
Topic: The Official GameCube Thread

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@ThanosReXXX it’s a better resolution but rgb provides better colours. I have a Wii with componant bc with gamecube and a gamecube with rgb connected on the same tv but I prefer the gamecube with rgb.

Without any modification I think a PAL gamecube with its RGB is the best option. Componant or HDMI doesn’t support all games without mod.

[Edited by 1UP_MARIO]

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@1UP_MARIO I was talking about component on GameCube. That cable is either impossible to find or ridiculously expensive nowadays, but it is FAR better than RGB.

That Hyperkin cable I linked to in comment #63 is also a very good option.

[Edited by ThanosReXXX]

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


1UP_MARIO wrote:

@ThanosReXXX it’s not a better resolution but rgb provides better colours. I have a Wii with componant bc with gamecube and a gamecube with rgb connected on the same tv but I prefer the gamecube with rgb.

Without any modification I think a PAL gamecube with its RGB is the best option. Componant or HDMI doesn’t support all games without mod.

Exactly, you and I are right.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@BlueOcean No, not really. Now, if you would say that the best affordable option is RGB, then you'd be absolutely right, but the actual best option is the highly coveted yet largely impossible to find official GameCube component cable. And that's regardless of what model GameCube you have.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@ThanosReXXX the componant is the same output as a CARBY or eons hdmi adapter. We don’t need to find componant cables as you can just buy a carby which has more features built in into it like scanlines for only 70£

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


1UP_MARIO wrote:

@ThanosReXXX the componant is the same output as a CARBY or eons hdmi adapter. We don’t need to find componant cables as you can just buy a carby which has more features built in into it like scanlines for only 70£

That is right.




All kidding aside, though, I have to stress again that we're discussing and looking at native solutions. The Carby is a custom option. I was simply comparing all standard available options for the GameCube, so that's the cable that comes in the box, RGB, digital AV, S-video and GameCube component. And the latter is irrefutably the best option in that list. Wii component doesn't compare, but like I said: that's not a native solution that's only for the GameCube, so it doesn't count in any comparison.

[Edited by ThanosReXXX]

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@ThanosReXXX I’m not saying your wrong. Its like when you play luigis mansion ntsc with componant true 480p mode you can see pixels on luigis cap and the image is made super sharp. It’s more so falling towards user preference really having tried both but some games do look really good.

@BlueOcean I’ve stopped using the Wii as a gamecube and fell in love with the cube with its RGB colours. Also there are some games which give you more options to make the image quality more sharper like pikmin 2 melee

[Edited by 1UP_MARIO]

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


1UP_MARIO wrote:

@BlueOcean I’ve stopped using the Wii as a gamecube and fell in love with the cube with its RGB colours. Also there are some games which give you more options to make the image quality more sharper like pikmin 2, melee

Yes and a lot of PAL GameCube games have the 60Hz option so in those games we get 60Hz as a bonus. I'm in love with my RGB GameCube and RGB Nintendo 64 too! Games look so much better and I still have a good 29" CRT TV.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@1UP_MARIO Yeah, that's true. And RGB does offer vibrant colors, so in the end, personal preference is a big factor in which solution you might prefer, so I'd say it's that combined with how much you're willing to pay for whatever solution.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@BlueOcean I have a 14” crt which is hiding inside a billy bookcase at the bottom shelf with custom doors. Wife didn’t know about it and I hid it from her for weeks 😉. It’s small but n64 games look great on it.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@1UP_MARIO Nice! I tried to put mine inside the wardrobe but it's too big. Everybody asks why is there an old TV in the living room.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@1up_mario good to see someone else uses an RGB GameCube on an old 14” CRT, I thought I was the only one! It looks great and is also a big improvement over the standard composite cables on my flat screen too.

I was so lucky when I got my RGB cable at a retro event a few years ago. Just lying there in a box full of random cables. Got it for £2! Also picked up a matching indigo Gameboy player for £4 (I still have the boot disc with my old black model).

Has anyone noticed that some games look strange through a Wii with component cables? On the flat screen in my living room some games (most noticeably TimeSplitters 2) are blurry. No issue when played through the RGB cable on the GameCube though.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


Gamecuber wrote:

@1up_mario good to see someone else uses an RGB GameCube on an old 14” CRT, I thought I was the only one! It looks great and is also a big improvement over the standard composite cables on my flat screen too.

I was so lucky when I got my RGB cable at a retro event a few years ago. Just lying there in a box full of random cables. Got it for £2! Also picked up a matching indigo Gameboy player for £4 (I still have the boot disc with my old black model).

Has anyone noticed that some games look strange through a Wii with component cables? On the flat screen in my living room some games (most noticeably TimeSplitters 2) are blurry. No issue when played through the RGB cable on the GameCube though.

Yes, that is what I mentioned, Wii has a very cheap video chip so GameCube games look worse even using the component cable. Fortunately, Gamecube and Wii U have much better video output. If it is the official one you were extremely lucky to get the RGB GameCube cable for £2. I paid over £50 on eBay for a new one.

[Edited by Banjo-]



I’ve checked and as far as I can tell it’s official [DOL-013 (EUR)] on one side and the Nintendo logo on the other. I couldn’t believe it when I found it, double checked with the stall owner and sure enough just £2.

I’ve been lucky with a couple of other GameCube things in my collection (I have roughly 100 games, give or take). I got a Wavebird and receiver for £14 a few years back (a small saving but nevertheless) andI got Twilight Princess for £17 on eBay back in 2012 (at the time it was still going for double that). However it remains the only game I have ever lost in the near 30 years I’ve been playing! No idea how it went missing, haven’t seen it in 5 years. I did get to complete it and have both the Wii version and Wii U HD remake but it still baffles me as to how I managed it! I really don’t want to buy it again for £30+...

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber Oh but the Twilight Princess HD remaster for Wii U is soooo good! You don't need the GameCube version anymore. When I got my cable it was relatively cheap, some sellers were selling them for almost double than that and the Japanese "digital" component cable is much more expensive. I mean, ridiculously expensive, look at this one £205.36 on eBay and it's not even new. At least my RGB cable was new and I paid just a bit more than I would have paid when it was released.



@Gamecuber No such problems here, with fuzzy looking games on the Wii through component cables.
However, I do run the games off of my Wii's hard drive, through Nintendont, so that might influence things a bit.

I've also found that there is indeed also a quality difference in the various component cables on offer, but the one I use now, with gold-plated plugs, yields pretty good results. I'm using a 42" Full HD Plasma screen (Panasonic Viera). Screen might also be of influence, where clearing up and/or upscaling the image is concerned.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


I use the official wii component cables into a 40” Sony Bravia (it is about 9 years old though) and really only noticed the difference on Timesplitters 2. Not fuzzy like composite but more motion blur.

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’


@Gamecuber What are your favourite GameCube games? The first game I got for it was Wave Race Blue Storm at launch (Dad's present) and still is one of my favourite ones. Resident Evil Remake is also one but now it's available everywhere. I like F-Zero GX but it's a bit too difficult.

Other games I love in my collection: Extreme-G 3, Luigi's Mansion (now on 3DS), Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (best Mario Golf game), Mario Kart: Double Dash (best Mario Kart game), Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Paper Mario: The Thousand-year Door (best Paper Mario game), Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Sonic Mega Collection, Super Mario Sunshine (this and Super Mario 64 are the best 3D Mario games in my opinion) and Star Fox Adventures (the only Rare game for GameCube and one of my favourites).

[Edited by Banjo-]



@ThanosReXXX I also used the gold plated component cables and nintendont but that’s the difference your using a plasma screen. The Wii looks fantastic on a plasma screen

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

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