
Topic: The Outer Worlds

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The patch is out. No idea how big it is, but it took me about 30-minutes to download. I guess it improves things? The lighting on the guns looks a little better, and there seems to be fewer cases of blurry, low-res textures everywhere, which is certainly nice. Maybe more foliage on the ground, but it's still pretty sparse. Overall performance seems about the same, perhaps a touch smoother, but it's hard to tell. I'm sure Digital Foundry will have a video posted to tell us all about it.

The Mountain Man


Switch Up has posted an updated review of the game based on the latest patch:

He says, "It still looks like the Nintendo Switch version of The Outer Worlds ... but it's a much, much more enjoyable experience when it looks the way it looks now." He also says framerates are generally more consistent.

The Mountain Man


I wanted this game at release but frame rate issues kept me away. Bought it yesterday and have enjoyed it so far. I don’t have any other version to compare it to, but I am happy with my purchase.


Nintendo Network ID: DarKnyht


Bought it yesterday as well since it was on sale on Amazon. Gave it a shot on Game Pass and loved the first few hours so figured may as well buy it on Switch. Never really been into the Fallout games but something about this one intrigues me. Definitely has its hooks in me and cant wait to see where the story goes!



Also, picked this up on sale. Gameplay is great, but the blurry visuals make it difficult for me to play for 30+ minutes. It sincerely causes me headaches.
Aside from that, it's been a fun time so far and definitely worth it at a discounted price.



Finished it tonight. Took me around 40-hours. A lot of interesting choices and consequences throughout the game that shape the story which is wrapped up with a lengthy narration describing how your decisions affected the various people and places. Some of the subplots have several different endings, enough so that I'm actually eager to start a new character and try different approaches. The final mission is a push through a heavily guarded prison which could be a vicious slog through a few dozen soldiers, but my character had high enough speech skills that he was able to secure a holographic disguise and simply walk through, lying his way past anybody who became suspicious. Very cool! I love it when role playing games give you those kinds of options.

As for the graphics, yeah, this is a fairly ugly game on the Switch. I played the last couple hours docked, and at times it almost had an oil painting appearance, sort of indistinct and smeary. Handheld is definitely the way to go since it hides many of the flaws. Never had any problem with the performance, though. Game runs smoothly enough, and combat was always manageable.

So in the end, I would say very good RPG that is given a somewhat disappointing presentation on the Switch but is nevertheless still an enjoyable enough experience.

The Mountain Man


I finished this over the weekend, and it reminds me of the original 2 Fallouts (probably because it is the same people). I love that they planned for things to happen, such as there is an actual script if you kill important people. The visuals did not bother me for the most part except for the occasional popup while running. I am debating another go at the game soon because I am curious to see what happens when you approach things differently, and I am going to see how many flaws I can find.


Nintendo Network ID: DarKnyht


Just got a Switch and I picked up this game. Looks pretty good so far, just started it enough.

The PSVR is the best VR system on the market today.


Darknyht wrote:

I finished this over the weekend, and it reminds me of the original 2 Fallouts (probably because it is the same people). I love that they planned for things to happen, such as there is an actual script if you kill important people. The visuals did not bother me for the most part except for the occasional popup while running. I am debating another go at the game soon because I am curious to see what happens when you approach things differently, and I am going to see how many flaws I can find.

I watched a video with the developers commenting on a speed-run, and one of the remarks they made is that they worked very hard to make it difficult to break the game by killing main characters, or doing quests out of sequence. They wanted to give the player the freedom to approach the game however he wanted.

I did encounter several circumstances where I unknowingly completed a quest objective before meeting the quest giver, and the game accounted for it with unique dialog just for that situation, which I thought was a nice touch.

The Mountain Man


@Mountain_Man From the footage I've seen that port isn't even worth $3 lol

Played it and beat it on PC and it was pretty good tho


Switch Friend Code: SW-4512-3820-2140 | My Nintendo: French Fry


TheFrenchiestFry wrote:

@Mountain_Man From the footage I've seen that port isn't even worth $3 lol

Played it and beat it on PC and it was pretty good tho

It plays fine on Switch, and it's feature and content complete. It just doesn't look so good sometimes.

Edited on by Mountain_Man

The Mountain Man


I played and beat The Outer Worlds this weekend. All and All i enjoyed all 40 hours or so of gameplay. The Graphics are as bad as people have been saying. But the gameplay wich counts IMO is pretty good. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys RPG's or the recent Fallout games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


Does anyone know what the situation is with the DLC coming to Switch?

I reinstalled this after hearing about the patch that fixed a lot of the visual issues. Does this port look as great as some others? No, but it’s better after the patch and the game is awesome. So since I’m back into it I wanted to know if/when the DLC is coming. I couldn’t find a clear answer after googling believe it or not.


~ A man chooses. A slave obeys. ~


Really enjoying this game, though I've totally borked this playthrough by some of my decisions.
The Vicar Max quest for example, ended abruptly rather than the story playing out fully because I killed someone earlier.

Byzantium is now a war zone because the board is very hostile towards me so I've missed out on quite a few side quests, as the quest givers have managed to walk into being extremely dead. Including shop keepers.

But I'm still enjoying it. The story, the humour, the combat, it's all good. Notable too, that not all the major characters are male and white and that none of the female outfits are chain mail bikinis. Even a same sex romance is treated without special comment.

As for the graphics... well, I don't have any other versions to compare it to, but personally they are good enough. The only annoyance is the shadows/light popping in after you enter a new area. That jars.



Anyone started the DLC on switch yet? Is the performance about the same as the main game (just want to make sure there’s no surprises after buying, but I’m excited for it)?



Ya know I'm actually enjoying this game. I tried playing on PC... twice. Tried again on Switch.

But for some reason it's just scratching that itch right now. And it's gorgeous in some shots!

I love aurora in video games. Even Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate had a map with a gorgeous aurora in the sky. Used to just sit and stare at it.



Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

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