
Topic: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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@Tsurii Indeed, that's a shame. Same here. When I get the Switch, I don't think I could convince myself to buy the game again just for the battle mode a couple of new characters.



Nintendo just really dropped the ball on this game. I hope it's not going to be a situation where new tracks are being held back to sell as DLC. Definitely not buying this again which is a shame as I love Mario Kart 8.

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They want me to pay 60 more dollars for a mode that should have been in the original. And then pay more for the luxury of playing online. No thanks



I passed on the Wii U time and time again, but I pre-ordered the Switch. It'll be the first system I've ever bought on day one. I'm not over the moon with launch titles, but MK8 will be brand new to me since I didn't own a Wii U. I'm super excited for this and Splatoon 2, as those were two of the games that almost had me buy a Wii U.

MK8 Deluxe is going to get a lot of hours of gameplay at my house! I'm glad it's coming shortly after launch.




Ill cave and get MK8 on switch if the player base is pretty big



One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of people didn't buy a Wii U and therefore didn't buy the original, so there's a large market of Nintendo fans that didn't play this. Nintendo may be hoping to sell this to 3DS players that didn't get Wii U.

As someone that was interested in MK8 but didn't see enough good games to warrant a Wii U purchase, I'll definitely get this. Getting a great game I wanted on the Wii U + the DLC + new content is a steal.

[Edited by Bolt_Strike]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


It's Mario Kart. The only difference between this version and the Wii U could have literally only been the title and it'd still sell another 8m+ easily.

Hell, I'm planning to buy it despite already having the Wii U pack in version lol. Portable MK8 + battle mode + Inklings + that gorgeous boxart? SOLD

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They're charging $60 for a game with a lot more content than other Mario Kart games. Such a shame indeed?

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Even without new tracks, I'm pretty happy with the way Mario Kart 8 Deluxe seems to have shaped up. My only thing is the price. I think it's totally fair for most people, but as someone who already owns the original on Wii U, $60 is quite simply not a sane purchase, at least until I have multiple friends to play the game with. Though definitely not counting on it, I'm hoping my digital purchase of the original game on the eShop earns me a discount on the new title on the Switch's eShop. $40 is the most I will spend my own money on this.


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WinterSugoi wrote:

It's Mario Kart. The only difference between this version and the Wii U could have literally only been the title and it'd still sell another 8m+ easily.

Hell, I'm planning to buy it despite already having the Wii U pack in version lol. Portable MK8 + battle mode + Inklings + that gorgeous boxart? SOLD

People like you dude who are making developers like that, scam the public. Its the same game but your going to buy it anyway? Jesus christ man, they must look at people like you and laugh there heads off in glee. We need another mario kart, not an old one.

[Edited by koopakidforever]

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So all ports and remakes are scams?

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koopakidforever wrote:

WinterSugoi wrote:

It's Mario Kart. The only difference between this version and the Wii U could have literally only been the title and it'd still sell another 8m+ easily.

Hell, I'm planning to buy it despite already having the Wii U pack in version lol. Portable MK8 + battle mode + Inklings + that gorgeous boxart? SOLD

People like you dude who are making developers like that, scam the public. Its the same game but your going to buy it anyway? Jesus christ man, they must look at people like you and laugh there heads off in glee. We need another mario kart, not an old one.

What's wrong with enjoying the same success again? If wintersugoi is happy to buy a version that allows him to play it on the go, let him. If you don't want to buy it, I'm not going to stop you.

But trying to make someone look foolish because they want to buy the same (albeit with upgrades) game just because it is portable by saying the developers "laugh their heads off"....makes me want to look at you and laugh my head off.

Now I am double dipping myself. And why? Because I want to enjoy this game more easily with my friends and on the bus. And when April 28th comes around, I'll be the one playing Mario Kart 8 on the bus and enjoying my 9-to-5 job and having a good time. No amount of supposed "developers laughing my head off" is going to stop me doing that.

[Edited by Grandpa_Pixel]



It's not the same game. It has an actual battle mode now

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


koopakidforever wrote:

People like you dude who are making developers like that, scam the public. Its the same game but your going to buy it anyway? Jesus christ man, they must look at people like you and laugh there heads off in glee. We need another mario kart, not an old one.

I've seen it estimated that it costs £50-100 million to make a big new HD game in a series like Mario Kart. It might sell 20 million copies and leave you rolling in money or it might have a poor critical reception (because "it's not as good as Mario Kart 8 Wah, Wah, Wah!") and sell "just" 1 million and leave you having to face investors demanding that you lay off half the team and never make another.

Modern AAA development is very high stakes. If you love these games (as so many on this site do) you need them to have a viable business model. Is this the best one? Maybe not but it's much better than it could be.

Moreover AAA development it ties up a lot of development resources. Nintendo had, for instance, Retro studios shifted into helping make MK8 - do you want them to do the same for MK9 or do you want MK8 deluxe + another Nintendo first party game + Retro's project?


Switch Friend Code: SW-6338-4534-2507


StuTwo wrote:

I've seen it estimated that it costs £50-100 million to make a big new HD game in a series like Mario Kart.

Resident Evil, GTA or Metal Gear Solid yeah sure but Mario Kart...

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I'll be waiting until this comes down significantly in price AND DLC courses are added.

Edgey, Gumshoe, Godot, Sissel, Larry, then Mia, Franziska, Maggie, Kay and Lynne.

I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing happens!


@Dev Switch will be around for a few years so they need a brand new Mario Kart as well as another Zelda (even as a remake) and new Smash Bros. I didn't play Mario Kart 8 and I'm more than happy to see the complete edition make it to the portable. I hope that will stick to their games being both handheld and home-console because that will mean more games on the Switch.



koopakidforever wrote:

WinterSugoi wrote:

It's Mario Kart. The only difference between this version and the Wii U could have literally only been the title and it'd still sell another 8m+ easily.

Hell, I'm planning to buy it despite already having the Wii U pack in version lol. Portable MK8 + battle mode + Inklings + that gorgeous boxart? SOLD

People like you dude who are making developers like that, scam the public. Its the same game but your going to buy it anyway? Jesus christ man, they must look at people like you and laugh there heads off in glee. We need another mario kart, not an old one.

What about people who didn't get Mario Kart 8 because they didn't have a Wii U? Are they getting scammed? Because there's 40 million Nintendo fans in that category, they're likely going to outnumber the people buying another copy by a wide margin.

[Edited by Bolt_Strike]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


Mario Kart 8 sold to around 3/4 of Wii U's entire audience, and yet if you subtract it by Mario Kart Wii's sales, it would still be more than double of Wii U's entire audience.

Popularity of franchises is not static, people!

I am happy at least that the game is finally worth 60 bucks without having to give away a free game btw. :V

[Edited by kkslider5552000]

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The more accessible difficulty mode is a HUGE deal for me as I would love to be able to play this game with my sister, who is disabled and the standard Mario Kart 8 is impossible for her to play (or at least win).

Another thing that makes this game a "must have" is the fact that I can enjoy split screen local multiplayer anywhere, and the added fact that up to EIGHT Switch units can be connected together makes it an even sweeter deal. The only downside to this release, in my eyes, is the fact that it won't have "Download Play" (though I really hope that Switch games can support "Download Play" at least for simpler 3DS-scale games).

I don't like the idea of paying more than what I paid for a game I already own, but considering how substantial an improvement this is over the original (portability and local multiplayer, if nothing else), this is a must have in my book. It just sucks that this game only cost me around $57 at launch with a bonus downloadable game, while this is likely to cost me at around $69-$79 (most major retailers undercut the full retail price by $10-$20, and significant discounts are usually available at launch).

Unfortunately, it seems that the retail price for AAA Switch games has increased to $99.95 as opposed to the $79.95 asking price for AAA Wii U games (though this price has increased to $89.95 toward the end of the Wii U's lifespan due to the decline of the Australian dollar). During the lifespan of the Wii, AAA games were priced at $99.95, however, thanks to the strength of the Australian dollar at the time of the release of the Wii U, the standard retail price had decreased to $79.95 (at least for new releases, while Wii games that previously held a higher retail price retained it, so games such as New Super Mario Bros. Wii were priced higher their equivalent instalments on Wii U such as New Super Mario Bros. U).

[Edited by SillyG]

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