
Topic: Have you ever considered replacing your old retro game boxes?

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You know how Nes, Snes, and Gameboy games used to come packaged in flimsy paper boxes? Ever wonder why they suddenly by the time gamecube came out started using plastic cases? What's up with that? As kids I'm sure most of you threw those boxes away. Lately I've been thinking they'd sure look nicer on my shelf with boxes. Plastic ones like they use today i mean.

I actually found a few on ebay that some sellers have made themselves complete with the original artwork and everything. I'm considering buying a few. Probably just my absolute favorites like Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania and other ones that really stood out.

So yeah anyway am i nuts for considering this or has the thought Crossed your mind as well?



Given the amount of loose carts and even discs I see on eBay for more modern stuff, some people still don't care about the cases - even the plastic ones.

There are loads of companies out there that do custom cases now, so there's definitely a market for it.
I had looked into getting some for the loose Game Gear & GB/GBA carts I have, but they're usually not very cheap and so anything more than a few becomes prohibitively expensive.

I've seen people use DS cases for Gameboy and GBA carts and just print custom covers, and even old cassette tape cases with custom prints too - they look really good actually and worth it if you've got the means to do print the covers yourself.

I ended up not bothering with cases for my Game Gear carts (all loose since I've only recently started collecting them) and bought a small 3-drawer teabag holder from Amazon which fits the carts perfectly - can get about a dozen or so in each drawer.



Before the panorama I had been saving to replace all my nes, snes and n64 boxes with repro cases. That idea sorta fell apart as I barely have room to store my games as is. I do want to revisit that thought though. I am working on upscaling/replacing/upgrading my current systems first. To see if I will expand my retro collection further. Trying to save for new instruments this year though.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
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