Oh, gosh...
Just now I heard there was a huge group of anger fan of The Sims 1 & 2 Legacy collection who asked EA for refund after those games keep crashing and getting in trouble.
CEO of EA can be sentenced to jail for selling a fraud product and charged for $40 for half baked games with error and crash on it.
CEO of EA should be punished for good to end this corruption in gaming industry.
@Anti-Matter the CEO of EA won't be going to prison for this. Otherwise so many CEOs would be thrown in jail for bad PC ports across the board.
The crashes are inherent to the games running on modern hardware. It's because EA did nothing to fix the issues the games had originally, and just chose to re-release them.
As for the missing expansion, I believe it was the IKEA one, and probably due to them not getting the licensing for IKEA. Still makes the game inferior.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
The crashes are inherent to the games running on modern hardware. It's because EA did nothing to fix the issues the games had originally, and just chose to re-release them.
To add to this, this is another reason why I like GOG. GOG actually puts effort into making classic games run on modern PCs. I have a few older EA games on GOG and they work fine.
I wouldn't be surprised if EA just put the game on Steam and called it a day. I also would not be surprised if the Sims community made fanmade fixes to get the games running on modern hardware.
EA was even like this with their Origin platform. Once bought a Need for Speed game from Origin, ended up refunding it because the game kept asking for a disc in the drive, even though it was digital. It was cleared all they did was copy the disc's content to the digital version without removing the disc check that the retail copy had.
The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!
@Sunsy So, gotta start by saying, the Super Mario All-Stars version of Lost Levels is apparently slightly easier, with at least one notable fix, as well as lowered requirements for getting into at least one of the hidden worlds. (The OG required you to beat the game nine times before it would let you into, I think it was world 9, and even then, you would apparently only have one life the whole way through.)
Yeah. The rumors were interesting. I gather they were part of how Gamefreak got Pokemon to blow up in popularity initially. I personally tried the rumor from Melee for unlocking Sonic and Tails. Played Cruel Melee with my main till I got over 70 KOs, before giving up. 20 KOs doesn't unlock anything.
Yeah, am honestly intrigued by a possible movie 4. That OVA series is one I barely remember. And yeah. Finished Shadow Generations story already, and previously played Sonic Generations on ps3. So probably moving on.
The issues I have with gaming on PC would be update downloads (because poor internet, they never actually finish, ever.), and storage space.
Gog sounds nice. (Not Gogmazios. Not that one. But the one you mentioned.)
Yeah. Tunic had this clever idea of making how to play the game a progression unlockable you have to find. Including basic controls and mechanics and maps, it makes the game truly stand out as unique. Absolutely worth playing. Can't help but notice the playable character in 3 different Zelda somewhat inspired indies I either enjoy playing, or am looking forward to is a fox...
@Mariotag Gotcha, that's understandable. Splatoon is heavily focused on online multiplayer after all. I actually got burnt out on Splatoon 3 a while back actually, lol.
@Sunsy That's cool, I have that exact Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch as well. As a Mario lover myself, I had to get one when that came out haha. I have the Zelda variant too. When I was a kid, I used to have the Nintendo Mini Classics handheld that was also Super Mario Bros., but that was identical to the NES game in name only. The Mini Classics version was a lot more simplistic, you're just jumping across platforms and there weren't any power-ups. It resembled a green Game Boy Pocket, except it's a lot smaller.
And yeah... this is one reason why I don't have any interest in a PS5 and an Xbox Series X/S. There aren't a lot of games that I'm interested in, either. There's Astro Bot on the PS5, but that's about it... it just makes more sense for me to just stick with Nintendo platforms and PC. Even with Astro Bot getting game of the year, I pretty much just lost all interest in PlayStation and Xbox a long while back. I do hope the Switch 2 is under $500 as well.
That's cool, you're having Shadow Generations on the back burner for now huh? I've finished both the Sonic and Shadow halves last month. Unfortunately I got more and more frustrated with Generations the further I made it in. I think it's the combination of how Sonic and Shadow controls, and how the later levels were made. It pretty much made me realize that, at the very least, my brain is just not wired for the boost-era Sonic games. Kind of an interesting new perspective I've formed, I guess. It's weird... because I still like the Genesis games and I used to like playing the Sonic Adventure games when I was a kid.
Yep, the version of Snow White that I got is an ultimate collector's edition, and it has the Disney 100 logo on it. Really happy I have it. I thought Wish was all right overall. I didn't like the goat sidekick and the villain song wasn't great, but other than that it was OK-ish.
I've started Mega Man Battle Network 3 a little while back, sometime after I made that last post in this thread. I made a lot of good progress in it, despite bumbling my way through many of the boss fights, lol. Recently I got my style change, which is the Wood Custom style. (Previously, in MMBN2, I got the Heat Shield style.) In terms of gameplay at least, BN3 might just be my favorite in the series. A lot of the game's music is awesome, too. Heck, I even had my old DVD of the Mega Man NT Warrior anime being in the background while playing BN3 on my Switch. And little fun fact about me, MMBN3 was the first game in the Battle Network series that I've played.
That is good to hear you liked Trolls Remix Rescue. Speaking of Trolls, the next movie after the first one is World Tour, and then Band Together, right? I don't think World Tour is on Netflix but I could be wrong.
That's cool, it looks like that Camp Xbox channel is featured on the GameCube Galaxy channel page too. Didn't play much of the original Xbox however, it was mainly GameCube, GBA, and PS2 for me. Things might have been different if my mom and dad let me play Halo back when I was like 12 though. They didn't like me and my younger brother playing M-rated games back then.
@Sunsy Yeah, from my understanding they just effectively did a re-release without fixing the game or making sure it could run on modern computers. It's less effort than they put in with the Sims 3 when they updated it for Mac devices.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
I was just at my cousin's house playing Nintendoland and realized how much i HATE d-pads. Mine kept sticking when we were playing Mario chase and i would just stop in the most inconvenient places!
Playing: Splatoon 3, Minecraft, ACNH
Listening to: Kane Brown, NF, Connor Price, Cooper Alan
@MarioVillager92 I remember those a lot alongside the music blocks. The costumes featuring cross-over characters was what made the game more memorable for me! The Shaun the Sheep one was cool since I watched a lot of ghe Shaun the Sheep show and film, so it kind of felt surreal seeing him as a costume, though I think Aardman created these Nintendo 3DS shorts with Shaun, so it makes sense why he’s there.
Those two were super fun to play shortly after they released. So strange to think they are almost a decade old now! I am hoping the next installments are on the same levels of fun as Ultimate and 3 and bring a lot of much needed improvements to some issues they have, like the online play because it was so awful trying to play Smash online, like I said. I actually skipped the final boss of Octo Expansion since I failed it the first time I played it, but I replayed that part a few times later and I got the hang of it, but Octo Expansion was a big challenge! It was hard to get all the mem cakes without skipping the levels, but I managed it somehow. The hardest ones were the 8 ball levels and ones where you had to carve a statue out of crates and destroying them. I never got burnt out on 3, also because I didn’t play enough of it compared to the previous two, but I understand feeling like that with some games.
No, the game was cancelled and I think they didn’t really finish developing it, but it reminded me of Resident Evil from how it looked and sounded since it was a survival horror game with grotesque looking enemies. Rare was very experimental with game genres back then, but a lot of the interesting games got cancelled. They have a fair amount of cancelled games that are interesting to read and hear about, but the Rare Revealed documentaries don’t cover all of them.
A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, movies, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, he’s the first member of the DK crew!” - YouTube commenter, circa 2019
@Mariotag I still would have loved for it to have happened. Shame it won’t at this point since time has passed, and having a modern Conker game would be hard to do, when it comes to executing the comedy and making sure the comedy isn’t actually offending. But, if I’m being honest, some things should stay in the past since new games for old IPs aren’t always executed well, and the game isn’t relevant anymore. The whole point of Conker is being crude, and I don’t know if Rare or any other game studio would want to make a new game.
I have heard of Slayers I think. Licensing does suck at times especially since it’s hard to watch some stuff you want on a service you have, or if the thing is out of print. But when film series and shows are on multiple platforms and some platforms don’t have all the content on it, it stinks. The JoJo OVA I watched isn’t even on a streaming platform and it’s out-of-print, so I had to watch a YouTube video for it, and then Netflix has all seasons of the JoJo anime while Crunchyroll and the others don’t.
I think you’ll like Boom. Again, it’s not the strongest with action compared to most Sonic media and shows, but it’s comedy and writing is super solid and carries it.
I really want Xbox to succeed and do well and I think it would be so strange if it vanished one day, but there is a lot of stuff they need to improve so that it’ll be the go-to console again, like it was back during the 360 era, which was the most successful for the Xbox ever.
You should! I already watched a few already besides Roger Rabbit. I’m planning to get Disney+ again to expand my options, and I really want to watch the Chip ‘n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers movie again and a bit more Chip ‘n’ Dale content. That’s all I can think of everyday now haha, since the Rescue Rangers movie was intentionally supposed to be a spiritual successor to Roger Rabbit, and there something with classic animated characters interacting in a live action setting that I love a bunch.
I understand. Even though I had Game Pass for a while, I didn’t endlessly download games too. I only played a few that looked interesting and that’s it, but there’s a ton of others that play a ton of good games on there! But, I’m not interesting in getting Game Pass now. Maybe when some more time passes and if I’m in the mood to play more games on the Xbox, but I’ve been meaning to play Marvel Rivals on there soon since ive loved hero shooters for a while. I think I heard Nintendo dislikes discounting their own games for a while, and I wonder why. Is there a possible reason why they don’t do that?
@Pastellioli Fair enough. Modern Conker would be difficult. And ppl are very easily offended now. (Which I attribute to a certain taboo topic being very widespread now...)
Slayers was a fun ride. It apparently had some influence on the dub casting for the original Pokemon too.
And yeah. Licensing sucks. When I started watching Jojo, it was all on hulu. Then it was Crunchyroll only. Then Netflix only.
I might very well like Boom! Just need to find time to start.
Yeah. The 360 was absolutely a high tier console. I still have mine. I still remember the free monthly games. Hopefully they get their act together.
Huh. Well, Disney Plus is something I legitimately can't use, even if I'm a paying customer, soo, probably won't. Forget what this was in response to.
Nintendo is uhh. Well idk their reasons, but they used to do some stuff similar to that, at least with a selects line. I can't download much in general. Whether it's storage space, or internet, it's rather difficult. Never got really into Marvel.
Anyway, I'm guessing you've been busy? My birthday is this month, so I'm expecting to be getting a couple games.
@Sunsy I usually like watching the videos that analyze speedruns and explain how it works. The most memorable one was this viral video where a guy analyze a 5-minute Super Mario Bros. speedrun that was cheated and spliced, and combined footage from other speedruns together to make it look as if it was a legit one.
That’s a lot! I finished Boom, Underground, and AoStH, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the Christmas special for AoStH. I maybe saw a few episodes of SatAM but I think my mind is a bit fuzzy on that one, but I for sure watched two of the three DIC Sonic shows.
Yeah, I usually like media that’s all fantasy and super colorful-looking, a ton of the N64 games appeal to me since most of them are like that. I’d love to see more retro stuff at GameStop, because I don’t really see any, but the retro stuff I see online on multiple stores is always expensive and hard to get cheap, especially if it’s a game that hasn’t been ported to modern consoles and is out-of-print. It’s why I always have to play retro games on modern hardware, but I don’t mind since it’s cheaper and the performance is better, but it’d be so unreal if I owned a cartridge of a Rare N64 game that I have on the Xbox. I miss the feeling of GameStop, but there isn’t a pain for me to be in one since I have a Series S (all-digital) and a ton of Nintendo 3DS and 2DS games are pricey with the eShop being gone.
I remember that. Wasn’t the differences between US and JP Sonic mainly from the way he was drawn? US Sonic looked cool and had some 90s edge to him while the JP one was softer-looking and cutesy while still looking cool.
I sometimes eat kettle corn too, it’s tasty, but plain popcorn or salty ones are good for me! I sometimes made a cinnamon sugar flavor at home and it was good, but movie popcorn is so dang good. That short was interesting! Thanks for sharing. There was this movie theater style popcorn I sometimes got with my family at a TJ Maxx, and they also used coconut oil in that, so that explains why movie popcorn is so good. Again, I only really eat food at theaters and I just watch movies at home without food, but nothing beats eating food while watching something! Speaking of movies, I’m watching a ton of free movies on YouTube Movies and it’s so fun. They have a pretty decent selection, but I’m excited to get Disney+ very soon to rewatch some movies I’m thinking of. I’m planning on rewatching the Rescue Rangers movie and I’m excited for that. Are there any movies you are interested in seeing? I don’t have much besides a few Disney and Aardman movies. Yeah, the renders were really well-done. In fact, I’d say all Sonic fan artists are really good! I followed a ton of them on Instagram after I saw Sonic 3, and ALL their talent shocks me. I wanna be able to draw like them…
You could do all sorts of random stuff in Infinity, it was so fun, but INteriors was the one I spent the most time in. I had a good bit of random worlds, some more fun and some really random and sometimes barren, but Disney Infinity is maybe the best sandbox game I’ve played. Shame it isn’t coming back. Coincidentally, I’m in a big Disney mood right now and I might want to play some Disney games on the Xbox later…
It’s ok! I don’t really have a need for more art supplies right now, and I’m fine not being at an art store right now. Art supplies can sometimes be hard to get, but it depends on the seller and item. Usually in-person art stores sell items more cheaper, but places like Amazon sell them at really high prices because of shipping unless you have Amazon Prime, though Amazon has a lot of cheaper and good-quality alternatives to expensive and high-end art brands. I tend to use ballpoint and gel pen in my art, but I’ve been wanting to use colored pencils more because I have way more colors in those, and I was a big colored pencil and marker user years ago. I have tried watercolor and paint, but I sucked at those a lot. I bought so many acrylic paints from Target this one time just to not do anything with them after I had a hard time painting and blending and donated them.
A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, movies, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, he’s the first member of the DK crew!” - YouTube commenter, circa 2019
@Mariotag I really wouldn’t expect it to come back. I’d like it to, but I know it wouldn’t be as good as it was before. But, the humor I saw in the Project Spark Conker DLC, although lacking crude humor, I did like the jokes about modern video game practices like microtransactions and outdated video game tropes. I would maybe expect a modern Conker game to have humor that was more self-aware and critical and less crude.
Seeing shows jump around a lot on streaming services is annoying…if I do get around to watching the JoJo anime, I don’t know what I’ll do about watching the 5th season since Crunchyroll doesn’t have it. I really don’t want Netflix at all and I find the selection is kind of uninteresting besides a few titles. I’m sure I can buy individual episodes on the Xbox since I saw listings for Stone Ocean on there, but someone I talked to on NL said buying episodes on the Xbox gets pricey.
I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. It’s a really hilarious show and maybe one of the best Sonic shows in terms of jokes and comedy.
You were responding to the YouTube Movies thing…hopefully Disney+ is functional when I use it, since it’s always worked fine but I guess it has technical issues and normal issues that I haven't heard of before. I know at one point it had episodes in incorrect order, and they removed some shows and films from there for cost-cutting reasons and people were understandably mad about that since Disney+ doesn’t remove stuff like Netflix, but what they removed was a ton of original shows and films that I never watched or heard of.
Downloading games takes hours on my Xbox, even when I have free space. Whenever I downloaded Overwatch it took maybe a day to play, but I downloaded it at nighttime and it was done in the morning.
A bit, but I’ll still try to be faster with responding. Didn’t know it’s gonna be your birthday! Hope you have a good one, and happy early birthday! I wonder what games you’ll get.
Yahhh. Netflix has gotten overly expensive too. Tbh, when it comes to streaming services I can't use, I do tend to sail the seven seas so to speak, but I prefer not to talk much about it. With games at least, I only do so either for user generated content, or games I have no other way of playing. (BSX being one major example of the latter) Basically, things impossible to play otherwise. If it does come down to it, and there's no other way to get Mother 3, I might buy an import copy before getting a translated version online. Just to say "I bought it", y'know?
Yeah. I'll try to enjoy t!
Ah yes. I do have some YT movies to watch. As for Disney Plus, it just never worked for me. Similar deal with Paramount Plus. Loading issues, glitches, lag, crashes, buffering... It didn't seem to matter what the internet speed was either, weirdly enough.
Downloading stuff on PSN and Xbox is a genuine nightmare for me, especially compared to switch.
I don't know what the contrast is, but rather than measuring in hours, a PSN game download for me, takes days. Switch is just, oh, I want this, I'll buy it. Hour and a half? Cool!
Ah alright! My bday isn't for a while though! Roughly a week before MH Wilds.
2025 checkpoint (2/8/25):
Currently working on moving out of my house. I still live with my parents. I want to go out and be the full me. Right now I'm navigating through my financial life, working towards better pay and more money.
Currently playing Mario and Luigi Brothership. I'm on Lottsacoins Island. Been enjoying it so far. I've also been playing Monster Hunter Rise, but I've taken a step back from that game. After I finish one of the two, I plan on going back and continuing Zelda Phantom Hourglass. I'm strangely committed to finishing that game.
2025 commitments:
Plan on moving out, like I said before. I also am going to play Metroid Prime 3 and Federation Force before 4. I'm also going to play Layton's Mystery Journey, especially if New World of Steam ACTUALLY comes out this year. I want to get a functional ps3 to play games like Armoured Core (ps1 and For Answer), the original Klonoa, the Mega Man Legend games, other games I might find. And I should probably play more of my Wii U backlog. Not a conquering "backlog" person, but I've got the GBA Klonoas, 4 Kirbys, 2 Zeldas (including Minish Cap, which I've heard is amazing), and more. I'll at least get to Prime 3 on Prime Trilogy.
2025 Hopes:
Want to see Prime 2 and 3 Remastered happen, and Layton and the New World of Steam to come out and be good.
@konicstar Huh. Nice update! Good luck with moving out!
Dunno your prior experience with games. For Klonoa, I played the more recent collection. But I also have the pair of GBA games on Wii U eshop. Never played Prime 3? I still have the preview channel from when it first released!
Should mention about Minish Cap, it's pretty much the only LoZ game to have permanent missables that don't rely on online. Having said that, don't feel too pressured to go after all of them. Enjoy the game your first run for sure!
I've still gotta finish Federation Force, as well as Tri Force Heroes.. And I've got a ps3 which I intend to get more stuff for for similar reasons.
MH Rise is something I've still gotta play. Broship was impressive, if a bit linear, and with a slow start. Phantom Hourglass is neat btw! I only played my bro's copy, and only once. If not for the fact there aren't more than two saves, I'd play it again!
Haven't posted on here in while. The reason for that is because I moved to a small island, where we have been for a whole year without wi-fi. The result of this is that I get out the house slightly more, to the library, and youth clubs and the like. Still don't really have any friends though.
At the moment, I am on holiday, which means I don't have a data limit or a time limit on the wi-fi. I've been catching up on some anime that I can't get on blu-ray or DVD, and updating a bunch of games that need updates. Hopefully this time I remember to redownload the Mega Man legacy collections.
Anyway, it's been kind of rough at home, because we moved to a cold, damp house with asbestos and woodlice up the wazoo and no central heating. Everyone's been kind of miserable, tonnes of arguments. To avoid these arguments I've been hiding in my room lots. It's all quite miserable.
I've finished watching a couple of anime recently, Yu Yu Hakusho, which I've had for ages, and Revolutionary Girl Utena, which I got 2 weeks ago (I love the music, the lyrics are so stupid). I played a game called Sunless Sea at the end of last year, and was immediately thrust into the depths of an existential crisis from which I have not yet recovered, so that's also not good.
But still, it's nice to have central heating, wi-fi, and comfortable chairs.
Truly I am mankind's natural foe! Evil Incarnate! A walking cataclysm! A shapeless insanity! GUNDHAM TANAKA!
Kelpies. Be they hound or horse?
Currently Playing on Switch: Chaos Head Noah, Emio - The Smiling Man, Terraria.
I just tried to sigm into my nintendo account through web browser, and I am told I need to verify my email address linkefd with the account(it uses a verification code). I already verified this email when I first set up my nintendo account years ago. I can sign into my nintendo account via switch just fine. Is this a scam, have I been hacked?
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