
Topic: Rant: Expectations are getting too unrealistic; NX is about synergistic harmony. (UPDATE)

Posts 21 to 40 of 59


Thanks, Emily Rogers!

I have emphasized the points related to discussion below. Please read Emily Roger's full blog post above for more information:

Emily Rogers wrote:

Instead of focusing our attention solely on hardware, we should really be having a discussion about NX’s software. Based on things I’ve heard, I am 100% confident that the NX’s software output will blow away the Wii U’s software output (which was never impressive to begin with). In a single year, the NX will build a larger library of games than Wii U produced in three or four years.

This isn’t some hyperbolic statement. This isn’t speculation nor blind optimism. These aren’t my personal fan wishes either. Furthermore, my negative feelings toward the Wii U have zero influence on any of the information mentioned below.

Here is what I’ve been told by my sources close to Nintendo:

The big fundamental focal point (and overall goal) behind NX is to vastly increase the software output from Nintendo’s first party teams and studios.
To accomplish this, the entire process of how Nintendo develops and produces software has gone through radical changes.
There is a new strategy that was put in place to create and release first party software at a faster rate.
Multiple unannounced Wii U projects were moved over to NX.
The NX could potentially see the highest output of first party software in the company’s history. (I’m talking about the entire lifespan of NX. Not just one or two years.)


With that said, the NX definitely won’t be the **** show that we experienced on Wii U with three month droughts on a regular basis. At least not when it comes to first party software.

All of this correlates with the reason my post here exists.

I have been extremely careful on wording in the OP for a reason. The goal Nintendo is trying to achieve with the NX is something that I will personally refer to as synergistic harmony; it is about creating a unique device capable of attracting a wide range of gamers from all corners of the gaming industry. It's an umbrella term never really used, but it should be when talking about the NX. It describes the balance achieved when unexpected means are implemented (a "blue-ocean" strategy) to create a solution that benefits the industry as a whole (the "red ocean").

This has only been explored in the past only by Nintendo with the NES and SNES. They have had experience in going about this paradigm shift before, and it is being done with the NX because it is the only way to ensure longevity for their brand now (especially after the Wii U). This is why people should be excited about NX's software output potential.

People are over-hyping themselves far too much about hardware and not thinking enough about the real issue here, though: Nintendo has lacked third-party support since the N64, and the NX's focus will be fixing that for the long-term. We are setting ourselves up for disappointment by saying that third-party support is secondary to anything else in the gaming industry right now.

The industry has changed. For long-term success, platforms in the gaming industry need a continuous stream of software from both first and third-parties. Nintendo's issue has been the droughts it has between major game releases on its separate platforms due to a lack of third-party support ever since the days of the N64 and GBA.

It's about whether or not your platform is even capable of receiving a continuous stream of software.

Nintendo cannot fight that battle separated any longer. It's why this merger happened. It was the first integral step to achieving the third-party support their platform will need for the long-term. Nintendo has not had proper third-party support for two decades now.

The NX will not be another Wii U. It won't be another PS4/XBO. Stop asking for it to be any of those three consoles. You're asking for it to be sent to an early grave. It needs to be unique in order to stand out to be able to penetrate an over-saturated market this year.

For now, this is what I have to say on this matter. I'm hoping this information about the NX from Emily Rogers and my posts here can continue to clear the waters.

To the people who have been constructive, thank you very much. Your support is very much appreciated.

[Edited by Aethradon]




I love the sound of that, I'm now expecting a HUGE selection of games to choose from. There's a few on Gaf speaking about this, and for some unknown reason they are saying that this means, it's all 1st party and 3rd parties aren't as involved as we hoped. Im not sure that's true, but if it is it means we are getting loads of first party exclusives from multiple projects cancelled for WIIU and now on NX then I'm happy!
You know apart from Starfox, there's a good chance we could get Mario, Zelda, possibly a Metroid, Splatoon, and Smash (I'm not really into Animal crossing etc) all at launch, or at least a launch window release date.
In all other entertainment media such as TV, Film, and music we are now almost blinded by choice, perhaps Nintendo are planning an all out assult on the market.
It's all getting interesting now!

[Edited by DjLewe78]

1 up !


Larger library of games for the NX in one year than the Wii U had in four years? Forgive my slight scepticism, but she's talking out her backside.

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


DjLewe78 wrote:

I love the sound of that, I'm now expecting a HUGE selection of games to choose from. There's a few on Gaf speaking about this, and for some unknown reason they are saying that this means, it's all 1st party and 3rd parties aren't as involved as we hoped.

@DjLewe78 Same! I'm looking forward to seeing how Nintendo's software output improves with the NX. We have already heard nice tidbits on third-party support as well.

It is good to note that the way she phrased this blog post seems to have the intention of leaving holes for open-minded discussion about this topic. Think of it as her encrypting the post so that people don't call her out for something she has no control over. Whether third-party support is good or bad, we won't know until that time comes. The Wii U is a perfect example.

The reason Emily Rogers doesn't go in-depth into certain messaging and leaves those holes is because people on the internet like to cherry-pick and change the original intent of context to suit their own desires. It happened on this thread earlier, too. It's a human thing. We all do it, and I'd be a hypocrite to not admit otherwise.

Anyhoo, this blog post focuses on what we can expect in terms of first-party software support and how strong it is; the third-party support situation for Nintendo is very complicated by comparison. Nintendo has to attract a large user-base in the short-term with a chain of strong first-party support to differentiate from competition on the market and appeal to consumers. Then, it needs to take said user-base and provide them with enough proper third-party support to keep them latched to the platform and make it their "platform of choice," if you will.

While there are leaks out there on the NX that do hold some sort of truth behind them, we shouldn't focus on them solely.

The leaks I'm talking about that people should be thinking about are all related to software:
- Trevelyan9999's leaks:
1) Info on Zelda coming to Wii U and NX, with a platform launch planned this year.
2) Square Enix involvement for a port of Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Dragon Quest XI to NX. The presence of Cloud in Smash 4 also lends more weight to those leaks.
- Emily Roger's info:
1) Splatoon, Super Mario Maker up in air for NX ports from Wii U.
2) Zelda and Smash 4 definitely coming to NX as ports.
3) Stronger first-party support than all the years the Wii U has been on the market in the first year alone.
- Other game(s):
1) Beyond Good & Evil 2 being funded by Nintendo to be exclusive to NX; this would actually prevent another Rayman Legends situation, so it makes sense. Ubisoft wanted that leak taken down.
2) Pokemon Sun & Moon; we have received no footage yet, so this is still a mystery.

Pretty sure that covers all of the actually known titles thus far.

DjLewe78 wrote:

Im not sure that's true, but if it is it means we are getting loads of first party exclusives from multiple projects cancelled for WIIU and now on NX then I'm happy!
You know apart from Starfox, there's a good chance we could get Mario, Zelda, possibly a Metroid, Splatoon, and Smash (I'm not really into Animal crossing etc) all at launch, or at least a launch window release date.
In all other entertainment media such as TV, Film, and music we are now almost blinded by choice, perhaps Nintendo are planning an all out assult on the market.
It's all getting interesting now!

You could say they got Team Star Fox to unleash...a STAR FOX ASSAULT! I'm so sorry, I had to.

[Edited by Aethradon]




It's not beyond the realms of possibility that since MK8 and Smash came out in 2014, Nintendo has acknowledged Wii U wasn't taking off and so began holding back Wii U game development resource for NX's benefit. But even so, I find it hard to believe that Nintendo could produce such a mass of games in one year and yet MAINTAIN THE QUALITY, which I thought the majority of us wanted (QUALITY OVER QUANTITY - I'd rather have droughts and the Wii U's library than no droughts but a slew of mediocrity).

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


Let's say if Nintendo basically launched NX with all there big guns and the necessary 3rd party titles (COD and FIFA) rather than In dribs and drabs like it has been, does that mean that if we haven't had a Game in 2/3 months it's a drought? Even though all the best Nintendo has to offer is already on the shelf?
To me id not care as hell I'll still be on Zelda in 2/3 months, and when im done I'll get to choose any of the big franchises I want without the wait!

1 up !


@shaneoh Biggest thing to take from the blog post by Emily:

Emily%20Rogers wrote:

With that said, the NX definitely won’t be the **** show that we experienced on Wii U with three month droughts on a regular basis. At least not when it comes to first party software.

On my Wii U in Nintendo eShop, with Retail, Download Only, and Retail/Download filters applied. Publisher selected as Nintendo.

Published by Nintendo: 50 titles

The following wouldn't 'technically' count as first-party software:
Pokemon-related titles: 2
Third-party titles, published by first-party: 3

Special exception for LEGO City: Undercover(1), Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, and The Wonderful 101. They're all totally exclusive to Nintendo platforms is why. Devil's Third is a weird one that I'm just not going to count as it wasn't originally planned to be published by Nintendo, iirc.

Movies, apps, other stuff:
Wii U Panorama View: 5
Pikmin Short Movies HD: 1
amiibo tap: 1
Art Academy: 1

So, in all actuality, you're looking at ~39-42(1) titles that are first-party games as of this post for Wii U (varies by region).

With what Emily Rogers mentioned in her blog post, it's a possible feat if Nintendo will also be porting games over from the Wii U library. Can't forget to leave out potential remakes, smaller projects (i.e. Captain Toad and Mario vs. Donkey Kong series), and titles originally in development for the Wii U (now shifted over to the NX instead) out of the question either!

(1) Corrected by @shaneoh. Thanks!

[Edited by Aethradon]




Even if you narrow it down to just Nintendo titles and exclude VC, there is no way that they will be releasing 42 titles over 52 weeks, it isn't practical. Frankly I never experienced any "software drought" with my Wii U, and I bought it day one. No that isn't buyers remorse or anything like that, I genuinely enjoy the system and have plenty to play.

Edit: That list is missing LEGO City Undercover as a second party game

[Edited by shaneoh]

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


Well I doubt Nintendo is gonna blow their entire first party load in the first year, I do believe and hope the rate first party software is released is faster.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@shaneoh: Corrected the list above. Thanks for pointing that out!

It's fine, I'm just stating the number quota; the quality of the games themselves also plays a role in whether or not NX has a better library than Wii U in its first year just as much as quantity. I have no doubt in my mind that it will have a far superior library than the Wii U in its first year.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Wii U first-party games as well, but it is severely lacking in diversity. We have a lot of Mario and Zelda, but only Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. 4, Super Mario 3D World (which people argue isn't an 'actual' 3D Mario game), and Super Mario Maker were taken seriously by the majority of fans out there. Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD sold very well and are solid remakes, all that said, though.

I'm not trying to bring down the platform, though. As I said, I still hold a special place for the Wii U in my heart and liked the GamePad's concept. It was poorly executed to me, though. Where was Metroid? F-Zero? Kirby? Animal Crossing? Wave Race? Nintendo Wars? Fire Emblem? Earthbound? Pilotwings? Steel Diver? Golden Sun? Baten Kaitos? The list goes on.

Nintendo has an amazing back catalog of games not explored on the Wii U; it sucks because I can imagine half of them making great use of the GamePad already. While I won't mark it off yet, Paper Mario: Color Splash could have opted for a more traditional Paper Mario experience as well.

The Wii U first-party library (nowadays) is good, but it does have a lot of faults in its library's diversity, especially considering the long software droughts between major releases. I'm not counting VC in this picture as the only two major game series I can personally see worth buying a Wii U for would be Earthbound and Metroid Prime (Trilogy was a steal at $10).

[Edited by Aethradon]




I bought a Wii U day one, but anybody saying there was no software drought if off their rocker. I was there. There was a drought. About a 3-4 month drought between launch and Pikmin 3, to be exact. I 100% SMBU in about a month along with Nintendoland, and really just had eShop titles and ZombiU to replay over and over again.



@rallydefault: Yup. Not even the GameCube had as many software droughts as Wii U, and it had a far more diverse library of games than the Wii U did on the first-party front as well.

As Emily stated, matching the Wii U's library in terms of having a quality, diverse lineup of games in one-year wouldn't be anywhere near as tough as people are making it out to be. Once Nintendo got the infrastructure down-packed, it sped up the process of game development.

That is why it is good to be excited about the potential of NX software output. If game development runs along at a good pace this time, we can end up having the most first-party software ever on any Nintendo system in the long haul for NX.

That's a big deal.

[Edited by Aethradon]




And if we are being honest the majority of Wii U's first party is nostalgia bait.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@WebHead: Couldn't agree more. A lot of Wii U games that we don't know about could have been shifted early on in development to the NX instead after the merger.




I wouldn't be surprised if nintendo can't output games faster. They have hinted that they have increased their numbers of studios before, they also have started to do more joint adventures (i.e hyrule warriors). Will they be able to output 3x as much games? Time will tell.

Another thing, if they also have been working closely with engine makers, it might be really easy to port to the NX. If they have comparable prestanda to the power twins and supports latest unreal engine and unity then it will be easy and cost effective to port games. Quite frankly, if third-parties can make an easy buck porting games over, they will do it.



rallydefault wrote:

I bought a Wii U day one, but anybody saying there was no software drought if off their rocker. I was there. There was a drought. About a 3-4 month drought between launch and Pikmin 3, to be exact.

Or we're just not as picky. But sure let's forget Game & Wario, LEGO City Undercover and 30 cent VC titles (among the full priced titles), as well as other third party titles, both eshop and retail.

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


If the Emily rumour is correct then that likely means the NX is a port/remaster console, say around 90% of the games will just be Wii U and older ports/remasters.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Therad: I think we are gonna see more collaboration titles as well. Nintendo knows third parties won't support in bulk if the audience and sales aren't there.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@WebHead: what's wrong with nostalgia? Did the various governments of the world make it illegal when I was not looking or something? Nostalgia is harmless.


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