
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Thread

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@Octane I mean I understand it may not be able to be help but i do hope devs try a but harder to keep game sizes in check.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@Octane Yeah the way things are going, there's probably going to be a point next gen where 5 normal games (I'm excluding stuff like music games which have thousands of DLC) fills up a 2TB hard drive.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@WebHead Indeed. Just look at Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice; only 12.52GB. Games don't need to be 50+ GB. That's just bad optimisation. But the thing is, they don't care. Nobody's going to boycott a game because the file size is too big (at least, not yet).



Unfortunately we are just gonna have to deal with it. But really the next Nintendo system should be digital only i feel. Carts are too expensive and discs cant keep up as the game has to install regardless.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@WebHead The point of physical isn't to have the game run directly off the medium; installing the game isn't really an issue. You still have a product you can trade, sell, share and keep for way longer than the online storefront or your HDD is going to last.

If a publisher wants to go digital only, they need to decrease the price of their games significantly as well. I personally wouldn't ever pay €60 for a digital license.



Another day, another thing for gamers to be upset about. Seems like it's never ending

Edited on by redd214



@Octane prices aint going down. Games are getting more and more expensive. Plus i would not be shocked to see digital trade in be launched next gen.

I know gamers are a stubborn lot and don't want a digital future. Its just not realistic for physical to stay forever though.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


I think in the case of Youngblood it may not have been profitable to put the game on a cart and still maintain the $30 price parity.

To me it's a pick your poison situation: either go download only and maintain price parity or have the dreaded Switch tax for the sake of having a cart. Releasing at $50 or $60 the same day as the $30 versions on other platforms would have been suicide

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


@WebHead The main drawback is always internet speeds. Too many areas, including the UK, US and Australia etc have appalling internet speeds. They aren’t suddenly going to dramatically improve in the next few years unless you’re in a city or town where it’s already decent.

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Meanwhile the music industry continues to release new things on LP. Zune an iTunes are a great example of owning a license that can always be revoked at any time without compensation.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@FragRed I dont think its as big of a deal as people who make this argument make it out to be. The average netspeed in the us is 10mbps. Is that good enough for streaming? No but for downloading its sufficient. I bet 8 out of 10 people who habe a current game console have an internet connection. Truth is i think gamers are just stubborn.

Edited on by WebHead


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


Same deal with Capcom. They don’t see it as worth it for their $20-30 games.

This is why I find it so incredible when companies like THQ put Darksiders on a full 16gb cart without any mandatory downloads, or even so much as a patch or update needed (it’s literally on v1.0). The game was $20 elsewhere, and they taxed an extra $10 for that 16gb cart. And I am totally on board with that. That seems to be what people say they want. So I think it’s important to go out and support these games and show these companies hey, when you do this your game will sell well.

Of course I’d like to have all games on a cart, but that’s not going to happen. I know people don’t like it but, some games are going to have to have a download or be digital only. It’s not preferable but... we live in a digital world. Shouldn’t be surprised when companies leverage that to their advantage to mitigate cost. Now that 1TB cards are a thing, and costs have come down on 512gb cards, it’s not nearly the issue it was even a year ago.

Hellblade is digital only. Wolfenstein Youngblood is digital only. Games like FFX-2 come as a download (although you you can simply order the Asian version and get both on cart). It’s just what it is. I’d prefer to pay a little more and have a full game on cart for collectibility’s sake but if that doesn’t happen, I’m just glad to have the game on Switch. I’ve been increasingly buying my games digitally anyways. Getting up to change your cartridge every time you want to play a different game just feels so 1980s

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@subpopz that will be fixed next gen at least for PS and Xbox. But this is def an issue for Nintendo.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@WebHead No, there are certainly places where internet connectivity is a real issue in the us. It’s not just people being stubborn. I’m 50 minutes away from Savannah, 1 1/2 hours from Jacksonville, and under 2 hours from Charleston. Those are major population centers. Yet between these areas there are ISP with data caps, Satellite with exorbitant pricing past 2gb download/month, or no ability to use cell or satellite.
The reason physical media still exists isn’t just because people want something to see and touch. It’s because the loss of providing it greatly outweighs the profit of digital only.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Thats really anecdotal but I see your point, I suppose.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@WebHead I do agree gamers are stubborn, but as long as there are people buying physical - even if in the form of Limited Run Games, or where countries like Japan vastly prefer physical over digital, I don't see an all digital future being the only way to go for next generation. That said, I will certainly be all digital when that time comes purely for space reasons. I have ran out of storage. But I am lucky, I don't have data caps and I have a good internet speed, but even then I think my provider still limits my download speed should I venture over 100 GB per month, they just don't say it too loudly. It's in the small print. And I bet a lot of them do that if they don't outright have a data limit. As long as people live in these situations where internet speeds and data caps etc are an issue then physical media will always be a thing.

In fact, now I think about it, companies like Limited Run Games will be the reason more than anything in the years to come that physical remains relevant. Just look how vinyl keeps physical music selling. Physical media will likely never outright die in entertainment.

I won't even start on how crazy it is we are seeing streaming pushed by the likes of evil Google and not quite as evil Microsoft etc.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


@subpopz That’s why I pointed to Limited Run Games in my statement. That’s the nearest to the gaming equivalent to vinyl. So while big publishers may move entirely digital, I can see small niche publishers continue springing up to full the small void that will be left behind.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


Its not that anecdotal, it’s a fact that large portions of rural US just don’t have the infrastructure that suburban and urban development areas do. I don’t see physical media going away completely anytime soon.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Physical probably won’t go away soon, unless a catalyst propels us into the all digital era. For example, if MS and Sony go digital only for their next consoles, people will adjust. Just like they have with every other medium. Now, do I think that’ll happen? Eh, I have no clue. I think it’s possible.

I think it’s the era of streaming gamers should be concerned about, not digital. When streaming arrives and starts taking over gamers will wish they had digital. And I know a lot of people tend to mock streaming, but there’s a lot of very big companies that believe that is the future, and they all have their finger on the pulse of where markets are heading. Google is betting big on streaming, as is Microsoft. How many times have we heard Ubisoft or EA say streaming is the future.

“Core gamers” may never accept it, but “core gamers” don’t account for the majority of video game sales. It’s the casuals who buy Call of Duty, Assassins Creed, NBA 2K, FIFA and GTA that account for the bulk of revenue. If over the next decade we see a mass migration of the casual gamer over to streaming, what effect will that have on the console market? Nintendo probably won’t be affected that much, but MS and Sony are a different story. Would there be enough demand left in the market for two similar consoles that play non-streaming games (physical or digital)? Would PlayStation sales take a dive into the 50 million range instead of the 100 million range? And if so, would that drop in demand affect the justification for physical games? Questions to think about.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

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