
Topic: Daemon X Machina

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Demo is really solid. No bosses unfortunately like the original alpha, but it feels real good. It felt a bit too easy but I've also put in a ton of time into the original alpha lol.

It feels a ton more natural in terms of progression too. Seems that the original alpha had missions that skipped along multiple missions.

Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill

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Switch Friend Code: SW-4023-8648-9313 | 3DS Friend Code: 2105-8876-1993 | Nintendo Network ID: ThatTrueEvil | Twitter:


Was really put off by the first demo but willing to give the new one a shot. Downloading it now!



The controls have approved in the 2nd demo. On the first demo I thought it was quite hard to direct the mach but they made much easier now. I'm hoping it has a difficulty setting so if it gets too hard I can turn it down as I kept dying over and over.


My Nintendo: SW-3219-1520-3721


I’m having a blast playing this demo. I can’t believe how fun it is! All I keep seeing is previews of people saying it’s ”meh” but now, having played it for myself, I feel like GameXplain needs a good gut punch 🤜

1 The gyro is amazing, and really changes the game. Flying around in a mech, shooting enemies down using gyro is so much fun. It just never gets old.
2 Movement feels really fluid. Skating around the ground feels better than a Tony Hawk game, and the speed of ascent has been increased which I love. It feels great to play
3 Shinies are much easier to spot now. Similar to DQXIS, they made them more visible which really helps because in the last demo I couldn’t see anything.
4 Customization rocks. I am already painting my mech in colors that I like and decking it out with the right weapons.
5 Voice acting is better than expected. I’ve noticed a significant jump in quality for voice work in Switch exclusives this gen.
6 Music is bangin. Another rippin soundtrack. I love it.
7 Understanding the mechanics makes a HUGE difference. Apparently there’s “optimal distance” similar to how Monster Hunter works. Each gun has an optimal distance where damage will be twice the amount it will outside of the optimal distance.
8 Graphics look excellent both on the tv and in handheld mode. Even my brother was impressed with how good it looks in handheld mode when I showed him at work yesterday.
9 Performance is stable, unlike in the previous demo. Good stuff.
10 The rumble options are fantastic. I set rumble to mild, and it feels great when you shoot and mildly feel the controller rumble. But there is a mid and high option as well.

Overall the game is just a lot more fun than I expected it to be! The whole is definitely more than the sum of its parts, and I’m so glad I imported the Collector Edition from Amazon UK. This game feels so different from anything else I’ve ever played. And I love it for that because I want diversity in my library. This game nicely fills a void that few games can.

I’m actually playing this game over Monster Hunter expansion right now! WTH has happened? Are we in an alternate universe or something? I don’t know why but I just feel like I want to play this more

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Any word on when the review embargo will be lifted?



It’s lifted.

Seems to be sitting around 72/100. Good but not great. But. It all depends on your taste.

I find flying around in a mech aiming with gyro to be insane fun. If they hadn’t added gyro (and the rumble feedback for gunfire) I’d probably backlog the game immediately. But the gyro and rumble feedback changed everything for me. It makes the game play loop incredibly fun.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


My copy arrived a day early and I've been playing all day. Its such a addictive game and once you get use what button does what its easy to manage. The later missions did get a bit hard but overall I recommend it. There are some missions were you are out of the mach which were a bit pointless and didn't add anything. Give it a 8 out of 10


My Nintendo: SW-3219-1520-3721


Reviews seem standard for a mech game...which means I'll love it. I'm having fun in the demo...I just don't have the bandwidth...soon.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


Not sure if I asked but how many were able to get the LE from EU not the standard release version as those were very hard to get or if so wouldn't ship to your location?

I was able to change my EU version to NA finally before it started to ship saving on forwarding charges.



Has anyone grabbed (or planning on it) the Hori controllers that launched alongside this?


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@HobbitGamer I bought them...they have not shipped yet..

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


@Ryu_Niiyama Ooohhhh ok. Let me know how they turn out if you remember.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Daemon X Machina Orbital Limited Edition back in stock at Amazon UK

DxM Orbital Edition Amazon UK

And Amazon Germany

DxM Orbital Edition Amazon DE

Both ship to the US.

I did. Amazon UK almost always ships to US, even if it says it doesn’t.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I went ahead and picked it up. I’ll play some later before it goes to the shuffle pile 😂


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


With the LE back in stock at AmazonUK I scooped up a copy.

Happy Birthday to me!

Switch Physical Collection - 1,252 games (as of April 30th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I was surprised to see this game doesn't support cloud saves.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano



This game does some things amazingly well, things like gyro, which so few games overall bother to include, and this may be the only mech game ever to include it. It also gives you 100% control over customizing the button inputs. It’s fantastic.

And yet, this game does some things incredibly poorly. Like no cloud saves? Why? And while it may not be the “game”, the Marvelous JP policy of claiming social media videos... don’t they get it? That’s their advertising. Without monetization nobody’s going to talk about it on YouTube.

I guess you gotta take the good with the bad.

Happy birthday indeed! It’s a really, really slick CE.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Couple questions for anyone who knows...

What’s Femto?

And what is assault shift and wing shift?

And is it worthwhile using a Shield? Or is a melee Sword a better choice for lefthand weapon? Right now I have assault rifle for right weapon, shield for left weapon, sword for right pylon and bazooka for left pylon.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Femto is something kinda like “Protoculture” in Robotech, if that helps

Wings boost faster, but lower defense
Arms increases damage, but lower defense
Shield is a temp passive shield, no drawback but longer cooldown

The shield weapon says it helps against ballistic weapons, so I left that thing in the hangar once missiles started showing on the battlefield.

Love this game

Edited on by HobbitGamer


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr

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