
Topic: RARE - overrated in hindsight?

Posts 21 to 40 of 45


Oh, we're going over Rare games title by title? Yay!
Battletoads-utterly destroyed by its difficulty
Goldeneye-Simply awesome in its day, hasn't exactly aged well.
Perfect Dark-Very Good, but partially crippled by technical issues (and so ugly it hurts to look at)
Banjo Kazooie/Tooie-didn't appeal to me, but not bad games.
Killer Instinct-Decent, but shallow fighter.
Diddy Kong Racing-Crap.
Star Fox Adventures-A complete disaster in every way with crap story, setting and characters. Boring as hell too.
Donkey Kong Country series-Fun, but hit or miss level design. Something about the graphics always turned me off a bit, also.
Donkey Kong 64-Worthless series of fetch quests that still pisses me off to think about. Crap.
Conker Bad Fur Day-Enjoyable, but the humor is painfully bad at times. Still, a sentimental favorite of mine.
Blast Corps-Cool and unique, even if few ever played it.
Perfect Dark Zero-A let down and a mess all around. Multiplayer almost saves it, though. Almost.
Kameo-Pretty looking crap.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


Banjo Tooie was a let down. More moves and gigantic environments don't always equal a great sequel.

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You just called Banjo Tooie a craptastic mess. It's one of my favorite platformers of all time. In what sense of the word was it "craptastic"?

Anyway, no. Rare was great in the 64 days, and they made a modern masterpiece last year--Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts.

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mrmicawber wrote:

Anyway, RARE had thei moments, but not many...

On the contrary, they had quite a few moments!
Banjo-Tooie was darker, but still a great game! Better than the original in alot of ways! And Star Fox Adventures, I think it's the Star Fox equivalent of the US SMB2! Maybe too much a departure from what the series is known for, but still a great game in its own right!
As for Perfect Dark, don't make me laugh! It's a classic just as is Goldeneye!



Banjo Tooie always reminded me of that dinosaur boss

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@ The Fox
Perfect Dark is ugly to look at?! Are you 12 or something? It had, by far, some of the best graphics for its day, and even today, it's not horrible-looking.

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


In hindsight, no. It took me a while to figure out that they weren't what they used to be though...

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


I think you have been spoiled by current gen systems.



grenworthshero wrote:

@ The Fox
Perfect Dark is ugly to look at?! Are you 12 or something? It had, by far, some of the best graphics for its day, and even today, it's not horrible-looking.

What exactly would the correlation be between a 12 year old and thinking the game is ugly?
No, I owned the game in the day and always thought it was pug-fugly. That didn't mean it was a huge issue, unlike the frame rate.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


I think The Fox may actually be partially blind and one-handed, looking at the way he nonchalantly destroyed so many Rare classics there. Huh?!?

Perfect Dark was probably the best looking game on the N64, so does that mean all 64 games were pug-fugly or whatever you said?



I agree with Fox though - PD IS ugly and WAS ugly.

Mario 64 looks better - PD hurts the eyes and has a poor framerate. Sure Goldeneye is simpler, but it does not strain the eyes...

I still had fun with PD but the single player was not near as fun to me as Goldeneye...

IGN: The holiday Wii lineup looks thin for the hardcore crowd. We see this. Gamers see this. What, if anything, is Nintendo planning to address it?

Oh good, I am neither a gamer or hardcore. Saves me from having to be IGNorant.
Right, Down, A, Down, Right, Up


@Machu and Grenworthshero
Say, you two did notice I said I liked the game, right? I just think it's uglier than a 50 year old streetwalker. Looks worse in motion, too.

Edited on by The_Fox

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


You know after the N64 I really have not played another Rare game. I kind of miss killer instinct though. Cinder !



@The Fox & mrmicawber: It was not ugly and I'm not sure why you are saying as such. I imagine if I turned it on now, I'd say 'yuk', but back then it was waaaay better visually then anything else around, aside from say Turok 2 on hi-res mode, but that became unplayable half way through. I played god knows how many hours of PD whilst 100%ing it and never thought it looked bad, quite the opposite in fact. I am perplexed as to your opinion. But that's a pattern I'm getting used to on here. Ug!



You guys are completely insane. Did you ever actually play the game? How can you possibly think Goldeneye looked better? The correlation between being 12 and thinking the game looks like crap is because 12-year-olds were born into this generation of gaming, and when compared to that, PD looks like poopie. Super Mario 64 looks better?! I suggest you actually, you know, open your eyes when you're playing games before you compare them.

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero

Nintendo Network ID: grenworthshero


No mention of the awesomeness that is Viva PiƱata? FAIL




Ugly?!? I remember spending lots of time in this room, checking out the reflections and the sun flare through the window, things rarely seen on 64 at that point. Scuse the pun.



I don't know why a little ol' internet guy's opinion that PD is ugly seems to upset you guys. If you think it looked good, then great for you. I just disagree.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


Hey, you can talk about healthcare, religion or politics and I won't get riled. Say PD was ugly, and the fanboy within is released. We shall agree to dis-agree yeah.

On to more important things like having a scratch, ooooh that's better.


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