
Topic: The Universal Games Ranking Forum (Currently: Characters/Weapons/etc. You Hate Playing Against)

Posts 321 to 340 of 494


Unfortunately I can't judge the 3DS ones, but otherwise this one I'm all for! Kirby is the best.

1. Kirby's Adventure/NIDL - I've played through this game more than nearly any other game. It's an all time great game, made Kirby what it is, is one of the first games I ever beat, obvious choice. I will say, I have certain nitpicks with Nightmare in Dreamland and I don't like what the GBA did to some of these songs (Ice Cream Island is obnoxious in this version), but it does still have some improvements. And I will say, the slowdown in the original NES version kinda hurt my nostalgia for it after a while. The 3D version of Adventure is the only one to buy tbh.
2. Kirby's Dreamland 2 - I'm not sure I can objectively justify it but screw it. It was like a new Kirby's Adventure, and I loved it a ton. Has to be in the top 5 best Gameboy games, no question. Underappreciated, not one really talks about it like they do some of the others.
3. Kirby Superstar (Ultra) - Yeah, it's amazing. I kinda wish more games would try this idea of a bunch of strange mini-adventures with some unique ideas. It's such a great format for a platformer, and it's weird how long it took for them to properly go back to the brilliant gameplay of Superstar (Return to Dreamland was 15 years later). And Ultra added more content, and it was great.
4. Kirby 64 - My other big nostagia Kirby game. I love everything about this game, and combining powers is some of the most fun ideas put into a platformer. Just how crazy it can get with it is super cool, and one of the reasons Kirby is so great. Story is endearing despite being simple as always, and borderline every level is memorable.
5. Kirby's Dreamland - I think this game is also underappreciated, because it's just a fun 30 minute game. I say to that, I wish there were more 30 minute games, and especially ones this fun. I haven't played it in quite some time, but I would bet in like 10-20 years, I will have put more time into this game than a significant amount of 20 hour games that I beat.
6. Kirby's Return to Dreamland - This game is really good but it's the first game on this list I have problems with. And that's simply that I don't think co-op was ideal for it. My experiences with co-op were underwhelming compared to other co-op platformers of the time and the single player was somewhat hurt by the level design clearly designed for it. But when it's a great Kirby's still pretty great.
7. Kirby's Dreamland 3 - I might have to play this one again. I enjoyed a lot of it, but something about the speed of the game Like really off. And yeah...I didn't need the DL2 rainbow drops equivalent in every level, no matter how charming some of them are.
8. Kirby: Squeak Squad - The main game of this isn't the best, but I thought it was solid regardless. Part of me almost thinks this should be higher but I can't justify it. It's ok but not up to the standards of the series I think.
9. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Just because you can add Metroid-y exploration elements...doesn't mean you should. Maybe you shouldn't. Maybe you won't create nearly as fun of a game if you do. Also, GBA music was a relatively consistent disappointment. Doubly so on an actual GBA.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

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I have not played kirby can we have a new poll? I want one on anime!



@KawaiiFun I'll make a new poll soon enough, but I'd rather not have anime as a topic. It's a bit polarizing, it's safe to assume everyone here likes video games, but not everyone here would be interested in anime.

While I'm here, I'll get some opinion on Kirby out. I love Adventure Wii, it was so much fun to play with my friends and one of my top Wii games. The music and graphics were great, as were the bosses. Story was cute too I guess. Only other major Kirby game I played was Rainbow Paintbrush. Quite a good game, but not amazing. Music was awesome, and it looks incredible but sadly you spend most of your time looking at the Gamepad, which is a bit of a killer. Still a great game for 40 euro nonetheless. Don't really have much else to add. I like Kirby in Smash 4, he's not a very good character but he's very fundamentals based, which is always good.



@BigYellow Wow, are you saying anime isn't interesting? All I want is a poll you don't have to shut it down cause you hate anime. And do not tell me you dont hate anime I see your profile pic its disgusting.



@KawaiiFun Okay fine anime is da new topic.
Here is my list of the top 12 cartoons of Jap descent.

12. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul

11. Scared Shrekless

10. How-to-Play Video in Smash 64

9. Christmas with the Kranks

8. Shadow the Hedgehog intro

7. Bionicle: The Mask of Light

6. Fifa 03

5. The Wii U advert with the Buttered Popcorn Kid

4. The PS2 Startup

3. Any of those recent adverts for crappy mobile games starring an unfunny Youtuber

2. The Airport Safety Video at Shannon Airport

1. That hentai where the guy tells the girl to cluck like a chicken

There you have it my top 43 animes of all time the topic is over back to Kirby.

Edited on by WarioIsTopTier



@BigYellow Your an idiot I have been watching this topic for ages and I never tought you would be dumb like that.



@KawaiiFun I'm guessing you would've put Scared Shrekless over the How-to-Play Video in Smash 64 then, that's fair enough most people wouldn't agree with my list.



@KawaiiFun Sorry for not talking about anime in a gaming forum on a gaming website.

Bye bye.



Oh snap, completely overlooked this. Like always, I'd like to say a few words about my personal history with Kirby. I don't have a kinda history with the franchise that needs me explanation, though. I like the franchise as a whole because they're simple and easy games you can pick up and just have fun with without forcing too much difficulty onto the player. Plus, most of them are of similar (high) quality so you mostly know what you'll get with Kirby. However, most classic Kirby games (and those are pretty much the only I've played - with a few exceptions) simply bland together to me so I won't be writing or saying too much about each entry, unless I have something I deem truly important to say. Also, I don't have played every Kirby game, not even all of the classics, and will therefore only talk about those I've finished or played a significant amount of time. With that said, let's get going.

1. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse: A truly beautiful game with a cute art style and fantastic clay design - on the tv. Yeah, being forced to play the game looking at the Standard Definition Gamepad seriously undermines any enjoyment I would have had for the game.

2. Kirby 64: I liked Kirby 64 back in the day, before I had played any other Kirby game. It was - and probably still is - fun, the idea of combining abilities is neat and I'm glad to see it's return in Star Allies. The only real gripe I ever had with it, and why I'd choose most other Kirby games if I wanted to replay one, is the bland and empty background. I may have been spoiled by the pretty and creative backgrounds of later installments but looking back at Kirby 64, it just looks empty.

3. Kirby Air Ride: It's a very fun racing game and a neat alternative to Mario Kart but it's never grasped my attention for long so I'd often find myself back at Double Dash and later MK installments.

4. Kirby's Epic Yarn: In my humble opinion, one of the easiest Kirby games ever. It's so easy, even my then 6 years old cousin could play it with me no problem. That's not a bad thing, of course, as it served her as her gateway to gaming. Overall, a very fun platformer with imaginative level design and a game for every age.

5. Kirby Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot: I put both of them together because I like them quite a lot equally. Both have fantastic bosses, levels, music and, of course, immense fun. What else could you want from them? I'd like to see Waddle Dee in that Robobot Armor playable in the next Smash.

6. Kirby Superstar: Several great mini adventures of Kirby and his pals in one cartridge. It's varied, fun, and can be enjoyed with a second player as well!

7. Kirby's Return to Dreamland: This is the epitomy of Kirby in my opinion. Four player multiplayer, tons of levels, creative levels, fantastic music and a grand final boss. I've definitely played this game quite a lot with my cousin and the memories of the two of us playing through it are forever cherished deep inside my heart.

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@BigYellow, ouch! I know they weren't very mature in their respones to you, but you needn't be THAT harsh in shooting down the idea.

This topic is in the General Discussion forum of the site, so it's not like it would be out of place, and if it's too polarizing as you say, it simply wouldn't win the poll, no biggie (I can understand if you want to keep things gaming focused, so maybe only allow one non-gaming suggestion per poll, if someone brings one up. So 3 gaming topics vs 1 non-gaming topic. If the non-gaming topic wins, the next two topics HAVE to be gaming related before another non-gaming topic can be suggested). Just a thought.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 You've made some excellent points here, maybe I was having a bit too much fun with that guy, I would've taken the suggestion more seriously if they were more polite about it I guess. It had completely slipped my mind that this forum was actually under General Discussion, so that's a fault on my part. I like the 3 to 1 idea, and you're right about that if an option is too polarizing it just won't win.

I was going to make a new poll tonight, but I'll give it one more day because I'll accept a non-gaming topic for the next poll if anyone has one, and I wouldn't want to make this on short notice. Thanks for helping me see clearer on this, in hindsight I think it's a nice idea.

Also @KawaiiFun if you're still out there, sorry bout today. Maybe we both messed up and I'd rather throw this under the rug.



Also now just realized that the topic is the Universal Games Ranking Forum. I literally thought it was just the Universal Ranking Forum. My bad.

Still a non-gaming topic could be a nice way to liven things up every once in awhile.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@BigYellow Yea ok then NOT. Your such a dumb idiot if you think I'll forgive you NO ONE who ever makes fun of anime deserves forgiveness it's very serious. People who make fun of anime are just stupid haters and dont say I wasnt polite like why would I be nice to some anime hater idiot.



@RR529 Either way I still think you've a good idea with the 3 and 1 thing, it may be called a games forum but like you said it is under General Discussion. I'm up for the odd non-gaming topic.

@KawaiiFun If it makes you feel better I do play Goku in Smash Flash 2 no anime hater would do that.

Edit: @KawaiiFun just noticed you were post number 420, congrats.

Edited on by WarioIsTopTier



@CreamyDream I'm not a troll just cause I wanna defend anime he made fun of it he's a hater so I will give him what he deserves.



@BigYellow Yeah right you probably just make fun of goku players noob hater.



@KawaiiFun Listen man @CreamyDream is right, if you love anime so much, you can make your own forum, it's no big deal. Don't get caught up on one guy you think is a hater.



@BigYellow Heh I told you it's too late for an apology and it means nothing from you HATER.



Let's ignore the off topic guy now - don't want to derail a great games thread. I was going to delete those posts but I'll leave them there for the chuckle factor.

I'm a relative noob to Kirby. I'm not sure I'd even heard of Kirby until Kirby's Epic Yarn, but I am a fan of old school platformers like New Zealand Story, Rainbow Islands, James Pond, for their visual appeal and cuteness. So once I started exploring the Kirby collection I realised it was something I needed to try, purely on how the design of Kirby and the game visuals appealed to me. Then I learnt about the copy abilities which are an obvious bonus.

My ranking is really brief and pointless, but I'll do it anyway. I've played a few titles now but not yet committed to finishing any of them.

Before I go further, I must say that the use of different English names for the same game in US/Europe is really annoying and must stop.

6. Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush/Curse - I think I bought this Day 1, but I quickly found the control scheme made the game feel very tedious and irritating and I gave up on the game not far in. It's the only game I've sold from my entire gaming collection. I might get it again one day, but it still costs as much used as I sold it for, so I'm not gonna hurry. Pretty graphics are meaningless when the gameplay feels so wrong.

5. Kirby's Adventure (NES) - I'm not a NES fan generally, but for a NES game I do like this, but haven't played much of it, partly because my one complaint so far with it is that the controls seem a bit clunky (to be expected for NES era), but maybe I'll get used to them with time.

4. Kirby's Epic Yarn - very appealing from one perspective, but as cute as yarn textures are, the game loses something because of it (I feel the same about Yoshi's Woolly World), as it all looks too similar after a while.

3. Kirby Super Star - I definitely need to play this more, as it looks great and doesn't feel much different to a 3DS quality game.

2. Kirby's Adventure Wii - Not much I can say about this as I've hardly played it, and by rights I probably shouldn't be ranking it this highly, but I know it's good and just the box art alone gets me all squiggly with its lushness.

1. Kirby Triple Deluxe - to give an idea of how inexperienced I am with Kirby, I'm sure this is my most played Kirby game, and I've only recorded 2.5 hours play time and am only 11% into my Story Mode save file. But frankly I'm pretty staggered this doesn't get higher in people's estimations. This game is fantastic and kinda epitomizes what I look for in this genre. Just gorgeous to look at and play. The way the camera irises in and out with that rounded-cornered star each time you go through a door gets me every time. The animation is pure ecstasy for me. I've just done the first level with swimming and spears, and the way Kirby swims under water, and gets a rubber ring on the surface, is just a delight. As was the bit where you suck that reel to reveal a Gameboy wallpaper and exit door... I just can't think of a 2D platformer that I like so much as this - certainly not in terms of the happiness factor. When I finish the level and get blasted through the sky and reach 1, I am squealing with happiness as the signature musical ditty kicks in and Kirby spins across the screen.

I also own Planet Robobot but am leaving that until I at least finish Triple Deluxe.

The only negative point I could make at this point about Kirby is that, because of his floating mechanic, he doesn't (that I know of, no spoilers please) get any flying vehicles or wings, which are usually a fun way to mix up gameplay in these types of games.

Edited on by gcunit

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


@gcunit Thanks for the nice words on the thread, and thanks again for keeping those comments. Not something you see often here so it's a nice giggle when it does happen. That said I'm hoping it's done now, the novelty did start to wear off a bit, so fingers crossed he's off home to 4chan.

That aside, as promised there's a new poll up! I'm back to 5 options again cause why not.

Vote Here:

Our options this time are:
+2D Sonic Games
+Favourite Character Redesigns
+Mainline Donkey Kong Games
+Underpowered Characters/Things You Still Love Using
+Games You Like in Genres You Dislike

As always, the current topic is still relevant, and I'll probably close this poll sooner rather than later.

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot we hit 10,000 views last night! That's genuinely awesome, thanks guys.

Edited on by WarioIsTopTier


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