
Topic: What was your first game? ...again

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First game I remember playing was probably RuneScape around 2005 🤔 I'm sure I played some before that but they certainly weren't memorable to me 😂

We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty.


Mine might be Atari's 1978 coin-op Fire Truck.
It was THE FIRST co-op video game ever.
I have a vivid memory of seeing 1 player sitting controlling the front of the truck and one person standing behind controlling the back of the truck. Blew my young mind!



The first game I ever played was Astro Wars in Liven St Anne’s. I also played Space Invaders the same night but had to stand on a stool to play Space Invaders.

My first games where Tomys Turning Turbo’s and Galaxy Invader 1000

A few years later I had my first console an Atari 2600 for Christmas and I got cramp in my hands playing Space Invaders so much.

[Edited by Shadow_Dancer]

There’s nothing on the telly except a nice vase


Love this question! But as for me… officially it’s The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but begrudgingly it’s one of those DS Dora the Explorer games…

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


You played... DORA the Explorer on NDS ? 😛
Never expected before.



@Anti-Matter I know, right? But I was young and carefree and I had the luxury of not even knowing what a video game was. It entertained my child brain well enough.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


@SepticLemon Right, I think at the time I was just too young for video games to make an impression when I played the Atari. Heck all my friends at the time weren't into game at the time, because this was at the peak of the Video Game Crash. We were all into He-man, Transformers, Thundercats, G.I. Joe etc. It was till my later school years, 5th, 6th grade that Nintendo and video games were common talk on the playground.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


First game I remember playing was Pong that was included with my Dad's Mac. Some of the first ones I owned outside of educational games would be Sim City 2000, and Triple Play Baseball 2001. All on PC. I got a GBA SP with Mario Kart Super Circuit and Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 a few years later for my first system.



@SepticLemon Ah yeah, gotcha. I do remember reading that Nintendo wasn't quite as popular in Europe, back when they first started making the NES. That's a cool Mega Drive ad you just showed me. I actually do have a UK gaming magazine, called Retro Gamer, though I only have one issue of it. It covered Bubble Bobble and a bunch of other stuff. Bubble Bobble was one of the many games we had for our hand-me-down NES back then. Great game for sure, though I didn't make an awful lot of progress in it, lol.

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I’ve wanted to play Fire Truck for a long time, still never seen one in the wild or at an event. Very cool. First game I remember playing in the arcade was Yie Ar Kung Fu. I used to play the 2600 with my grandma when I was a kid, but the first game I owned was Super Mario Bros. Probably a lot of folk’s first game, or at least some game in the series.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


I remember playing a bootleg PC copy of Super Mario 64 when I was 6 or 7. It was terrible looking back but it was so cool as a kid.

I fear no man
but that thing:
The carrot minigame from bowser's inside story
it scares me


Mortal Kombat on the Genesis. I was about 3 years old at the time. I got a Genesis for Christmas the following year at four years old. It's now my favorite game series of all time. I own nearly every game on every system and have a huge MK collection.

[Edited by BinaryMessiah]


Nintendo Network ID: ivory_soul | Twitter:


Probably either Pokémon Red or some generic SNES knock-off cartridge my parents bought for me at a local funfair (I think it had Super Mario Bros. and Elevator Action).

[Edited by Maxenmus]


Switch Friend Code: SW-7926-2339-9775 | 3DS Friend Code: 3539-9678-8621 | My Nintendo: Flare | Nintendo Network ID: OriusPrime


Golden Axe on the Megadrive. Then Tetris and Super Mario Land on Game Boy. Slightly after this I remember getting the Lion King on Megadrive and finding it really difficult. Like too difficult for a 4/5 year old kid.

[Edited by BongoBongo123]



Pong, 1975 I believe. Our aunt bought it for me and the sibs. It was very cool.



Philips Videopac: Battle

Old console, likely bought second hand. I remember playing it in the very early 90s. Got the NES not long afterwards.


Nintendo Network ID: Tounushi


The first Nintendo game I remember playing was either one of the first Brain Age titles or the OG New Super Mario Bros. on my cousin's DSi.



Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. I was way too young. My mom bought it for herself really lol.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
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It was pinball and pong on a VC4000


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