
Topic: Pearl Harbor: Red Sun Rising Impressions

Posts 181 to 200 of 273


About all the online talk. I think adding online multiplayer wouldn't be good for the game and isn't really needed. I think offline multiplayer is much better, easier to co-operate and much more fun.

@pianoman, but there is nothing to do in Free Flight, it would be better if some purpose could be added. Now it's just flying aimlessly around. On a side note, I'm not sure if buying a WW2 game just for the free flight is the right choice. You might want to try out Wii Sport Resort which is a more kid friendly and have more eye candy to look at (being a retail game).

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.

Wii: 1992-3062-5832-6991 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-5912-8952 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: 8325-7726-3894 -
3DS: 0430 - 8258 - 5287


Sneaker13 wrote:

About all the online talk. I think adding online multiplayer wouldn't be good for the game and isn't really needed. I think offline multiplayer is much better, easier to co-operate and much more fun.

@pianoman, but there is nothing to do in Free Flight, it would be better if some purpose could be added. Now it's just flying aimlessly around. On a side note, I'm not sure if buying a WW2 game just for the free flight is the right choice. You might want to try out Wii Sport Resort which is a more kid friendly and have more eye candy to look at (being a retail game).

You are right, Wii Sports Resort is a good choice, but I like warbirds, so does my son. There aren´t much details on islands, that´s correct (reason: smooth fps), but I like the free flight mode. The problem is that the practice in free flight isn´t beneficial in combat. As you have mentioned: it would be fine if we can land our aircraft during a mission for "quick repair" and take off from local base and continue in that mission again with repaired aircraft. I think this feature could improve the overall experience in this game and we can land and takeoff manually. I´m sure that there can be a lots of features in next installments, because this game really has a huge potential. I´m a real pilot and I like to spend some time with my 2 years old son with nunchak when "he can learn his first maneuvers".

[Edited by pianoman]



pianoman wrote:

As you have mentioned: it would be fine if we can land our aircraft during a mission for "quick repair" and take off from local base and continue in that mission again with repaired aircraft. I think this feature could improve the overall experience in this game and we can land and takeoff manually. I´m sure that there can be a lots of features in next installments, because this game really has a huge potential. I´m a real pilot and I like to spend some time with my 2 years old son with nunchak when "he can learn his first maneuvers".

I like that idea of landing for repairs!
Speaking of the next installments...

eripmav wrote:

One thing, this is from a personal pov. I've not really seen 'that' many WiiWare games that are online MP. Developers I've worked for in the past have always said that the online infrastructure of the Wii, although sound, is a pain to develop for.

At this moment in time, I don't know what Legendo have up their sleeves should Ep1 sell in significant enough numbers. Only time will tell I s'pose:)

If the original PC retail release for the game included online play for up to 12 players, I would think the Wii version could have included some sort of online in the first version.
How different is the full PC version, from what will be the three separate versions on the Wii are(will be)?

My site,!

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I imagine the difficult part would be porting their online system to the Wii. I'm sure they could use the same logic, but the Wii undoubtedly has a different structure for online what with the friend code business. Despite that, they do have a head-start.

I also think landing for repairs is a good idea.



pianoman wrote:

You are right, Wii Sports Resort is a good choice, but I like warbirds, so does my son. There aren´t much details on islands, that´s correct (reason: smooth fps), but I like the free flight mode. The problem is that the practice in free flight isn´t beneficial in combat. As you have mentioned: it would be fine if we can land our aircraft during a mission for "quick repair" and take off from local base and continue in that mission again with repaired aircraft. I think this feature could improve the overall experience in this game and we can land and takeoff manually. I´m sure that there can be a lots of features in next installments, because this game really has a huge potential. I´m a real pilot and I like to spend some time with my 2 years old son with nunchak when "he can learn his first maneuvers".

They can't be young enough to learn . But the whole Free Flight option is just pointless. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do. And because of the lack of eye candy it's even more pointless to have the free flight option on every single world.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.

Wii: 1992-3062-5832-6991 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-5912-8952 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: 8325-7726-3894 -
3DS: 0430 - 8258 - 5287


Sneaker13 wrote:

They can't be young enough to learn . But the whole Free Flight option is just pointless. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do. And because of the lack of eye candy it's even more pointless to have the free flight option on every single world.

I like free flight mode. Your right that there isn't enough to do there, but they can fix that.



Not on Ep1 though!

Freeflight I do agree though, not enough to do. My son on the other hand, he adores just flying around doing nothing! THere's no accounting for taste and gene linkage it seems.



I too support the "land and repair" suggestion even if you can't be fully repaired.

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Oregano wrote:

I too support the "land and repair" suggestion even if you can't be fully repaired.

Historically speaking, I don't know if that was much of an option during combat. lol and I think that's over complicating it, a simple difficulty setting where the easiest setting makes you pretty much invincible would be enough.



Historically speaking, I don't know if you can endure that many bullets in the first place .

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.

Wii: 1992-3062-5832-6991 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-5912-8952 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: 8325-7726-3894 -
3DS: 0430 - 8258 - 5287


But it's not meant to be realistic, it's an arcade shooter... and I think historically speaking if your plane was smoking and the wings riddled with bullets you were instructed to land/eject. Especially if you were vastly outnumbered.

I don't think there's any point in including a super easy mode though and adding the repair function adds strategy, particularly in stages when you need to protect stuff.

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Landing for repairs would mix the gameplay up, and if it's possible to explode when you land, there'd be an added element of risk involved. I'd loooooooove it.

[Edited by retired_account]



Like in Top Gun (AVGN reviewed it). Hopefully it won't be that difficult .

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.

Wii: 1992-3062-5832-6991 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-5912-8952 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: 8325-7726-3894 -
3DS: 0430 - 8258 - 5287


I finally got around to trying it out, and my fears were realized: The two motion control options are pretty bad. The vertical turning is always over-sensitive, and the horizontal turning is never sensitive enough, no matter what sensitivity option I choose. Turning left with the nunchuck is especially awkwark, as the human wrist can't bend that far in that direction. GameCube controller controls would probably work much better, but no, Legendo was too lazy to include that option. Make sure GameCube controllers are accepted in the rest of the trilogy, eripmav. By the way, I highly recommend mapping speed controls to the shoulder buttons instead of the right stick on the traditional controls next time.

Anyone have any tips for making the motion controls more usable (as well as how to better prevent stalling)?

EDIT: Never mind. The Wiimote controls do work well. I was just using them incorrectly. I was trying to turn by using the Wiimote like a steering wheel instead of twisting it through the third dimension. Once I figured that out, I beat the American Pearl Harbor mission on my first try (even took out a Jap plane with a missile).

[Edited by BulbasaurusRex]

Ash: Professor Oak, how's your Bulbasaur?
Prof. Oak: Oh, it only hurts when I sit.
Prof. Oak: It's only Chansey if Krabby won't let go. Bye, now.
Ash: I don't think I'm going to call him anymore.

3DS Friend Code: 1547-5207-7912 | My Nintendo: Katara | Nintendo Network ID: TaurusBulbasaur


Too lazy to include GCN controller support? Fact of the matter is Bulb, it's a minority who actually use them and also it would've added to the development time. It's not simply a case of ticking a box to allow the support.

The controls work brilliantly imo, there's a variation for every taste really. It's just taking the time to find what really suits your style.



hugs eripmav and shuns Bulb
I still love you the way you are.

Another idea that popped into my head. Maybe for the next installment, there could be one or two linear levels, like StarFox.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


Why thank you...

Oh, and we're no1 officially in the UK charts. Not that it's a huge market but it's still an achievement:)



Just finished The Awakening! Last level was really difficult until I decided to take out all the enemy planes before advancing.

Still got to do Operation Z and I've played the game for around 5 hours in total so it seems to be a really good length.

Please sign the petition to get Nintendo to integrate Social Features directly in the Switch OS/Hardware:


So then? When will we see the sequel? This fall or early next year?



BTW, can you play in the sequel two different sides? German's vs English maybe? My dad would love that.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.

Wii: 1992-3062-5832-6991 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-5912-8952 - Dr. Mario & Germ Buster: 8325-7726-3894 -
3DS: 0430 - 8258 - 5287

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