
Topic: GoldenEye Discussion Thread (OMG OMG OMG)

Posts 941 to 960 of 1,080


hey everyone, have hade the chance to play against some of you guys and gettin my arse kicked. I wanted to see what controler/settings you guys use, im using wiiremote/experenced 3. i cant get any kills from the hip and always get betin to the melle attack, dont now if this is right place to post cause this is my first post.



OBI-001 wrote:

hey everyone, have hade the chance to play against some of you guys and gettin my arse kicked. I wanted to see what controler/settings you guys use, im using wiiremote/experenced 3. i cant get any kills from the hip and always get betin to the melle attack, dont now if this is right place to post cause this is my first post.

Welcome to NL, OBI. It's true, it seems like NL has some of the best players in the game. You should join us in the online matches. we have a pretty big group going.
I personally use the Wiimote setup, but I think it's a customized setting. I'm pretty sure that's what the majority of NL users are doing, but I may be wrong. I'm curious: how did you know you were playing against people from Nintendo Life online? Have you just been paying attention to the forums, without posting on them?

[Edited by grenworthshero]

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


Hey thanks sounds great im going on now. Do i just enter the wii friend codes ?



It's not the same code as your Wii console, if that's what you're asking. In Goldeneye, you can see your code by going to online multiplayer and then choosing party invite on the menu (I think that's what it's called). Your code should show up on the bottom. Type that code in here, where you can also see everyone else's code who's posted there. I keep a constantly updated list, so you can keep track of them all. You will have to add everyone's code to become friends, which is kind of annoying, but oh, well.

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


OBI-001 wrote:

hey everyone, have hade the chance to play against some of you guys and gettin my arse kicked. I wanted to see what controler/settings you guys use, im using wiiremote/experenced 3. i cant get any kills from the hip and always get betin to the melle attack, dont now if this is right place to post cause this is my first post.

You must see the nl before our names right! I use controller setting 2 but want to try 3 soon.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


I haven't touched this game since Black Ops came out. This game just can't compare to the HD shooters, and I didn't realize that until I started playing an HD shooter again. A game I thought was good for 2 weeks all the sudden became bellow-average...I hate it when that happens...

The Artist Formerly Known as ballkirby1
Nintendo Life Fantasy Football Team: The Propaniacs


ballkirby1 wrote:

I haven't touched this game since Black Ops came out. This game just can't compare to the HD shooters, and I didn't realize that until I started playing an HD shooter again. A game I thought was good for 2 weeks all the sudden became bellow-average...I hate it when that happens...

So thats where you have been Ballkirby. So I am guessing we shouldnt be expection you on GoldenEye anytime soon.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


ballkirby1 wrote:

This game just can't compare to the HD shooters

it depends on what you want. if you don't care about realism much and just want something fun, i think HD shooters can't compare to this.

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


Goldeneye is still golden

Stay Gaming My Friends ~
Nintendo Switch: 2899-5745-8667
Xbox - Gameday J
PSN - Gameday_J
3DS: Gameday
Steam: Gameday_J

3DS Friend Code: 0705-5371-1465 | Nintendo Network ID: Gameday_J | Twitter:


^Fanboys!!!! LOL.

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


ha i dont consider myself a fan boy but i do love goldeneye but you wont see me hatin or anything on other games just saying each game is its own.

Stay Gaming My Friends ~
Nintendo Switch: 2899-5745-8667
Xbox - Gameday J
PSN - Gameday_J
3DS: Gameday
Steam: Gameday_J

3DS Friend Code: 0705-5371-1465 | Nintendo Network ID: Gameday_J | Twitter:


@grenworthshero, i new i was playing against you guys from the names, going to ad codes today. thanks for your help,im so addicted to this game



Well I am a fanboy that's why I said it! But with that said the game is a blast!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


I certainly think Goldeneye on Wii is a lot more fun than Halo and Call of Duty, and I don't have to deal with squeaky 14-year-olds and their constant profanity-spewing.

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


So, breezed through the first two difficulties and onto 007. Getting challenged now and seem to be finding bits of level I hadn't before. Super fun! Had some hilarious deaths too.

James and Alec are really good, but the rest of the character changes I do not like. The plot... is nowhere near as good as the movie or N64 game. I'm a big fan of those two and this game should p' me off, but it doesn't, I flipping love it! I absolute adore the stealth audio effects which alert and reassure your ears with swooshing yumminess. The set pieces and context sensitive moments work really well and are fun. I love that feeling when you go through most of a level without being detected, guards dropping silently all over the place. I love the moment when you do get spotted and you whip your automatic out and have an epic fire-fight. I love running upto someone and giving 'em a knuckle sammich.

I love being Bond. Can't wait for Classic mode. can't effin wait for BT to connect an effin phoneline so i can effin go online D:



@Machu: Once you actually hit 007 Classic, you'll definitely change your tune, sir...

"Don't make enemies, they'll stab your heart; don't make friends, they'll stab your back. Including me, including you, all men are trash. Don't love; don't be loved. Have nothing to do with other; live in isolation."


007 classic is great. it forces you to find so many secret routes to bypass the guards that you never knew about. it's also surprising how much of the dialog you'll miss when the guards are on alert, like the reason bond needs to go to africa after memorial. i had no clue what that was about on my first playthrough.

Machu wrote:

The plot... is nowhere near as good as the movie or N64 game.

are you sure about that? when i played the n64 game a few weeks back i thought the storytelling was embarrassingly primitive these days. ourumov: "throw down your weapons!" trevelyn: *stops firing, walks over casually and dies a blocky lego death.
the new game handles that scene with much more impact than the original game or even the movie, since you meet trevelyn and work with him so much earlier in the story that it actually means something to you when he dies. i'll agree that it goes downhill soon after that mission, though. i think the point where it really starts to go downhill is the super-american arms show guy... luckily the ending picks up again, thanks to trevelyn.

[Edited by romulux]

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


I just beat it on Agent. Whew, that was some hard stuff.
I know, I suck at shooters, especially stealth ones. I always end up accidentally blowing up motorcycles or something and alerting the enemy...



@romulux: I'm not really talking about the way it was presented, more the way it was structured. The N64 game had more flow and attempted to stay in-line with the movie where as the Wii game re-imagined it with mixed results. In places it's fantastic, but in others it is not. Don't get me wrong I love the cut-scenes and set pieces but everynow and again it's really bad. D: It probably doesn't help that I really don't like the new Ouromov, Zenia, Natalya, Zukovsky. Also, someone is missing, which sucks.

But screw all that as it hasn't hampered my enjoyment of the game at all. I love it!

@Metroid_Fan: Classic mode is when the game will start for me. I hate re-generating health, it makes it all too easy. Can't wait.



Later today I am inviting a few friends over for a Goldeneye "party". It's sort of a celebration of the game's return with everyone playing split-screen. I heard that split-screen has it's issues unfortunately.

I want to know, in the NL opinion, how bad are these issues? Are they game breaking or can Goldeneye still be the life of a party?

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Nintendo Network ID: BigBadBrowne

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