
Topic: The N64 Thread

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I remember when GameTek announced and then showed a prototype of Robotech: Crystal Dreams. Then GameTek realized good games like that take time and folded the project.
The ROM of the prototype is fun for a bit, though. Man, that game would have been awesome.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@JackEatsSparrows Ahh cancelled games and the N64, more than you can count really. I remember back as a teen, all the awesome stuff getting canned.



@ReaderRagfihs Wasn't Majora's Mask originally a 64DD game that got made into its own regular N64 game? I seem to remember that it was.



N64 is a very special console for me because I grew up with SNES and N64. I have fond memories of both. Super Mario World still is the best 2D Mario game ever. Many of the N64 games are till as good as ever, especially remastered: Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask... Diddy Kong Racing is probably the best "kart" racer ever. Nintendo should remake Super Mario 64, the best 3D Mario game. Who didn't have fun playing Goldeneye? And, like the OP wrote, there are many less-known games.



@ReaderRagfihs I played it, but not really enough to give a good opinion. I was more of a Clayfighter fan then


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@ReaderRagfihs the music was good. The new characters cool looking. The gameplay wasn't as polished as Killer Instinct and the controls felt clunky. I had fun with it at the time, but rarely revisit it. If you want to play an early 3d fighter its worth it, but Killer Instinct is somehow a better game overall so keep that in mind.



@ReaderRagfihs I played a lot both, KI on SNES and KIG on N64 and both at the arcade (KIG is based on KI2).

KI is more serious and polished but I had more fun with KIG. Both have an amazing soundtrack. The gameplay is a bit like SF but with combos and combo breakers, ultra combos (finishing combos) but well you know this already. You feel good when you pull them out. You should try both because no one knows which one you would prefer, but the SNES version of KI is quite downgraded (not as much as the GB LOL), so I prefer the arcade version on Xbox One. I also prefer the arcade version of KI2 (also on Xbox One) because KIG combines sprites and 3D backgrounds (like Mario Kart 64) but KIG is a pretty decent version anyway and even has extra modes including a training mode.



@ReaderRagfihs I'd recommend it for under $5. I liked it, but it hasn't aged well. Environments are sparse and the claymation definitely isn't as cool as it was. Kinda like watching Nightmare Before Christmas on a worn VHS. That said, it's friggin' hilarious and definitely would wind up being some kind of Adult Swim game if made today. So yeah, it's crap. But fun crap.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


ReaderRagfihs wrote:

@BlueOcean To be fair, the Gameboy version is a lot of fun. It's definitely downgraded, but they still did a very good job with it. I've even managed to pull of a few ultra combos on it too.

Is the SNES version downgraded in ways other than sound and graphics? It was really fun for the short time I played it, it didn't feel like a watered down port onto inferior hardware.

Animation frames and sprites size but gameplay is basically the same. The SNES version was bundled with a CD with the uncompressed songs that I still have. I just watched a Killer Instinct GB long play video and it's quite impressive, I don't know how Rare could make the tunes sound that good with the poor sound capabilities of the Game Boy. Great work.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@ReaderRagfihs Yeah, Rare did an amazing job on Nintendo 64 to the point that Miyamoto was jealous according to different sources.

One thing that always amused me about Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct 2/Gold was how different some characters were, like Orchid, that had a different outfit, hair style and moves. Fire Cat was part of some combos in the first game and in the second game is a special move. In the third game Fire Cat is her Instinct move. Her fire ball is totally different in the first (Lasaken) and second game (Tonfa Fire), too. In the sequel she learns Air Buster which I used to abuse. It's a very cool move with an airplane FX included, it's also her combo breaker. In the third game she has a mix of the first and second moveset with extra moves. In my opinion she is the most fascinating character in the whole franchise, but I love Jago too.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@ReaderRagfihs Glacius has been always difficult to master. Fulgore has always been cool.



@subpopz OoT was originally a 64DD game that got some content cut and put on a cart due to delays.

The big thing with the 64DD is: if youre announcing it before the system is even launched, why not just make the system with it built in?

That being said 64DD would solve the space issue, but not the cost.

Sakurai: Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves.

"If we did this (mobile games), Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo." - Iwata


I have so many fond memories of the Nintendo 64. One of them being with Mario 64 and another one with Super Smash Bros. Despite not being my first console, it is the one I cherished the most of my 3 first consoles.

Undergoing games:
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity


anybody got n64 repair tips? I've bought a new official Nintendo cable for it and tested countless HDMI cables (I have an AV>HDMI converter that works with my Wii, so I know it's not that), but I'm not getting any video from it. it turns on, but there's no audio or video. seeing as how I've went through 2 official Nintendo cables (the composite cable that plugs into the n64), I doubt it's that. Is it just done for, or is there anything I can do to try to fix it?



@Arbor it’s possible that it might be the games. Try different games or just clean the game cartridge contacts and try again. My n64 does this often so I have to get the game out and then insert it again and hope for the best

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@1UP_MARIO how do you recommend cleaning the game cartridges? I've seen some people say using alcohol on a q-tip but i'm afraid of anything wet damaging the game.



@ReaderRagfihs i tried that on two separate games and unfortunately, it did not work am still getting “no signal” when it’s on. any other suggestions? i also tried wiping down the part of the n64 that connects to the games and propped it open so it could dry.

edit: after doing some reading, I think that the issue here is that the tvs I have tried do not accept 240p resolution. I have tried on what I believe are "Samsung 1080p 60 inch", a "Hitachi" that appears to be about 39 or 41 inches, and a very small "Vizio" tv that looks pretty much like a large computer monitor. I've been using an AV>HDMI adapter that has 720p or 1080p "modes" on it. how do you all play your N64s on on modern tvs? or do you just use old ones?

update 2: i dug out my brother’s old tv which is definitely a CRT, it doesn’t even take HDMI, and it just flashes a few bars and does nothing. the audio just makes a buzzing noise. safe to say it’s kaput unfortunately

[Edited by Arbor]



@ReaderRagfihs just one each time i turn it on/off, then a blank screen. i’ve cleaned and blown on the cartridge and the n64 game slot numerous times. i would think it should flash no bars and instead should display the game?

[Edited by Arbor]


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