
Topic: What was your first game? ...again

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There was a thread like this in 2012, and I would reply to it but it's been archived and locked, so I'm just going to post a similar forum post due to this video!

So yeah, what was everyone's first game. Not only do I know the first game I ever played, but I even know the second, third, and where I played these games.

The first game I ever played was Atari Star Wars in an Arcade which was the entrance hall to a bingo hall at the Caister-on-Sea Haven holiday camp in 1989. I knew what video games were, but I never really understood them until I saw something that I noticed, which was Star Wars, trying through the trenches, and blowing up the Death Star. I whinged at my Grandad to give me a turn on the game, and my spoiled bratty self got a turn on the game and I loved it!

Now the next two games I'm not too sure what came second and what came third, but after I played Atari Star Wars, I spotted these two games, and I had to play them! One of them is possibly the very first fighting game ever made, Karate Champ! I totally remember seeing the scene where you fight on a log that's placed up between two trees, and the scene where you have to fight a bull by timing a punch to its face.

Then the other game I remember was Sky Kid by Namco, a great little shmup, even if it scrolls from right to left rather than left to right. I remember my Dad having a few goes on this game, and getting upset that down wasn't up because that's the control of an actual plane.

So yeah, what's everyone's first game they ever played?

[Edited by SepticLemon]




Wii Sports Resort

dysgraphia awareness human


Super Mario All-Stars was the first game I remember playing. Super Mario Bros. 1 on SMAS, to be more precise. That was on my dad's SNES at the time, and it was actually a few years after that game came out. I was too dang young in the early-to-mid 90s, lol.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


Pac-Man World 2 is the first game I think I’ve ever played, but I remember Wii Sports Resort a lot better. I have so much nostalgia for both of these games and they hold a very special place in my heart.

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The first games I have a memory of are Yoshi and Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES. The first game I played and owned for myself was Pokemon Blue.


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@MarioLover92 Heh, great game to start off with! Though I'm a little older and I got to play SMB1 on an actual NES at a youth club that was close to my parent's old house. That was where I found my love for Super Mario games and platformers in general.

Then later the next year, 1991, I got a GameBoy with a copy of Super Mario land and I loved that game so damn much!




@StarPoint Pac Man World 2 on the PS2 or GameCube?

I specifically ordered an American copy of Pac Man World 2 on the GameCube so that I could get the PacMan Vs. disc that came with it. Heck, I would say I played more of that than Pac Man World 2, though I will admit, I've heard that people loved both games, and I believe that I have the PS1 version of the first game somewhere in my games collection, I really should play it sometime. I don't want to play the remake that's coming out though, as Ms.PacMan is now replaced with PacMom... >




@Eel I remember borrowing a copy of SMB3 from a neighbour a lot, mainly because my parents wouldn't get me a copy mainly because they just thought I should just keep borrowing my neighbour's copy. I'm sure he got really annoyed with me ringing his doorbell and seeing me asking for his copy of SMB3!




The first game I played was a baseball game on my cousin's Atari back in 1984 I want to say.

The first game I actually owned was Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt which came with my NES.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki Nice!

I was born in 1984, so I missed the early generations. The first time I played an Atari 2600 was at a Church that a friend of mine went to. They would sometimes have this club thing that they ran where they had a MegaDrive, Master System, and an Atari 2600 hooked up to TVs. No one played on the 2600, so when I was bored of waiting to play Virtua Racing on the MegaDrive, I would play Kangaroo and Ms PacMan on the 2600.

Thing is, I didn't appreciate the 2600 until I got into my adulthood when I discovered good 2600 games when I really got into retro gaming. One of those is the legendary Yar's Revenge!




I think it was the first Mario Bros. on the NES.



@dionysos283 Oh? Mario Bros, or Super Mario Bros? Remember, the "Super" in the name changes everything! heh! Though it would be awesome and different if you played Mario Bros before Super Mario Bros.

If it was Super Mario Bros though, it's still an amazing game to play as your first game, even though it wasn't my first game, it was the game that got me into the hobby big time and I've kept that hobby since going for a solid 32 years!




@SepticLemon I really didn't get into video games till the NES. My cousin who is a a few years older to me had the Atari. My family during the summer went and visited my Aunt and Uncle so I think it was more like here entertain your cousin while the adults talk lol. In fact the only game I can remember was playing baseball then, I am not even sure if he had other games, or if we played anything else or even how long we played it. I am guessing it didn't impress me much to ask my parents for one but I do remember Atari and it was a video game. I do remember telling my friends I played Atari at my cousins but that was that and we would go back to playing with our Transformers and He-Men lol.

I do remember when my father first rented an NES from a local video store and after hooking it up thinking oh wow this is like Atari only better lol.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki Ah ha, I will admit that even though I played those 3 arcade games on my initial post, I'll admit that Super Mario Bros, REALLY, got me into gaming. It wasn't that Atari Star Wars, Karate Champ and Sky Kid were bad, it was just that SMB1 left a huge impression on me. I guess the same thing happened with you, where you played the 2600, but it wouldn't be until the NES when you really get into gaming.

I had a Commodore 64 before I played on an NES, but there were a bunch of limitations. I was only allowed to play it on an early 70s black and white TV, and you had to wait 5-15 minutes for a tape to load! Not to mention that the C64 I got originally belonged to a friend of my Dad's and I wouldn't realise how important the game he had until I was in my adulthood. Good thing I never sold it and the games I got with it!




@SepticLemon Thanks! Oh that's cool, I wasn't around during the NES era - I was born in 1992, so the SNES and N64 was where I found my love for Nintendo and Mario. My grandmother did happen to have an NES though, and a bunch of games including Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt. I have Super Mario Land 1 and 2 as well, those were what I had for my Game Boy Color back then. SML2 is especially great.

Ah yeah, and to add to my posts, Sonic 2 was the first non-Nintendo game I remember playing. Though that was nearly a decade after that game came out. We didn't have a Sega Genesis back in the 90s, only Nintendo consoles.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


I think it was Mario Sunshine.



I commented on the video itself but I'll repeat it here:

"The first game I remember playing was Bubble Bobble at my local arcade. Many quarters were spent.
Loved the game so much I got the NES version as a birthday present years later."



@MarioLover92 I remember playing Sonic the Hedgehog for the first time at the house of my Mum's friend. She had a teenage son at the time who owned a MegaDrive and he let me try out Sonic and Toejam & Earl. TBH, I was way too used to SMB and slower games compared to Sonic. I was only 7 at the time, and had only been playing games for 2 years, so I really didn't have the experience to embrace the MegaDrive.

The problem was I got myself a Sega Magazine the year after, and yikes, gaming magazines in the nineties really fueled the console wars, and there was a piece of fan art where Sonic and James Pond were pushing Mario into a pit of quicksand, and my young and overly impressionable mind got really angered by such a picture and turned me into a hardcore Nintendo fanboy for almost a decade! lmao! I'm just glad that I got over my fanboyism by the time the Millenium came.




seaboyluca wrote:

I commented on the video itself but I'll repeat it here:

"The first game I remember playing was Bubble Bobble at my local arcade. Many quarters were spent.
Loved the game so much I got the NES version as a birthday present years later."

Oh man! Bubble Bobble! Such an arcade classic! Both the NES and Master System ports of that game are great! I remember playing the arcade version in some place in Great Yarmouth, and I'll be honest, I had no idea that I was meant to pop the bubbles that I caught in enemies in, lmao! So I'll admit that I was VERY terrible at the game when I first played it.

I would then get an NES version as a kid when I got some birthday money, and I knew this place that had second-hand NES games in. I would pick up Bubble Bobble and Chip 'n' Dale, both games are really great!




Greatluigi wrote:

I think it was Mario Sunshine.

Wow, I was 18 when Mario Sunshine came out. Great game, but I'll admit in saying that I preferred Mario 64 over Sunshine. However, I did get to play Mario Sunshine at a gaming event in London before the game came out, and I had a lot of fun with that.



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