
Topic: If you could Create Your Own WiiWare Game

Posts 1 to 20 of 53


Tell us in your mind just some basics. Would you do A shooting game,racing,or whatever your favorite genre happens to be. You can speak your mind Feel Free to go Nuts & Yes Corbie this means you too .

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


This will sound crazy but imagine a FPS but with waterguns.... what someones done that,,, ok muscle men marching smashing walls wearing bikini's with a panda... what Namco's done that!! OK a puzzle game it is then


I really want a space trader with ship battles, pirates, and all of that old school fun.



a wizards and warriors remake!



I would like to see a remake of (and this people will laugh at) is Tails Adventure from GameGear to The WiiWare but it could be like in old Sonic 2 & 3 style & yes have Online LeaderBoard i know stupid Idea but its mine.
Farnsworth: A Man can Dream though A Man can Dream -Futurama

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


Well im not making a wiiware game, but i am currently designing an xbox live game! Close enough right? I can't reveal much about it but it's a puzzle game which is a cross between tetris, artstyle HACOLIFE, artstyle PiCOPiCT, picross, and a little something special from me I'm looking to develope for wiiware up the road though.

[Edited by bboy2970]

My backloggery:


I cant reveal what it would be but it is a racing game. (I cant reveal because of any future non disclosure agreements I might have)

Wii : 5234 3442 0233 5325
3DS: 2664-2106-1671
I have A LOT of games, if you want to play something, just email me jangonov&#...

bboy2970 wrote:

Well im not making a wiiware game, but i am currently designing an xbox live game! Close enough right? I can't reveal much about it but it's a puzzle game which is a cross between tetris, artstyle HACOLIFE, artstyle PiCOPiCT, picross, and a little something special from me I'm looking to develope for wiiware up the road though.


Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


I'd like to create a game called "Mixed-Up Mario" Where Mario puts on costumes or suits from other Nintendo characters and inherits their powers. Like Mario with a Samus suit on traversing a Metroid-themed Mario level. Then you could stick Link's hat and sword on him, or even Kid Icarus' bow and wings.

Plain old gamer :)


I would make "Legendary Axe 3." This would be a sequel to the first game in the series which remains as one of the greatest games I have had the pleasure of playing. Hunt down the TG16 games because they are classic and for some strange, legal reason will probably never appear on the VC.

EXPERIENCE MORE.... Arcade-quality graphics, awesome sound, "turbo-charged" game play, exciting TurboChip games... It's the incredible Turbo Genesis 64 Entertainment SuperSystem Experience. There's more fun, more challenge, and more excitment ready for you today!


@ bboy
You're a dev!?
Anyway, If I could make any WiiWare game, it would just be a channel that claims to be a MotionPlus Zelda, then just plays rickroll when you open it.



WOW....That would be hilarious

Wii : 5234 3442 0233 5325
3DS: 2664-2106-1671
I have A LOT of games, if you want to play something, just email me jangonov&#...

Corbie wrote:

I'd like to create a game called "Mixed-Up Mario" Where Mario puts on costumes or suits from other Nintendo characters and inherits their powers. Like Mario with a Samus suit on traversing a Metroid-themed Mario level. Then you could stick Link's hat and sword on him, or even Kid Icarus' bow and wings.

that would be like the coolest game EVER!

Where do I put my signature?


I'd create a Sonic Shuffle remake.
Honestly, I have a lot of ideas but I'll keep it to that for now and come back later.



@ Jangonov
Do I smell a hint or sarcasm there?



I'd like to create a new Chrono. I would call it Chrono Warps. It would be an RPG and would have Characters from Chrono Trigger.

PSN ID: castlehominid99

3DS Friend Code: 0731-4849-6143 | Nintendo Network ID: theironmango


Kinda sorta. It's just me and a friend putting together a game. I think our ideas are awesome and im too lazy to get a job to make money so developing is a pretty good deal! As for an idea for this article, I would want to make a game with mario and sonic that ISN'T a collection of olympic based mini games. like a platformer/adventure type of game.

My backloggery:


I would like to see a game where you raise a Yoshi, Tamagochi style (but better); it would cost about 200pts.

I'm not sure if it's possible on WiiWare, but I've always wanted to play a First Person football (soccer) game where you play as just one player in a team.

I'd also like to see a Tombi game on WiiWare, I think it would suit the download service very well.

[Edited by CowLaunch]



I'd definately create a fighting game. Wiiware deserves one.

SSBB: 2063-0609-7724 Pulpo
MKWii: 4811-7060-8455 Pulpo
The Conduit: 4125-3112-7060 Sr. Centy WS: Si
T vs C: 4125 - 6534 - 8792


A really good traditional J-RPG. No frills really, just awesome. Got a rough outline and everything already.

Corbie wrote:

I'd like to create a game called "Mixed-Up Mario" Where Mario puts on costumes or suits from other Nintendo characters and inherits their powers. Like Mario with a Samus suit on traversing a Metroid-themed Mario level. Then you could stick Link's hat and sword on him, or even Kid Icarus' bow and wings.

So... You basically wanna make Kirby then?

[Edited by Djungelurban]

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