
Topic: The Official GameCube Thread

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I have many of those (Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario are too expensive really). I got my GameCube in 2003 and it was the first console I actually bought for myself. I got a copy of Wind Waker at the same time and my collection was only 11 games before the console was discontinued in 2007 (wind Waker, Jedi outcast (great Star Wars game), REmake, (one of the reasons I wanted a cube) Rogue leader (loves the original on N64), resident Evil Zero (I borrowed a cube from a housemate for a weekend at university and completed the first disc but didn’t have access to the second), sonic mega collection (Mega Drive was my first console) Metroid Prime (first Metroid game), Double Dash (best Mario Kart) star Fox adventures (never finished it) and resident evil 4 played to death on PS2 but graphics are better on cube).

It was actually my backup console, bought for exclusives to compliment my PS2 (which I got as a present a year earlier). It’s was actually the first time I’ve had two consoles going at the same time, until I had Wii and Xbox 360 at the same time).

I returned to it in 2012 and gradually built up a fair collection. Aside from the big popular games I also enjoyed Gun (precursor to red dead redemption I think), beyond good and evil, timesplitters future perfect, from Russia with love. There are a fair few I’ve played but not finished and quite a few I’ve never actually played at all!

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber I was Nintendo-only until this generation, my first console was SNES but my school friends had a Mega Drive and we played both. Yeah, Resident Evil 4 is as important as REmake but I have them all on Xbox One too. Resident Evil Zero is atypical but good, I enjoyed it much because it works well as a prequel and you live what happened to Bravo Team. I am obsessed with the Resident Evil history.

Another "obscure" GameCube game that I like is Eternal Darkness which I only played recently. Metroid Prime was also the first Metroid game for me.



Hah, I have them on Xbox 360/One as well! I still have Resident Evil 2 on N64 from back in the day. That got played to (un)death...

Eternal Darkness is great but Resident Evil is my favourite horror series (though 6 was terrible). The Evil Within reminds me of it and silent hill a lot. I want to play 7 eventually and the remake of 2 is the only game I’m looking to buy at the moment (gamepass is saving me a fortune, got 3 months for £1).

I was playing 1080 avalanche for the first time in ages yesterday. Never have it much time but it finally ‘clicked’ so I’m going to try and get further in it (I should do the same with Fzero GX, I loved fzero x on n64 but the sequel is insanely fast).

Warioworld is my next game to complete. I’ve been going through some shorter games recently on my Xbox (Max: the curse of brotherhood, brothers: a tale of two sons and the Turing Test). It is satisfying to actually finish games and cube games are generally under 15hours so that fits in with my (lack of) time.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber We have the same taste. Resident Evil is also my favourite survival horror series but I actually liked 6 more than 5. 7 is great but its story is somewhat distant and I'd like 8 to be more connected and with the characters that we know. Please, Code Veronica and 3 remakes. Project Zero (Fatal Frame) is another series I really love.

I agree, F-Zero GX is a bit too much and I say this having played Extreme-G, Wipeout and Redout. Game Pass is also saving me a fortune! I also played Wario World recently, it has some good moments and some bosses are hilarious. I have played Silent Hill Shattered Memories on Wii, I'd like to play the others too and even replay Shattered Memories which is short anyway.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@1UP_MARIO Yeah, that's true. Very good and rich color schemes, and almost perfect blacks. Gonna be quite the chore to replace it with an equally good or better screen, once it reaches the end of its life. I've already got quite a few burnt-in logos and such, so the end isn't that far off, unfortunately...

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@BlueOcean I got code Veronica x on the cube in a charity shop years ago for £1. That was a lucky find (though it was my first PS2 game so I never bothered playing the cube version). I think I picked up Metroid Prime 2 the same year for £5.

I’d like to play shattered memories but last time I checked it was quite expensive.

Tbh I didn’t give resi 6 much of a chance, the graphics were poor compared to 5 (which I enjoyed like 4). Maybe I’ll revisit it one day. After all I completed the 2 outbreak games and dead aim on Ps2, so I’m sure I could stomach at least one play through!

I’d love to get 2 and 3 on cube, as both have been tidied up from the PS1 days but the cheapest I’ve seem them for is £20-£30 and that’s too much for 15 year old ports.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber Resident Evil 6 on Xbox One performs much better than on last generation consoles and that helped to make the game more enjoyable this time according to many reviewers and players. I played 5 and 6 for the first time on Xbox One so I can't compare but I found 6 entertaining and with smooth performance and gameplay. Each campaign is somewhat different and I played them all. 5 is like a fast-paced and exaggerated 4 and more action than anything else but 6 has a lot of variety compared to it and some of the segments are quite interesting. Let's write our rankings... it has been a bit difficult for me and ALL are good games but...

Resident Evil (remake)
Resident Evil 2 (remake)
Resident Evil Code Veronica (most of all for the story but it needs a remake)
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 3 (a remake will make it more appealing, for sure)

Gamecuber wrote:

After all I completed the 2 outbreak games and dead aim on Ps2, so I’m sure I could stomach at least one play through!

Have you also played Raccoon City? I haven't but I've heard bad things... LOL

[Edited by Banjo-]



@BlueOcean raccoon city is supposed to be terrible!

I’m going to be controversial in my list but...

Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 2 (if the newer version is as good as I hope I’ll move it up)
Resident Evil 3
Code Veronica

(Not played 6 properly and it’s the 360 version and not played 7 yet)

Why have I put 4 first (‘it’s not proper survival horror etc’)? Simple: it blew me away when I first played it!

Remake is excellent, and the additions were superb, but having played the PS1 original (on PC) to death, I already knew the story.

4 was a complete surprise. I was living abroad and had come home for Xmas. I hadn’t taken a console with me (as I didn’t know if I’d have a tv in the flat I was renting) so decided to take my PS2 (for DVD’s as well). Shortly before flying back out I went into a store and was chatting to one of the guys there who told me about resi 4 (no internet for the 4 months I’d been abroad, hadn’t found a decent Internet cafe yet and couldn’t afford it in my flat so knew nothing about the game).

He told me it was the best game of the year so I bought a copy and started it before I went back. I continued it abroad and I was amazed at just how long it was! Just when I thought I’d finished a section of the game there would be another room or area to explore. It really kept me going through a very long and cold winter, plus it had the extra Ada Wong campaigns as well.

I don’t remember really playing any other games than Resi 4 for 4 months or so, I just kept coming back to it (that and the fact that I actually had a social life in those days so gaming wasn’t as much of a hobby as now). I actually damaged the game beyond repair when I knocked my ps2 on the floor whilst cleaning and the disc was running! I got another copy a year later and picked up the cube version cheap as well. Less features and weapons are differently balanced on the cube but the graphics (especially water effects) are much better.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber That is a really interesting story and I relate somehow. I can agree with the top half of your ranking easily. Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) was the first Resident Evil game that I played. It was supposed to be the great GameCube exclusive so I got it. I consider it more survival horror than most people because it really scared me at times, I can't forget those dungeons with powerful enemies in my first playthrough. I also didn't play any other games at the same time, it makes you think how much more we enjoyed games like that and I still try not to play two story games at the same time. I also remember thinking that the game had offered me more than enough and then another section appeared. I remember those high-quality textures, water and eerie atmosphere and variety in gameplay and still being coherent and focused. It is a masterpiece. It's fourth just because I liked the story of Code Veronica more. Too bad we both had more social life back then though.

Resident Evil Remake was the second Resident Evil game that I've played and I think that it's another masterpiece but still more focused and eerie.

I forgot to list the Revelations games. I have played Revelations on 3DS twice, on Wii U once but I played the Raid mode a lot on Wii U, getting the best ranking in every level except the last which is crazy. I got it for Xbox One too. I like Revelations but there are a few things I don't like as much as in other games like the enemies and the outsourced story that is a bit too twisted.

Revelations 2 is another one that I liked in spite of foulmouthed Moira which I finally accepted as a poor confused teenager. I got the complete edition on Xbox One and yes, I liked it more than Revelations because of some of the chapters but its visual art is mediocre compared to the brilliant art in Remake, 4 or Revelations, so it's a mixed bag like Revelations.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@BlueOcean I played the first part of revelations 2 as a freebie on Xbox 360. It was ok, but nothing special.

I played through revelations on 3ds and Wii u. I liked it, clearly they had put in a lot of effort (though the story, which is usually the weakest aspect of RE games, is still pretty silly).

I think 1-4 are the best games in the series, in that the story and characters run nicely between the first 3 and 4 introduces something totally fresh and different, but still connects through Leon and Ada. Zero is good as well, just not as impressive as REmake.

Have you played Darkside/Umbrella chronicles on Wii? I liked those at the time too but can’t really see myself playing them again anytime soon.

Just on a general note, I don’t think I’ve ever really seen the gulf in graphic quality on any other system quite like on GameCube (apart from Gameboy but that was more of an evolution thing over its lifetime). What I mean by this is if you look at how good some of the early games looked it’s funny to see how bad many third party games look in comparison later in the machine’s life. For example, Rogue Squadron 2 is a release game and looks phenomenal but something like Turok Evolution looks terrible by comparison!

The first party games show just what the machine could do but many companies seemed not to bother (Metroid prime, sunshine and Double Dash still look great today). Anyone else notice this? I know storage was limited compared to xbox/PS2 discs but the cube was capable of so much more (I know this is why multiplats look worse often on cube than the others)

[Edited by Gamecuber]

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber That's true. Some GameCube look amazing even today, resolution aside. Resident Evil Remake and 4 are good examples but so are Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Rogue Squadron 2, Mario Kart Double Dash and others. Actually, I think that many GameCube games look better than the Wii counterparts. Take Mario Kart Double Dash, it looks better than Mario Kart Wii and doesn't Super Mario Sunshine look better than Galaxy? In my opinion, Monster Hunter Tri and The Darkside Chronicles are the best-looking Wii games and were made by Capcom and Capcom and Cavia.

GameCube got a lot of cheap rushed third-party ports because it was cheap to release the GameCube version unlike the N64 era when it was really expensive to port and produce the game so we got a bit of everything like on Wii.

Yes, I have The Umbrella Chronicles and The Darkside Chronicles and I love both. I played them a lot, especially The Umbrella Chronicles. Somehow Capcom made rail shooters that still were Resident Evil.



@BlueOcean yeah, those games you listed are ones that come to mind. It might be the nature of the more cartoony graphics in games like sunshine and Double Dash but they have aged really well. I played wind Waker the other day and I have completed the HD version recently but honestly, as nice as it looks it didn’t really need an overhaul, the toon graphics on the cube have aged superbly.

Even the more ‘realistic’ graphics of REmake and Zero still look good and show just what was possible with the right effort (RE4 and Twilight Princess too). It can be quite jarring to play something like Metroid Prime one minute then play something like Clone Wars and are the complete difference in quality.

As for looking better than the Wii counterparts, there is a small leap on some aspects of graphics (I do think Galaxy improves on Sunshine but Sunshine is still a great looking game) but the colours on Wii always seem muted compared to the cube (especially between the two Mario carts).

As I said before, PS2 was my main system back then, but the graphics on games on that system all seemed very alike in quality, whereas the GameCube has a real mixture of quality. First party games looked significantly better than anything on PS2 (though my collection for PS2 is dwarfed by my GameCube Collection).

@redderrugfish the component cable is great for Wii, but only my tv in the lounge has component inputs (and my wife watches tv on that). My flatscreen in the man cave has everything but component, so my Wii runs through RGB SCART into that. Fine for virtual console (I use Wii u for Wii disc games) but looks better through the crt which currently has the cube plugged in.

Monster Hunter Tri was my favourite Wii game, I miss the online. I have ultimate for Wii u and 3ds but the online just wasn’t the same. However, Monster Hunter World on Xbox One is superb. Really feels like a modern version of Tri.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@RedderRugfish Listing the best looking GameCube games and NOT mentioning the two Star Wars Rogue Leader titles? Tssss...

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@Gamecuber True, Mario Kart Wii is kind of whitish compared to GameCube. Super Mario Galaxy had these nice but really small worlds that I disliked. I read an interview with one of the Metroid Prime developers. They spent days and nights thinking how to improve the visuals of one of the enemies using different techniques. Factor 5 were geniuses too. Twilight Princess was breathtaking. Some Wii games were visually better, Monster Hunter Tri and The Darkside Chronicles are two good examples but the Wii was certainly underpowered.

Monster Hunter Tri was also the Wii game that I played the most and yes, the online was awesome. I made friends with some players. I also miss its fellowship. Monster Hunter World on Xbox One feels like the closest thing.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@RedderRugfish Which one? Two or three? Three actually has WAY more content, so still worth hunting down if you enjoyed the second game.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Just a general question: do you have any GameCube guilty pleasures? By that I mean games which are not considered particularly great but you enjoy anyway?

For me Smuggler’s Run: Warzones qualifies. I really enjoyed the single player and the few times I’ve gotten people to play it multiplayer it was a good laugh.

Also, do any of you ever take advantage of the GBA connectivity? I remember using it with Wind Waker to summon Tingle to drop bombs , but items etc. That was a feature that was sadly missing from the HD remake.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber Have I ever taken advantage of the GBA connectivity?
I've got only one thing to say to that: Pac-Man Vs.

Get some friends around, and you'll experience absolute local multi-player gold. You'll need 3 GameCube controllers and one GBA, obviously.

You can find more info on that game and how to get it here:

As for guilty pleasures: for me, those were/are probably Sega Soccer Slam and Sega's Beach Spikers. Except these titles were also actually pretty good games, so I guess they don't really qualify.

Perhaps my only REAL guilty pleasure was Outlaw Golf...

[Edited by ThanosReXXX]

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@RedderRugfish Ah... I see. Well, of course, tastes differ, so if it's not for you, then fair enough.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Ok, desert islands discs time. You know the drill: stuck on an island with your cube (and assumedly a tv and power supply).

Which three games do you take with you?

(No cheating: Gameboy player or backwards compatible Wii not allowed!)

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


Gamecuber wrote:

Also, do any of you ever take advantage of the GBA connectivity? I remember using it with Wind Waker to summon Tingle to drop bombs , but items etc. That was a feature that was sadly missing from the HD remake.

Yeah, Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, and the Pokemon games too. Sadly, my GBA died a while ago.


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