
Topic: The games that have been removed from the wii shop

Posts 61 to 80 of 150


Oddy wrote:

WiiAboutU wrote:

Hey, maybe our Wiis will be worth a lot of money in the future, because they'll contain WiiWare that can't be purchased any longer. And the lower the sales the title received the more rare it'll be $$$$$. (<:

The only problem is most of the WiiWare that can no longer be purchased isn't very good, so they probably won't be in as high demand as, say, Mega Man 9 and World of Goo would (if they were system exclusives of course).

How good a game is rarely has anyting to do with what collectors will pay for it. There are numerous examples of this on Virtual Boy where some of the worst games are the ones that go for the most money (Waterworld!).

The real question is whether virtual games will ever really have collectors value as unlike old cartridges etc there is literally no difference between ones bought officially and ones sourced from dubious means. In ten years time I imagaine that latter will become a common justification for these titles being viewed as abandonware.

[Edited by Betagam7]



this does bring up an interesting issue. Do you think having online games always available for purchase makes them less attractive in the consumer's eyes? Vs retail games that are supply limited...
I'm not talking about the big sellers, since those are always available in excess at retail, but rather the smaller games that you don't expect to sell millions of copies and be in demand for years, like the magic obelisk. If it was a retail game (assuming for the sake of this argument such a thing made sense) it would have received a limited run of maybe a hundred thousand copies and that wold be all. Would that have encouraged interested customers not to wait? If so, does removing the game from WiiWare only to bring it back at a much later date have potential to increase demand?



@nObody I don't think it'll create anymore demand by removing a title and bringing it back later. I believe it's potential to sell would stay the same, as it would still appeal to the same crowd. It would just draw more attention from Wii owners who were potential buyers in the first place, but had chosen to procrastinate.

Wii#: 8509193650686895 Overturn friend code: 4942-6801-5476 Water Warfare friend code: 3611-2517-8747 Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga friend code: 5458-1453-0863


Can someone change this topic to "Wiiware games removed from the wii shop" so we can keep tabs on all games that get removed in one place?
Looking at you TBD

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PSN ID: Rukiafan7
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Switch FC: SW-6328-7327-5891 ~WiiWareWav~

Switch Friend Code: SW-6328-7327-5891 | Nintendo Network ID: Rukiafan7 | Twitter:


Well this sucks D|

I'm a member at the following forums
Looking forward to the WiiWare RPG Star Guardian Bankai 64 |D


Did anyone contact Nintendo about the removal of these games?



The next update is in a short while so lets hope no games are removed this week.

I'm a member at the following forums
Looking forward to the WiiWare RPG Star Guardian Bankai 64 |D


Well....I just found out neves plus is gone too here in north America. I was just just looking on the shop channel to show someone this game.
Luckly for me I already got this game.

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


I know several games were removed,but I can't figure out which ones other than Neves Plus

Owner of

PSN ID: Rukiafan7
NNID: Rukiafan7
Switch FC: SW-6328-7327-5891 ~WiiWareWav~

Switch Friend Code: SW-6328-7327-5891 | Nintendo Network ID: Rukiafan7 | Twitter:


I wonder if they just took it today? Pretty freaking annoying that they keep doing this.

edit: And no one's still said why at for sure, right?

[Edited by longtimegamer]

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


Publishers usually request the removal of their games

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


Thanks.......Why the heck would they do that? (Maybe closing down is one?)

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


I talked to someone at Nintendo and apparently Bruiser and scratch, Evasive Space, Pitcrew Panic, and Planet pachinko are gone as well.
It was either Magic oblisk or Neves Plus (I think it might have MO) as far back as around April 2011.

edit: Wasn't someone on this site involved in the making of Planet Pichinko?

[Edited by longtimegamer]

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


This is very bad! Downloadable games should always stay available on the download services! Well, maybe not the shovelware. But good games getting removed is very bad! The magic obelisk never hit Europe sadly, though I feel for the Americans that still wanted to download it.

It also makes me a bit worried about DSiware! I want to catch up with DSiware when I have a 3DS. I really hope that by that time some of the games I want aren't removed!!!



Rukiafan23 wrote:

Can someone change this topic to "Wiiware games removed from the wii shop" so we can keep tabs on all games that get removed in one place?
Looking at you TBD

I think only the original poster can change the name of a thread. All the original poster has to do is go to the first post and hit edit and delete the old name in the subject box and put in the new title.

[Edited by Tasuki]

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


why are so many games disappearing? what's going on??



It's especially unsettling for european gamers since they aren't getting anything for the service
But even in america we're only getting one new wiiware game a week vs. five or six which are being removed

Owner of

PSN ID: Rukiafan7
NNID: Rukiafan7
Switch FC: SW-6328-7327-5891 ~WiiWareWav~

Switch Friend Code: SW-6328-7327-5891 | Nintendo Network ID: Rukiafan7 | Twitter:


"I'm a little annoyed that we weren't warned that this could happen. Does this happen on xbox and psn?
The least they could have done was give us a headsup that these were to be taken off soon"

I agree. And I also wonder if this happens at Sony/Microsoft. After all I might pick up a PsVita in the future. Not only for PsVita games, but also to catch up with the downloadable Ps-one and Psp games!

And yes, this issue is worth a Nintendolife article! Because most people aren't aware that games on download-services doesn't stay forever (Well, not on Nintendo services apparently. I don't know how the situation is at Sony/Microsoft). It also proofs once again that cloud-storage is bad. If you buy a digital game, you should always download it to your device. That way they can't take it away from you!

Maybe the name of the topic should be changed yet again. This time it should be: Games that got removed from Nintendo download services. And maybe it's better suited for the "General discussion" section. Just a idea!

[Edited by Henmii]


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