30. Radiant Historia (DS)

Radiant Historia received an updated 3DS port in 2018 gaining the subtitle Perfect Chronology (which we absolutely loved), but in all honesty it didn't feel drastically different to the DS original. Developed by Atlus and Headlock, it's a top-shelf JRPG, with an engaging time-travel hook, brilliantly fun, puzzle-like combat, and a genuinely likeable cast of characters. While it’s far from the first adventure to draw on parallel timelines, it smartly integrates its world-hopping gameplay and narrative, and the result is a unique, beautifully-paced experience that’s a joy to play whether here or on 3DS.

29. Elite Beat Agents (DS)

Elite Beat Agents is a semi-sequel to the much-loved Japan-only Osu! Tatake! Ouendan which has you tapping and sliding your stylus across the touchscreen along to the beat of your favourite pop tunes. The titular agents are part of a government agency formed to help a population in crisis through the medium of dance and the game's comic book style looks as fresh as the day it was released.

EBA was so good that the cover versions it used didn't bother us a jot; it really didn't matter that it wasn't Avril Lavigne singing 'Sk8ter Boi'. Whether trying to get a baby to sleep or saving the world from an alien invasion, it's a non-stop, feelgood, foot-tapping rhythm-fest of the highest calibre and we're sure we're not alone in hoping the agents will one day return to help us through the crises we're facing in the world. If you're interested in finding out more about the history behind Ouendan and Elite Beat Agents, erstwhile Nintendo Life contributor Liam Robertson has got you covered in his excellent video on the subject. Agents are GO!!

28. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)

Starting out on the N64 in Japan, Animal Crossing was arguably better suited to portable play from the very beginning and Animal Crossing: Wild World became an incredible time sink for millions on DS. We remember playing every single day over the course of a year and a half - no exceptions, no excuses. The online connectivity and the gentle day-to-day relationships you built with the game and its characters were as addictive as any video game we've ever played. This was one of the various DS titles with the power to hook people who'd never before played a video game.

Of course, going back now would expose just how far the series has come since 2005, and the crushing guilt of seeing our desolate, weed-infested village would be too much to bear, but this incredible video game became part of our lives for a good while there, and we'll treasure the memories we have of our little town forever.

27. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS)

A remake of the original Chunsoft-developed NES game, Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen was made by ArtePiazza, a studio responsible for a number of enhanced remakes of the Dragon Quest series. The DS version featured a new translation and an extra chapter on top of the original game's five, but the base game is very much the winning RPG epic it was when it was known as Dragon Warrior IV in North America way back in 1992. This game appeared again in 2014 on Android and iOS devices, but the DS version is arguably the best way to revisit the game. Players can also get a hit of DQIV nostalgia by taking control of the Hero from this game (Solo) in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, one of the four available versions of the DLC fighter.

26. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Darkness (DS)

This pair of Pokémon games from Chunsoft were sequels to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, games which (unusually) straddled the GBA and DS respectively, using the latter's GBA cartridge slot to interface between the two. Both Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness were DS-only and brought along all the Gen IV Pokémon. The game sees you transformed into a Pocket Monster at the beginning and, of course, you'll need both versions if you want to catch 'em all. Two years later the enhanced Explorers of Sky would arrive with added 'mons, dungeons and features. These games' repetitive gameplay isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you're after dungeon crawling with added cuteness from your favourite franchise critters, it doesn't get much better than this.

25. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)

Following the footsteps of Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin positions itself as a sequel to the Mega Drive title Castlevania: Bloodlines, and is set in the aftermath of the First World War. It's a 'Metroidvania' again, but this time, the game is sub-divided into various worlds which are accessed by jumping into various pictures. Because the developers aren't limited themselves to the traditional castle, it means they can be inventive with level designs – one stage takes place in Egypt, for example. Another near touch is the fact that you're controlling not one character, but two; Jonathan Morris is your typical whip-wielding Belmont–alike, while Charlotte uses magical attacks. You can toggle between them at will, and there are some puzzles that require the use of both characters. There's definitely the feeling that Portrait of Ruin contains a lot of needless padding-out, but like all three of the DS Metroidvania efforts, it's still worthy of your attention.

24. Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (DS)

The second in Level-5's series of Professor Layton games on DS, this one was known as Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box in North America, which is a closer translation of the Japanese title, so there's no Harry Potter-style dumbing down going on here. Whatever you care to call it, it takes the template of the Professor's first puzzle-solving adventure and refines it to produce another excellent mystery that uses the console's features in subtle and brilliant ways. If you enjoyed the original release, there's absolutely no reason for you not to own this gem of a title.

23. Rhythm Heaven (DS)

Rhythm Heaven (or Rhythm Paradise as we know it in Europe) is the epitome of simple, clear game design, yet it never feels half-hearted in any regard. Its bare bones presentation helps new players get into into the swing of things, and once you 'get' it (and its strange sense of humour), you'll find it very difficult to put down. It’s packed full of content and replay value, with tunes you'll find yourself whistling when you're away from the game, and still stands as one of the finest titles to grace the DS. Sure, the Megamix entry on 3DS collects together many of the best games from this and other games in the series, but this is still worth picking up in its own right. Trust us, you'll be in rhythm game heaven (or paradise, depending on your side of the pond).

22. Mario Kart DS (DS)

Whether you can forgive its snaking ways or not, this was still a cracking entry in a series which arguably doesn't have a dud. Snaking — a technique which involves using power slide boosts — did admittedly dampen the online experience back in the day if you hadn't mastered it, but online isn't an option now, so if you're unhappy with how your local competitors are snaking, you can simply lean over and communicate your dissatisfaction in a direct manner.

It should also be remembered that Mario Kart DS was the first in the series to offer online play – and that was a real game-changer back in 2005. Of course, it's been surpassed since by its sequels, but having a fully 3D Mario Kart in your hands was a special feeling back in the day, and MKDS holds a special place in many a kart-lover's hearts, including ours.

21. Tetris DS (DS)

You can see the 9am meeting at Nintendo HQ now: "Mornin' all. So, we're putting Tetris on the new portable and we need a name. Ideas?"

Fortunately, Nintendo SPD didn't head straight to the pub after striking upon the revolutionary Tetris DS title, but knuckled down to produce one of the finest iterations of the block-falling classic ever made. With touch controls, Wi-Fi connectivity and a truckload of Nintendo nods and winks, it is still one of the best ways to play the game and well worth tracking down if you've never had the pleasure.