
Topic: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - OT

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November 21... I think they might delay lol


Switch Friend Code: SW-4862-0398-5013 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-3100-0796 | My Nintendo: Pootypie | Nintendo Network ID: BlueMario1998


Hmm... To think about it, what if there were no smash for 3DS? What do you think the game would be like? It could have a bigger and better roster and a lot more stuff into the Wii U. I think the 3DS kind of hindered their overall progress because they had two systems to work on not one.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4862-0398-5013 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-3100-0796 | My Nintendo: Pootypie | Nintendo Network ID: BlueMario1998



You could also say that the decision to have a WiiU game too (since making the 3DS one only was apparently the original plan) meant that they had to cut modes from the 3DS version to make sure the WiiU one would sell too.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Ok, our contest is now live! enter for a chance to win a code for the special Super Smash Bros demo, The Legend of Zelda, and Art Style: Pictobits!

Sp00ky scary skeleton back to play games and dew other fine things indead!
The Graveyard (Backloggery) l Nintendo ID: Undead_terror

Switch Friend Code: SW-8251-5734-1036 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-2878-6360 | My Nintendo: Undead_terror | Nintendo Network ID: Undead_terror | Twitter:


Retro_on_theGo wrote:

Did ROB get buffed? I remember people saying he sucked but I'm watching a stream and he's a monster. Also does he have an NES color? I don't like his Famicom colors.

Yes, he got buffed. I'll list some of his(?) buffs:

R.O.B.'s forward smash has increased range and power.
R.O.B. appears to be larger, increasing range.
His up smash can now hit grounded characters more easily.
His forward air is faster, and swings from overhead.
R.O.B.'s Final Smash is now a large, directional laser, with high KO'ing power.

Smash Mains:
N64: Captain Falcon
Melee: Mario
Brawl: Sonic
Project M: Link
Smash 3DS: Captain Falcon
Smash Wii U: Ganondorf


Morphbug wrote:


You could also say that the decision to have a WiiU game too (since making the 3DS one only was apparently the original plan) meant that they had to cut modes from the 3DS version to make sure the WiiU one would sell too.

Smash Bros... for 3DS only... seriously...


Switch Friend Code: SW-4862-0398-5013 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-3100-0796 | My Nintendo: Pootypie | Nintendo Network ID: BlueMario1998


Morphbug wrote:


You could also say that the decision to have a WiiU game too (since making the 3DS one only was apparently the original plan) meant that they had to cut modes from the 3DS version to make sure the WiiU one would sell too.

This is not true and every person who has claimed this has never found a source to back it up.

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
My YouTube
The Jazzloggery
Once you see you can never unsee

3DS Friend Code: 5155-3100-6367 | Nintendo Network ID: Justinius94


Trophies don't prove anything though

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


WaLzgi wrote:

Trophies don't prove anything though

Shhh!! Don't spoil the ending of the story that I probably won't finish writing! D:

A nifty calendar (Updated 9/13/15)
The UGXloggery ... really needs an update.


UGXwolf wrote:

@NinjaWaddleDee Did you register any 3DS products in the last year? Because it didn't mention owning a 3DS as a criteria. It mentioned registering a 3DS product, which I thought specified last year, but I could be wrong.

Apparently it was only for "select" platinum members. That was a **** move by Nintendo. I feel terrible, and I stayed up until 12 last night frantically checking ALL of my email addresses to see if I received a code.

[Edited by NinjaWaddleDee]

Check out my YouTube channel if you love gaming, and Nintendo (especially Metroid) I think you'll enjoy my videos. :)

Nintendo Network ID: NinjaWaddleDee


@Sockomario that all sounds awesome, thanks!

Jazzer94 wrote:

Morphbug wrote:


You could also say that the decision to have a WiiU game too (since making the 3DS one only was apparently the original plan) meant that they had to cut modes from the 3DS version to make sure the WiiU one would sell too.

This is not true and every person who has claimed this has never found a source to back it up.

Neither were planned with Sakurai at first, he was kind of forced into making them.


NinjaWaddleDee wrote:

UGXwolf wrote:

@NinjaWaddleDee Did you register any 3DS products in the last year? Because it didn't mention owning a 3DS as a criteria. It mentioned registering a 3DS product, which I thought specified last year, but I could be wrong.

Apparently it was only for "select" platinum members. That was a **** move by Nintendo. I feel terrible, and I stayed up until 12 last night frantically checking ALL of my email addresses to see if I received a code.

I wish someone would give me a code, I hade to trade someone my victini for it. It was worth it though!

3DS FC: 4854-6437-9458
Friend Safari: Fire- Growlith, Pyroar, Flechling


Lucina and Marth are horrible. Their "sword" is the same size as Kirby's monado for crying out loud! Wait, those aren't swords, they're daggers. (This is coming from a Marth main.)

Smash Mains:
N64: Captain Falcon
Melee: Mario
Brawl: Sonic
Project M: Link
Smash 3DS: Captain Falcon
Smash Wii U: Ganondorf


I don't think this two-tier system of rewards is good for Nintendo morally or commercially in the long term.

The company's recent conduct seems misguided to say the least.



All the fighters have been discovered. Everyone who unlocked them all got a message in the game saying so. It's over. Stop.

Unless you mean DLC in which case these trophies still prove nothing.

If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5283-4033-0929 | 3DS Friend Code: 2423-1923-3519 | Nintendo Network ID: TeeJay92

ZurrrrBlattTron there's still hope!
Like with the last vid I shared I'll be leaving a summary but you should still watch the video as he'll probably explain better than me
Summary: Someone working with a smash 3DS rom (yes there's a smash rom go figure) has discovered that there's oddly two gigabytes of space required even after downloading the game most games on the 3DS do not have this requirement, this suggests that there might DLC as this is a ton of space to have required,
My take is that maybe the Wii U version is going to have the cut characters in as extra unlockables and will be available for 3DS users as DLC maybe we might get a smash Wii U direct after the 3DS hype has died down?




torotoid64 wrote: there's still hope!
Like with the last vid I shared I'll be leaving a summary but you should still watch the video as he'll probably explain better than me
Summary: Someone working with a smash 3DS rom (yes there's a smash rom go figure) has discovered that there's oddly two gigabytes of space required even after downloading the game most games on the 3DS do not have this requirement, this suggests that there might DLC as this is a ton of space to have required,
My take is that maybe the Wii U version is going to have the cut characters in as extra unlockables and will be available for 3DS users as DLC maybe we might get a smash Wii U direct after the 3DS hype has died down?

I have a better idea: instead of doing DLC, the characters could added to the 3DS version by linking both games.

There is nothing here...except for the stuff I just typed...

3DS Friend Code: 5284-1716-7555 | Nintendo Network ID: michaelmcepic

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