
Topic: The PlayStation Fan Thread

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I can't wait for the reveal on wensday. I'm hoping for $400 pricing and Uncharted 4 at launch or near it.

Drive Club
Developer: Evolution Studios
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 2014

Killzone: Shadowfall
Developer: Guerrilla Games
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment.

Developer: Japan Studio
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 11/15/15

Developer: Housemarque
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 11/15/13

Infamous Second Son
Developer: Sucker Punch
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 3/21/14

The Order: 1886
Developer: Ready at Dawn
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertaiment
Release Date: 2014

Doki-Doki Universe
Developer:HumaNature Studios
Publisher: Sony COmputer Entertainment
Release Date: 2/12/13

Developer: Honeyslug
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 2014

developer: Arrowhead Studios
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 2014

Shadow of the Beast
Developer: Heavy Spectrum Entertainment Labs
Publisher: Sony COmputer Entertainment
Release Date: 2014

Everybody's Gone to the Raptre
Developer: The Chinese Room
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Release Date: 2014

Developer: Tequlia Works
Publisher: Sony COmputer Entertainment
Release Date: 2014

Credit to @Sony_70 for the great info on the games.

[Edited by Octane]



@Bankai What about the health of Sony themselves? Unless if they get a boatload of exclusives because of that (and thus get tons of money through loyalties) I don't know how they could afford to do something so bold. And from what I understand, Playstation Plus doesn't make Sony a ton of money directly. Sony's paying for all that stuff to happen, just like Valve pays for the Steam sales. It ends up making a much healthier online ecosystem, yes, but I don't know if it'd be in their best interests right now to make a move like that.

I don't know, if any company could afford to make a move like that, it'd be Microsoft.

[Edited by moomoo]

Best thread ever
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The days at school seem so slow... I'm eagerly awaiting this announcement!

Say what now?
If you can do no good, at least do no harm. -Kurt Vonnegut
I'm not really active here anymore. So it goes.

3DS Friend Code: 3609-1418-8196


moomoo wrote:

@Bankai What about the health of Sony themselves? Unless if they get a boatload of exclusives because of that (and thus get tons of money through loyalties) I don't know how they could afford to do something so bold. And from what I understand, Playstation Plus doesn't make Sony a ton of money directly. Sony's paying for all that stuff to happen, just like Valve pays for the Steam sales. It ends up making a much healthier online ecosystem, yes, but I don't know if it'd be in their best interests right now to make a move like that.

I don't know, if any company could afford to make a move like that, it'd be Microsoft.

The PlayStation 3 had a boatload of exclusives, I don't see why the PS4 couldn't do the same.


Bankai wrote:

I really, really hope it blocks used games. Not to upset you, MrSRArter, but simply because it would be healthy for the games industry.

I doubt it will and won't buy it if it does. I think that the reaction to a used games block would be unhealthy for the games industry. All of the consoles and new games bought by people who won't buy a console that bans used games will be lost.



Jaz007 wrote:

Bankai wrote:

I really, really hope it blocks used games. Not to upset you, MrSRArter, but simply because it would be healthy for the games industry.

I doubt it will and won't buy it if it does. I think that the reaction to a used games block would be unhealthy for the games industry. All of the consoles and new games bought by people who won't buy a console that bans used games will be lost.

"People who won't buy a console that bans used games" isn't their target audience. It's the people that actually buy new games that actually supports a company.

Say what now?
If you can do no good, at least do no harm. -Kurt Vonnegut
I'm not really active here anymore. So it goes.

3DS Friend Code: 3609-1418-8196


Alright, I'm sorry for turning this into a used games topic. Let's go back to the system prediction discussion itself.


3DS Friend Code: 4511-0465-7453 | Nintendo Network ID: MrSRArter


Marks wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

Bankai wrote:

I really, really hope it blocks used games. Not to upset you, MrSRArter, but simply because it would be healthy for the games industry.

I doubt it will and won't buy it if it does. I think that the reaction to a used games block would be unhealthy for the games industry. All of the consoles and new games bought by people who won't buy a console that bans used games will be lost.

"People who won't buy a console that bans used games" isn't their target audience. It's the people that actually buy new games that actually supports a company.

You act like people only buy used games or new games. Some people buy both.



Marks wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

Bankai wrote:

I really, really hope it blocks used games. Not to upset you, MrSRArter, but simply because it would be healthy for the games industry.

I doubt it will and won't buy it if it does. I think that the reaction to a used games block would be unhealthy for the games industry. All of the consoles and new games bought by people who won't buy a console that bans used games will be lost.

"People who won't buy a console that bans used games" isn't their target audience. It's the people that actually buy new games that actually supports a company.


If the PS4 were to block used game sales, there would be fewer PS4s sold, to be sure.

But if you think about it a little deeper:

  • Most of the people who wouldn't buy a console because it blocks used games are not going to buy it because they buy a significant number of used games. There would be some that wouldn't buy it on principle, but those would be in the minority.
  • People who only bought the occasional used game are not likely to be disappointed enough by the PS4 blocking used games to change their plans to buy the console. It's a negative, sure, but if used games aren't that important to them, the other features of the PS4 will matter more.

Therefore, the people not buying the PS4 are the people who don't do anything for the games industry. Sony doesn't benefit in any way from the guy who buys a PS4 and a dozen used games. Even if he buys six new games, he's still contributing to a trend that is having a substantial negative effect on the profitability of the games industry

And as a result the PS4 will have a smaller, but healthier community of gamers. That will be attractive to third parties, who could count on higher attach rates and the like. Which in turn means more money for Sony.

[Edited by Bankai]


I'd gladly have it reject used games if I can have backward compatibility with PS3 games.


I wasn't really interested in it at first, but I did start feeling the hype yesterday... Now I really want to see what it's like.

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


So what game are you hoping for that would that would be the best convincer to get the PS4? As I said before Mine would be Uncharted 4.


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