
Topic: Bad Things About A Link To The Past?

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ganondwarf16 have to pay for it

ganondwarf has always been short


wait! in all seriousness I think the restriction of only setting one item at a time was a bad thing

ganondwarf has always been short


Hmm...let's see......

...I got nothing.

Thanks given to Xkhaoz for that one avatar.
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A (Former) Reviewer for Digitally
My Backloggery:


Oh wait, I do have one thing, I guess. Toward the end, when the bomb shop starts selling that gigantic bomb that follows you around...the game doesn't give you any indication that something has changed. You just have to hope you go into that bomb shop again and notice it's there.

That's probably the worst thing I can say about the game. And now I want to play it again.




That it had to end.

Plain old gamer :)


Read some reviews i guess. Or.... go on IGN and see if they have anything negative on it.

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


Maybe you could mention the bad things it inspired.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


That bloody thief in the forest!

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Thanks for your ideas guys. Since some of the things like the super bomb and one item select are such small issues, I just decided to put "It finishes" under the bad things, leaving the rest of the column hilariously blank.


Look around for someone that truly dispises the Zelda franchise.



You dont have to add bad things for this game. Just say its so much epic that it pownes every other presentation today. And thats the bad thing .......


Nintendo Network ID: Pavlicek


Honestly, I think it's long and boring. I never bothered finishing it, along with every other Zelda game. I hate aimlessly wandering around trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do next until I happen to stumble upon the right thing after hours of boredom. Games I like are usually games I could go back and beat again in half an hour without the game consuming my whole life. That "it ends" probably wouldn't be an issue if it were actually a fun game to play over and over again like Tetris or something.

3DS Friend Code: 1504-5686-7557 | Nintendo Network ID: iphys_eh


I can think of a few things wrong with LTTP.

  • A punishing difficulty curve that spikes really hard at every single boss (I know bosses are supposed to be hard, but ones like Blind which end up with you in a small room being shot at by several floating heads, Blind firing 3 shots a time, and him having a pretty small weak point compared to his whole sprite... come on, Nintendo)
  • Dungeon layouts that end up requiring you to trek back through half an hour's worth of puzzles every single time you die at a boss (the warp point is my favourite new feature in the later games EVER)
  • There's sometimes that old Point-N-Click habit of finding something unusual and having to molest it with every single item you own to try to make it do something (giant green pot of lava has a demon in it that pops out if you sprinkle mushroom powder on it, the hell logic is this?)
  • FREQUENTLY having no idea where to go next, which might be part of the game's style, but when you've got 2 huge maps to comb just to find one assorted trinket you're not even aware of to open the next dungeon, it quickly becomes tiring.

Oh and btw I LOVE Link To The Past. It's just not perfect to me.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


That place when when you wake up that thing it takes away some of your magic.


Oh, also how hard it can be to come by hearts and magic potion, especially inside dungeons. You end up spending 3 hours just trying to find the damn thing, then another 3 hours grinding enough rupees to buy 4 potions that you'll definitely run out of and need to go grind again to buy more of by the time you've reached the dungeon boss.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Yer, not always knowing what to do is a pretty big flaw. Hint systems are the best thing Nintendo has done in a long while.... and I'm serious here.

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It has an ending!


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