
Topic: What was your first game? ...again

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Lol, got to admit that I always feel very old when reading threads like this. 😅

[Edited by Mioaionios]



seaboyluca wrote:

Lol, got to admit that I always feel very old when reading threads like this. 😅

"Oh yeah, the Millenium? That was 5 years ago...!"

Looks at the 2022 year on a calendar


Time really flies, doesn't it? lol!




@SepticLemon I actually had it on the original Xbox! I think I was about 4 years old at the time though and I thought the Wii’s motion controls were the coolest thing ever, so I never really played it after I got the Wii. We ended up selling the Xbox as a result, so it’s been a long time since I’ve played it. Might resort to emulating it at some point, or wait for it to get a remake like the first game!

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

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Persona 3 Reload (PC)
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PC)


StarPoint wrote:

@SepticLemon I actually had it on the original Xbox! I think I was about 4 years old at the time though and I thought the Wii’s motion controls were the coolest thing ever, so I never really played it after I got the Wii. We ended up selling the Xbox as a result, so it’s been a long time since I’ve played it. Might resort to emulating it at some point, or wait for it to get a remake like the first game!

Hmm... Makes me wonder how much a PlayStation and the first game cost these days?

£40 total, not bad, but I'm sure there's a way to get it cheaper though.




antonvaltaz wrote:

Postman Pat's Trail Game on the ZX Spectrum!

Oh wow! lol! I vaguely remember seeing this game at a different friend of my mother's, not the one whose son owned a MegaDrive, but I don't actually remember playing it, I only saw the cassette case for it. Shame that the theme tune doesn't play it though. Instead, he had a HeMan Spectrum game which was identical to the C64 version that I had that was based on the movie.




@Anti-Matter Oh damn, DDR was the first game you played!?

I remember playing this the first time at a Seaside resort called Skegness, and they had one of these installed in an arcade in 1998/1999. I was embarrassed to play it, but once I actually got the guts to try one out, I was hooked!

In fact, DDR was one of the games that got me out of my Nintendo fanboyism in the nineties. I really wanted a DDR for the N64, but the closest thing that happened was a Disney Mix that was only released in Japan. So I had to admit to myself that I was really limiting myself to what I could play and ended up getting a PS1 in 2000 with a copy of Dancing Stage (The European name of DDR because there was a German Night club called the Dance Revolution,) and I was able to remove the silly shackles that I gave myself and started to enjoy the whole games industry rather than just Nintendo stuff.




KOF 98 in some Laundry Mat were my mother used to go. Playing that was the only reason I went with her.

The game blew my little mind.

The Harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

I'm currently playing Red Dead Redemption 1 & Fatal Frame Maiden of Black Water

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@MsJubilee OK, I was 14 in 1998, so I'll admit that I'm a little older than some of you.

But man...

I loved 1998! and I don't just mean KOF98, that was an awesome fighting game that's one of my favourite fighting games of all time, but that year was so amazing for gaming! Pokemon came out in the US, Metal Gear Solid came out, Grim Fandango came out, Ocarina of Time came out, all the crazy news about the Dream Cast, and the release of the GameBoy Color! So many awesome gaming memories that year, if I had the chance to time travel, I would love to re-live 1998 again!




DDR 3rd Mix was my first Arcade game I played.
I have been playing DDR for almost 19 years since year 2003.
From DDR 3rd Mix, DDR MAX 2, DDR EXTREME, DDR SuperNOVA, DDR SuperNOVA 2, DDR X, DDR X2, DDR X3 and DDR A Arcade.
This is one of the newest DDR today, DDR A3.
(Gameplay by other players)

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



@Anti-Matter Dang, I wasn't aware that DDR was still around. I think I stopped playing DDR games around the time that Guitar Hero came out. Not to mention that there are so many rhythm games coming out of Japan now, it's funny to see that DDR hasn't been replaced with Taiko Drum master, or Q-Beat.




@SepticLemon That's cool. I did enjoy playing the Sonic games, though when I first played them, I couldn't get past the second zones, Marble and Chemical Plant. I did play Sonic 1 as well, though it didn't work at first so I played Sonic 2 first, lol. And as someone who loves Nintendo games, I'm not ashamed to admit that I love the Genesis/Mega Drive as well.

Ah man, that must have been unpleasant to see back then! Those competitive days are long gone now. Nintendo games will always be #1 for me, but yeah, I do enjoy a wide variety of games too. Fun fact: the PS2 was the first non-Nintendo console I had for myself. Loved playing games like Jak and Daxter on it, to give one example.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

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Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

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@MarioLover92 Well, the console wars were a little different over here in the UK. Sega had the lead against Nintendo and we didn't have the "Genesis does what Nintendon't" advertising, mainly because you're not allowed to compare yourself with other products in commercials in Europe. Instead, we had the "To be this good takes SEGA/AGES" and the cyber razor-cut! lol!

Sure, this commercial wasn't AS good as the American commercials, but I have a nostalgic appreciation for it! As mentioned, the real console wars were in the UK gaming magazines, and it was a toxic corporate cesspit!




Oh boy! I was very young when I played Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt on the NES for the first time in 1988. Remembering this make me feels old.



Does Reader Rabbit count? That would be the first game I ever played, but if we are not counting educational games, it is probably Happy Feet for the DS. I feel like mine are a lot more recent than a lot of the other ones I have read



@GX_64 that was my first game too! But I went with a non PC game as my pick.

dysgraphia awareness human


I'm sure I would've answered in one of these threads before but answering again just because. Early on? I would say it would've either been some random DOS shareware games or something on the Sega Master System. It was long enough ago that I don't really remember what order it would've been. But for the former I'd say something like Captain Comic and the latter Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

Although for a few lesser known games there are some others that really stuck in my head from around that time. Some would've definitely been a few years after. My Hero on the Master System which in retrospect is... super average but I remember playing it to death. Then definitely a bit later One Must Fall: 2097

You can actually play those DOS games directly here:
Captain Comic:
One Must Fall: 2097:
It feels kinda wrong playing One Must Fall at the proper framerate

Also for context, all of this was before I had a console of my own. So I wasn't into Nintendo at all at this stage. I got a Gameboy in '95 with a copy of Donkey Kong Land and Mario & Yoshi. Then in early '98 (yes, the N64 was well and truly out by then) I got a SNES with Super Mario Kart followed by an endless barrage of super heavily discounted SNES games.

Then no consoles outside of the GBC and playing various consoles at friends places (Halo LANs!). During High School I was back to PC gaming pretty much exclusively, Vice City, C&C, Age of Empires, Unreal Tournament. Until I picked up a DS at UNI, mostly because New SMB showed Nintendo was taking 2D platformers seriously again but there were a few other reason. I've brought every Nintendo console since

also yes, this turned into me outlining my entire gaming history pretty much up until I joined this forum....

[Edited by skywake]

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


A DOS game I called Hammerman, don't know what the actual title was. If I remember correctly it was somewhat similar to Donkey Kong 1981. This was in the late 80s.



It was games that can be only played with browsers at that time while non browser game was one of these: Worms Armageddon or Mu Online or Pokémon via GBA emulator.

[Edited by SViper]ñol-latino-en-los-juegos-de-pokémon - let's help this petition for Latin American Spanish be add to Pokémon games and with that may increase chance that in future Pokémon games adds more languages. :)

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