
Topic: The PlayStation Fan Thread

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SteveRod1992 wrote:

TysonOfTime wrote:

And would someone explain to me how the cloud backwards compatibility works?

No word on pricing, they confirmed the PS3 won't be native to PS4, so guessing the only way to play PS3 games on PS4 is through Could Gaming.

"Long-term Perry said Sony wants to put PlayStation 1, 2, 3 and PlayStation Mobile titles in the cloud so players can play them on Vita and PS4. "This would fundamentally change the concept of longevity," Perry said. "

To blessed to be stressed.
80's music makes me feel fabulous.
What Would Duane Do?

Nintendo Network ID: Choryzo


At the end of the show they displayed Playstation 4 for Holiday Season 2013. Plus only controller shown.

[Edited by SteveRod1992]


Nintendo Network ID: SteveRod87


tealovertoma wrote:

That was underwhelming. 50% FPS games (ugh when will that genre die) and a failure to show what else they're doing besides better graphics.

Thank god Sony has Japan's support (the developers that want to work with high-end consoles), so I'll probably end up getting one in 5 years.

Um, they only showed two, killzone and destiney.



From a technical stand point, the thing is a beast. But only Infamous and Killzone really caught my eye, software wise.


3DS Friend Code: 0645-5771-9850 | Nintendo Network ID: terribledeli


Any guess on what Final Fantasy game Square Enix will show at E3 for PS4?


Nintendo Network ID: SteveRod87


I'm thinking the touchpad has nothing to do with the Wii U. They are very different and Sony easily could have thought of it before Wii U was announced.



Meh. Just a resounding feeling of 'meh'. This is how I know that I will always be a Nintendo fanboy. When Nintendo unviels a new system, I am jittery with excitement, and generally smiling. I sat watching this entire thing in the same position, my eyes dull, and my only utterance throughout the entire ordeal a single yawn. I was flat out unimpressed with literally everything they had to show me. My most positive thought was, "Huh, those graphics are sort of pretty," and that was the extent of it. And, the whole touch screen on the controller just seems like an inferior Wii U tablet touch screen (no display, smaller) and sort of makes me shake my head. All in all, this presentation did not miraculously render me a Sony believer. In all fairness, nothing short of true virtual reality could have anyways, but regardless, colour me unimpressed.



The PS4 looks so awsome. Hope they reveal Uncharted 4 for it soon.



I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's going to be $699,99.

I used to travel the stars, then I discovered Earth, and these incredibly addicting things called 'Video Games.'
And they said you couldn't buy happiness!


Caught the tail end of this after coming in late- Sony seems to be focusing on what games and partnerships they've got, very light on bundle X will cost/bundle Y will cost. Will be interested to see what was actual gameplay and what was cut scenes. It wasn't great leaps and bounds on but I'm sure a lot of people will think it's light years better. Admittedly it would look better on a 4K telly I expect, but then are people going to rush out to buy both a new games system AND a 25 grand TV?

Unsurprised about the Vita control pad thing copycatting the Wii U pad- I guess it's obvious they're all influenced by the new tablet rage. The use of the Vita on the PPS4 will actually be good news for Nintendo, as game can be produced for both systems with the same sort of interface. What is the odds on the Xbox going down a similar route?

Isn't it obvious that Falco Lombardi is actually a parrot?


MrGawain wrote:

Caught the tail end of this after coming in late- Sony seems to be focusing on what games and partnerships they've got, very light on bundle X will cost/bundle Y will cost. Will be interested to see what was actual gameplay and what was cut scenes. It wasn't great leaps and bounds on but I'm sure a lot of people will think it's light years better. Admittedly it would look better on a 4K telly I expect, but then are people going to rush out to buy both a new games system AND a 25 grand TV?

Unsurprised about the Vita control pad thing copycatting the Wii U pad- I guess it's obvious they're all influenced by the new tablet rage. The use of the Vita on the PPS4 will actually be good news for Nintendo, as game can be produced for both systems with the same sort of interface. What is the odds on the Xbox going down a similar route?

Look up smart glass Microsoft has been doing this since last year but this is way better seeing its not limited by current gen tech.

So Remind your up next.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


I know this system isn't going to be cheap! My true guess is between 400-500 US Dollars.


Nintendo Network ID: SteveRod87


I didn't see anything worth having that will get me to buy one. I'll probably be more impressed with the new Xbox. Looks like I'm going Wii U and Xbox 1080 this gen.


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


IAmNotWill wrote:

Only cared about Watch Dogs and inFAMOUS. Definitely not getting it day one.

I'll see what they show at E3, but for now, pretty much this.

You don't die until you're dead!

3DS Friend Code: 4854-6436-0663 | Nintendo Network ID: TysonOfTime


better graphics
better physics
much online stuff

nothing to spectacular for me. WiiU unveiling was may more intersting because it showed new ways to play games.
this will not be able with the ps4 even though the vita can be used to stream games. the vita is a secondary device not like the wiiU gamepad

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


It looks promising, but I'll wait until E3 and TGS before I decide on it.


3DS Friend Code: 4511-0465-7453 | Nintendo Network ID: MrSRArter

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