé Pollen 3x Sunkern Leaf 3x Fromantis Leaf

All South Province TMs South Province Area Two TMs Misty Terrain (TM139)

South of the river and nearby a pond.

Misty Terrain (TM139) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Klefki Key 3x Igglybuff Fluff
3x Flabébé Pollen

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs

This huge rocky area to the east of Mesagoza is home to The Stony Cliff Titan and connects the Academy city to Artazon, home of the Grass-type Gym Leader, Brassius. Here is where to find all TMs in South Province Area Three.

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Charm (TM002)

By the bush under a small tunnel in the grass.

Charm (TM002) Recipe 400 LP 3x Azurill Fur 3x Teddiursa Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Ice Fang (TM010)

Follow the path northeast from South Province Area Three Pokémon Center. You'll be surrounded by high cliffs throughout. Not long before you reach where The Stony Cliff Titan is/was, there's a circular darker-coloured cliff — the TM is there (you may need climb or high jump).

Ice Fang (TM010) Recipe 800 LP 3x Cubchoo Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Agility (TM004)

South of the Watchtower. From the tower, travel east until the path starts to bend, then turn right and follow the cliff curve back to the west until you see a split. Take the left-hand split and you'll see the TM on the grass.

Agility (TM004) Recipe 800 LP 3x Fletchling Feather
3x Oricorio Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Scary Face (TM006)

In one of the most northern sections of the Area, next to a U-shaped platform from East Province Area One. The TM is tucked into an alcove within an L-shaped plateau.

Scary Face (TM006) Recipe 400 LP 3x Stantler Hair
3x Sandile Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Mud-Slap (TM005)

North of the Pokémon Center in one of the darker patches of the area, you'll need to go northwest off the beaten path and then drop down into the corner of the section for Mud-Slap.

Mud-Slap (TM005) Recipe 400 LP 3x Gastly Gas
3x Murkrow Bauble

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Water Pulse (TM011)

In the area north of the East Gate, the TM is on the ground tucked into an alcove in the northwest of the area.

Water Pulse (TM011) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Buizel Fur
3x Magikarp Scales

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Low Kick (TM012)

In the grassy patch in a low-down path on the east side of the area.

Low Kick (TM012) Recipe 400 LP 3x Mankey Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Acrobatics (TM014)

In the area north of the East Gate, Acrobatics is on the eastern stone pillar overlooking the water surrounding Mesagoza.

Acrobatics (TM014) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Wattrel Feather
3x Bombirdier Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Confuse Ray (TM017)

Confuse Ray (TM017) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

In the northwest part of the area on the large sandstone plateau. Confuse Ray is on the very edge of the cliff between some dead bushes.

Confuse Ray (TM017) Recipe 400 LP 3x Gastly Gas 3x Mareep Wool

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Trailblaze (TM020)

Trailblaze (TM020) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Artazon - Reward for defeating the Grass-type Gym.

Trailblaze (TM020) Recipe 800 LP 3x Petilil Leaf 3x Hoppip Leaf

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Fire Spin (TM024)

On top of a large stone plateau just west of Artazon.

Fire Spin (TM024) Recipe 800 LP 3x Growlithe Fur
3x Torkoal Coal

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Bulldoze (TM028)

Bulldoze (TM028) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Directly west of Artazon, the Bulldoze TM is in a tiny alcove under a tall stone pillar. On the map, it's surrounded by multiple cliff paths.

Bulldoze (TM028) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Mudbray Mud
3x Sandygast Sand

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Snarl (TM030)

Just east of The Stony Cliff Titan, follow a thin path to a ledge that overlooks the Fire Crew Base. The TM is right on the ledge.

Snarl (TM030) Recipe 800 LP 3x Maschiff Fang 3x Squawkabilly Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Metal Claw (TM031)

On the edge of a jagged platform in the first section of the Area. Sometimes there's a Tera Crystal opposite the platform.

Metal Claw (TM031) Recipe 400 LP 3x Teddiursa Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Icy Wind (TM034)

Icy Wind (TM034) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Just west of the entrance to Artazon, this TM is tucked behind a tree on a small grassy section, which you can reach by jumping down the cliff south.

Icy Wind (TM034) Recipe 800 LP 3x Snom Thread 3x Snover Berries

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Fling (TM043)

  1. Artazon - North of the maze, next to a bush near the pathway.
  2. In the northwest section of Area Three, right under a bush on the border with East Province Area One.
Fling (TM043) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Sneasel Claw 3x Happiny Dust

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Bullet Seed (TM056)

Northwest of the East Gate, hiding in a small enclosed area with a sign that says "No Exit! Retrace your steps!".

Bullet Seed (TM056) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Sunkern Leaf
3x Hoppip Leaf

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Dig (TM055)

In the northwest section of Area Three, this TM is right under the south border of East Province Area One, northwest of The Stony Cliff Titan.

Dig (TM055) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Diglett Dirt
3x Greavard Wax
3x Orthworm Tarnish

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Reflect (TM074)

To the west of The Stony Cliff Titan up a very small plateau. You may need the ability to climb in order to reach it. It's just northeast of the area's Watchtower.

Reflect (TM074) Recipe 800 LP 3x Drowzee Fur 3x Flittle Down

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Metronome (TM080)

At the top of the Area Three Watchtower.

Metronome (TM080) Recipe 400 LP 3x Igglybuff Fluff 3x Happiny Dust

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Poison Jab (TM083)

Artazon - In the northern part of the maze.

Poison Jab (TM83) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Shroodle Ink
3x Seviper Fang
3x Mareanie Spike

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Rock Slide (TM087)

Northwest of the Pokémon Center, this TM is on a high cliff sticking out on the north side of the map.

Rock Slide (TM087) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Nacli Salt
3x Rockruff Rock
3x Bonsly Tears

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Flash Cannon (TM093)

On top of a spiral pillar just northeast of the bridge from Area Five.

Flash Cannon (TM093) Recipe 8,000 LP, 3x Varoom Fume 3x Klefki Key 3x Tinkatink Hair

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Skill Swap (TM098)

Artazon - On top of the wooden art installation, by a bell-looking ornament on the wall.

Skill Swap (TM098) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Girafarig Fur
3x Flittle Dow

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Substitute (TM103)

Southeast of the Pokémon Center at the end of a thin path looking to the northwest from high-up. You'll need to come from the east side of the stone plateau.

Substitute (TM103) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Mimikyu Scrap
3x Azurill Fur
3x Falinks Sweat

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Hyper Voice (TM117)

West of the Stony Cliff Titan on the very corner edge of a low cliff in the northwest part of the area.

Hyper Voice (TM117) Recipe 8,000 LP 5x Litleo Tuft
3x Tandemaus Fur
3x Skwovet Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Power Gem (TM101)

Slightly west of The Stony Cliff Titan. This TM is located on a very tall pillar which is just to the southeast of a U-shaped platform from East Province Area One).

Power Gem (TM101) Recipe 8,000 LP 3x Spoink Pearl
3x Sableye Gem
3x Mareep Wool

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Heavy Slam (TM121)

In the northwest section of Area Three, there's a circular raised platform dwarfed by much larger, thinner stone cliffs and plateaus.

Heavy Slam (TM121) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Cufant Tarnish 3x Bronzor Fragment 3x Dondozo Whisker

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Amnesia (TM128)

North of the East Gate, Amnesia is on one of the higher points, directly north of the gate and overlooking a large grass patch that stretches between two different stone pillars.

Amnesia (TM128) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Slowpoke Claw
3x Slakoth Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Helping Hand (TM130)

On a small ledge directly south of the Pokémon Center.

Helping Hand (TM130) Recipe 400 LP 1x Eevee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Electric Terrain (TM136)

Near the U-shaped section of the dirtlands, on top of a high stone plateau.

Electric Terrain (TM136) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Pincurchin Spines 3x Tadbulb Mucus 3x Pawmi Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Overheat (TM157)

South of the Pokémon Center, and east of the big bridge from the grassy side of Area Five, Overheat is tucked next to a large sandstone cliff face on a large dark section of the map.

Overheat (TM157) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Litleo Tuft
3x Numel Lava
3x Capsakid Seed

All South Province TMs South Province Area Three TMs Thunder (TM166)

Directly opposite the East Gate on the tallest stone pillar overlooking Mesagoza and Area Three.

Thunder (TM166) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Dedenne Fur
3x Pichu Fur
3x Tynamo Slime

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs

There are no towns in South Province Area Four, but it is home to a rather large waterfall and a variety of powerful Pokémon for early in your journey. Here's where to find every TM in South Province Area Four.

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Protect (TM007)

Directly north of your home in Cabo Poco, on a small grassy section of the mountains. This TM is also directly west of a small pond with a stream flowing east.

Protect (TM007) Recipe 400 LP 3x Lechonk Hair,
3x Scatterbug Powder

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Ice Fang (TM010)

On the lowest part of Area Four, in the south section. The TM can be found behind the largest pond in the area.

Ice Fang (TM010) Recipe 800 LP 3x Cubchoo Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Fire Spin (TM024)

At the top of the Watchtower.

Fire Spin (TM024) Recipe 800 LP 3x Growlithe Fur
3x Torkoal Coal

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Magical Leaf (TM033)

To the far south of Cortondo and the south side of the river, the TM is found partway up a hillside path behind a rock.

Magical Leaf (TM033) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Smoliv Oil 3x Petilil Leaf

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Rock Tomb (TM036)

Southeast of Wild Tera Scyther, Rock Tomb is located high up on a hill, next to a small and large grey rock. You can see Los Platos to the east from where you are.

Rock Tomb (TM036) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Rockruff Rock 3x Klawf Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Draining Kiss (TM037)

South Province (Area Four) - Next to tree by a waterfall in the southern part of the Area.

Draining Kiss (TM037) Recipe 800 LP 3x Igglybuff Fluff 3x Flabébé Pollen

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Dragon Claw (TM078)

On the right bank next to the waterfall in the southwest section of the Area.

Dragon Claw (TM078) Recipe 8,000 LP 5x Axew Scales
3x Noibat Fur
3x Gible Scales

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Body Press (TM089)

Just west of the Swift TM in Area One next to the pond. The TM is on top of a small grassy plateau to the far east of the waterfall.

Body Press (TM089) Recipe 8,000 LP 5x Cetoddle Grese
3x Hawlucha Down
3x Pawniard Blade

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Toxic Spikes (TM091)

Tucked into a cliffside in the central area, there is a large section of what looks like grass-covered stepping stones. TM Toxic Spikes is on the top of these steps.

Toxic Spikes (TM091) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Mareanie Spike
3x Pineco Husk

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Encore (TM122)

Southwest of Mesagoza, Encore is found on the tip of an unusually-shaped pointed cliff. The cliff is pointing towards the western bridge into the city, and is located north of Wild Tera Scyther.

Encore (TM122) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Hawlucha Down 3x Slakoth Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Aura Sphere (TM112)

On the southwest point of the Area, follow the grass around the south side of the mountain and the TM is right next to a tree.

Aura Sphere (TM112) Recipe 8,000 LP 5x Ralts Dust
3x Riolu Fur
3x Charcadet Soot

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Psychic Terrain (TM138)

Directly north of your home, just south and high above a small pond.

Psychic Terrain (TM138) Recipe 3,000 LP, 3x Slowpoke Claw 3x Indeedee Fur
3x Drowzee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Trick Room (TM161)

In the ruins directly west of Los Platos, and on the same plateau as Wild Tera Leafeon.

Trick Room (TM161) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Hatenna Dust
3x Bronzor Fragment
3x Gothita Eyelash

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Bug Buzz (TM162)

South of the waterfall, this TM is next to a tree on a lone grassy plateau halfway up the mountain.

Bug Buzz (TM162) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Kricketot Shell
3x Combee Honey
3x Venonat Fang

All South Province TMs South Province Area Four TMs Brave Bird (TM164)

North of Wild Tera Leafeon on a very small strip of grass. You'll be able to see Los Platos to the north from this high position.

Brave Bird (TM164) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Starly Feather
3x Rufflet Feather
3x Rookidee Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs

South Province Area Five is a varied area, consisting of sandstone rocks, grassy fields, hills, a beach, and a swamp. Here's where to find every TM in South Province Area Five.

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Take Down (TM001)

In an enclosed grass patch just northeast of Wild Tera Shinx.

Take Down (TM001) Recipe 400 LP 3x Lechonk Hair 3x Yungoos Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Fake Tears (TM003)

West of Wild Tera Shinx surrounded by a stone plateau and cliff paths, the TM is by the bush on the patch of grass.

Fake Tears (TM003) Recipe 400 LP 3x Bonsly Tears
3x Teddiursa Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Scary Face (TM006)

Partway up the huge stone structure on the cusp of South Province Area Three, where you find Wild Tera Flareon. The TM is on the southwest side just above a cliff with parts of green on it.

Scary Face (TM006) Recipe 400 LP 3x Stantler Hair 3x Sandile Claw

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Thunder Fang (TM009)

Southwest of the marshes, just northeast of a pond near the southern tip of the area.

Thunder Fang (TM009) Recipe 800 LP 3x Shinx Fang

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Water Pulse (TM011)

In the centre of a large pond, underneath a tree.

Water Pulse (TM011) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Buizel Fur
3x Magikarp Scales

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Swift (TM032)

Near a cliff overlooking the river, close to a grassy bridge.

Swift (TM032) Recipe 200 LP 3x Fletchling Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Mud Shot (TM035)

In the south/centre of the marshland area, in front of a rock and next to a tree.

Mud Shot (TM035) Recipe 800 LP 3x Sandile Claw 3x Wooper Slime

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Air Fang (TM040)

At the base of and to the west of the spiral plateau.

Air Cutter (TM040) Recipe 400 LP 3x Combee Honey

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Avalanche (TM046)

On the slope to the right of the sandstone mountain, going down into the East Paldean Sea.

Avalanche (TM46) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Bergmite Ice 3x Snorunt Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Rain Dance (TM050)

To the left of a pond just southwest of the marshlands.

Rain Dance (TM050) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Shellos Mucus 3x Azurill Fur 3x Wattrel Feather

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Sandstorm (TM051)

Right next to the Pokémon Center on the beach.

Sandstorm (TM051) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Hippopotas Sand
3x Silicobra Sand
3x Sandygast Sand

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Bulk Up (TM064)

On the very north tip of the beach by the waterfall.

Bulk Up (TM064) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Makuhita Sweat
3x Axew Scales

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Drain Punch (TM073)

On top of South Province Area Five Watchtower. It's just to the west of the large stone structure on the east side of the area, and overlooks both Area Five and Area Three.

Drain Punch (TM073) Recipe 8,000 LP 5x Croagunk Poison 3x Mankey Fur 3x Crabrawler Shell

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Rest (TM085)

Rest is located just to the west of the Area Five Watchtower.

Rest (TM085) Recipe 400 LP 3x Drowzee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Iron Defense (TM104)

On top of a stone plateau, west one section from Wild Tera Dunsparce.

Iron Defense (TM104) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Bronzor Fragment
3x Pineco Husk

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Stealth Rock (TM116)

On the southeast tip of the huge sandstone mountain, near Wild Tera Flareon.

Stealth Rock (TM116) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Rolycoly Coal 3x Rockruff Rock

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Calm Mind (TM129)

  1. Near the lake where Wild Tera Shinx is located.
Calm Mind (TM129) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Stantler Hair 3x Indeedee Fur

All South Province TMs South Province Area Five TMs Fire Blast (TM141)

In the ruins at the top of the huge sandstone mountain in the northeast section of the area. Close to Wild Tera Flareon.

Fire Blast (TM141) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Numel Lava 3x Larvesta Fuzz 3x Torkoal Coal

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Snarl (TM030)

North of Alfornada next to a rock up the mountain-side.

Snarl (TM030) Recipe 800 LP 3x Maschiff Fang 3x Squawkabilly Feather

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Magical Leaf (TM033)

Just southwest of the Leaking Tower of Paldea. You can reach it from the top of the Tower or by climing up the rock wall.

Magical Leaf (TM033) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Smoliv Oil 3x Petilil Leaf

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Icy Wind (TM034)

From lake at the top of the mountain, drop down one level next to the waterfall to the east.

Icy Wind (TM034) Recipe 800 LP 3x Snom Thread
3x Snover Berries

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Rock Tomb (TM036)

Alfornada Cavern - Right by a trainer student in one of the tunnels. The tunnel leads to the outside stone bridge area above the West Paldean Sea.

Rock Tomb (TM036) Recipe 1,500 LP 3x Rockruff Rock 3x Klawf Claw

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Bulk Up (TM064)

On the right side of the Gym.

Bulk Up (TM064) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Makuhita Sweat
3x Axew Scales

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Dark Pulse (TM094)

East of Alfornada and up the mountain path, Dark Pulse is hiding behind some ruin walls.

Dark Pulse (TM094) Recipe 8,000 LP 3x Zorua Fur 3x Impidimp Hair 3x Spiritomb Fragment

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Imprison (TM094)

Alfornada - next to the south building, on a manhole cover.

Imprison (TM092) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Bronzor Fragment 3x Zorua Fur

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Skill Swap (TM098)

Alfornada - Behind the northwest building, next to a barrel on the left-hand side.

Skill Swap (TM098) Recipe 3,000 LP 3x Girafarig Fur 3x Flittle Dow

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Substitute (TM103)

Alfornada - Behind the warehouse on the right side of the town, next to a barrel.

Substitute (TM103) Recipe 5,000 LP 3x Mimikyu Scrap
3x Azurill Fur
3x Falinks Sweat

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Liquidation (TM110)

From the beach in West Province, follow the path south up a stone pathway, above the sea. On a large island just west of the path (on the way to a cave), you'll spot the TM.

Liquidation (TM110) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Arrokuda Scales 3x Wiglett Sand 3x Buizel Fur

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Hyper Voice (TM117)

On a small platform overlooking the Leaking Tower of Paldea.

Hyper Voice (TM117) Recipe 8,000 LP 5x Litleo Tuft
3x Tandemaus Fur
3x Skwovet Fur

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Psychic (TM120)

Psychic (TM120) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

Alfornada - Reward for defeating the Psychic-type Gym.

Psychic (TM120) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Rellor Mud 3x Indeedee Fur 3x Ralts Dust

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Play Rough (TM127)

Southeast of the lake at the top of the mountain. Lower down on the mountain trail heading towards South Province Area Four.

Play Rough (TM127) Recipe 10,000 LP 5x Fidough Fur 3x Tandemaus Fur 3x Tinkatink Hair

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Earth Power (TM133)

Slightly southeast of the lake at the top of the mountain. Drop down to the dirt trail on the east side of the mountain.

Earth Power (TM133) Recipe 10,000 LP 3x Silicobra Sand, 3x Shellos Mucus 3x Barboach Slime

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Giga Impact (TM152)

  1. Alfornada Cavern - On a high ledge overlooking Wild Tera Houndoom.
  2. At the top of the mountain east of Alfornada, next to the pond and river.
Giga Impact (TM152) Recipe 14,000 LP 8x Taurus Hair 5x Zangoose Claw 3x Slakoth Fur

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Focus Blast (TM158)

On the stone bannister up to the battle arena.

Focus Blast (TM158) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Flamigo Down 3x Meditite Sweat 3x Impidimp Hair

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Hurricane (TM160)

North of Alfornada, situated right in front of a tree in the green descending cliff section in the north part of the area.

Hurricane (TM160) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Swablu Fluff 3x Oricorio Feather 3x Wingull Feather

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Overheat (TM157)

Alfornada Cavern - Deep into the cave, you'll need to jump high up and slip under a rocky incline to access TM Overheat.

Overheat (TM157) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Litleo Tuft
3x Numel Lava 3x Capsakid Seed

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Flare Blitz (TM165)

Flare Blitz (TM165) 1
Image: Nintendo Life

League Rep reward from Pokémon Center.

Flare Blitz (TM165) 12,000 LP 5x Growlithe Fur 3x Fletchling Feather 3x Charcadet Feather

All South Province TMs Area Six TMs Thunder (TM166)

On top of the Leaking Tower of Paldea, just north of Alfornada.

Thunder (TM166) Recipe 12,000 LP 5x Dedenne Fur
3x Pichu Fur 3x Tynamo Slime

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