
Topic: Which sound chip do you prefer?

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The Mega Drive's Bass/Drum and tinny sound, the SNES' Sample tunes, the Game Boy's Chiptunes or the Game Boy Advances Reverb sound to its games?

I'd say I enjoy them all but growing up with the MD, I perfered the Bass/Drums moreso.

[Edited by Lotice-Paladin]

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


My favorite is the SPC700 used in the SNES but the YM2612 and SN76489 used in the Genesis isn't far behind in terms of preference. Lately I've been liking the SID chip used in the Commodore 64. Lots of great music on that.

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SNES. Chrono Trigger, yo.



Chrono Trigger's Battle Theme Bassline is possibly equal to the Bassline of the Mega Drive in terms of clarity, although that is the only SNES game I can think of that has such an awesome Bassline.

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


Sounds like someone was at the nightclub for too long.

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@WaveBoy I chose it because it's the go-to good song on the Genesis and no one can disagree with it. We had this discussion before didn't we WB? I'm not going to round up all the great Genesis songs again haha, that took ages last time. Suffice it to say, the SNES has some amazing tracks and the Genesis does too, but the Genesis sound chip just slightly ekes out a win for me thanks to nostalgia value.

[Edited by pixelbuffer]




Streets of Rage 2 was the one game I grew up with, loving the music and eventually influencing me in having a varied taste in genres (I guess it goes to show you that even though the Mega Drive had a weaker chip, it could still do things that the SNES couldn't do as well at...which made music making very interesting for the developers).

The thing with Streets of Rage music was that it had an 80's vibe to it and people who are used to the 80's vibe feel like they never want 80's music to end (the best era imho) but the SNES created something new and possibly defined what became the 90's influence in so many genres.

[Edited by Lotice-Paladin]

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


I think I'd prefer the SNES's sound chip, although I've never had a first-hand impression of SNES music, I've just heard recordings. But I do love the music from Chrono Trigger, which I played on the DS.

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SNES sound chip hands down. The music in the Final Fantasies, Actraiser's, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana/Evermore, etc. etc. is still some of my favorite game music .

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Of that selection, SNES by a landslide. Megadrive's god-awful tandy-flavored chip was only used well in a handful of cases---I'd argue that most NES games have superior sound design. GBA had a good chip too (love that it still had the GBC square waves) but sadly didn't feature as many channels or as good a sample rate. Gameboy was another that just didn't get used very well very often--in situations like Megaman 3 GB, it proved it's just as a capable as the NES chip if not moreso in certain cases...but by and large, GB games had pretty bad soundtracks.

I gotta say that I kinda like TG16's non-CD sound too...sort of a middle ground between NES and Megadrive (same with Sharp X68k)

-Swerd Murd

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How is the TurboGraphix sound chip without the CD add on? Good or bad?

I personally feel that the Game Boy had some decent tracks from Pokemon.

Anyways, look up FamiTracker on Youtube, some guy made a few Mega Drive sounding tracks from the NES sound board!

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.


Starlight wrote:

How is the TurboGraphix sound chip without the CD add on? Good or bad?

I think it's fairly good, but it's not up to par to the Genesis or SNES. Swerd Murd pretty much summed up what it sounded like. Here's a few of my favorites.

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Switch Friend Code: SW-2350-3570-9923 | Nintendo Network ID: cheetahman91


As someone involved with the C64 for over 25 years, then I really have to chuck in a vote for the SID chip

Two of my favourites... although the first may be familiar to players of "I Wanna Be The Guy"...

Lie with passion and be forever damned...


Sounds nifty for a hybrid console (8/16-bit).

I have only ever played Mayhem on the C64 and I love the Happy Level Start tune and the first levels tune. So vibrant and techno...I think it executes synths really well, possibly even better then the Mega Drive in terms of how colourful it sounds.

My Starloggery

Main Final Fantasy & Quest/Shinobi Team fan...but I do like many SEGA games and a few Nintendo games.

I can be cute if I want to be, but I choose not it's not my style.

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