Pokémon: Detective Pikachu is an upcoming movie created by Warner Bros. and The Pokémon Company. It is set to release on May 10th 2019. More information.
Yup and it looks like an abomination. Live action Pokemon simply should not exist. I bloody hate that Hollywood has all but abandoned animation except for that Frozen/Toy Story CG crap.
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Personally thought it looks fine by now. 100% going to try watching this (hopefully it won't be DOA because it releases same week as Avengers 2 iirc- last time Avenger came here, they dominated the whole cinema)
I think it looks pretty good. And at least it'll be better than that Super Mario Bros. Movie. I wasn't alive when that was created, but rented it, hoping it would be better than I thought. It wasn't. This, on the other hand, looks pretty fun and I look forward to seeing it next May!
I was just wondering what everybody's thoughts were on the detective Pikachu movie. Do you think it will be good? What do you think of how the Pokémon look? Will you enjoy it?
As for me, I hope it will be good, and I honestly think it will at the vary least be the best video game movie yet. I think some of the Pokemon look good like Pikachu and Charazard, while others are ourtight hidious like Phyduck and Jiggleypuff.
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@Sharks All the Pokemon are fine to me after the inital shock... other than Jigglypuff. It just looks ridiculous. I think it's because I've always imagined it with smooth skin? Psyduck and Mr. Mime look ridiculous too, but in a way that suits them. Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charmander all looked good at least, as did the Emolga, Morelull (those looked the best of anything IMO), Greninja and Rufflet. Didn't get a clear enough look at anything else to judge.
As for if I'll like it? The answer is a solid maybe. It actually looks like a decent movie, but we'll see what happens. I'm curious to see if Detective Pikachu gets a Switch port to capitalize on the release of the movie.
It has a hyperrealism to it. Equal parts adorable and creepy makes it fascinating. It's different enough from the source material to not be able to tarnish it, but looks imaginative enough to stand on its own. Let's face it. This could have been much worse. Look at Mario Bros or Monster Hunter. Oh...and I want a Psyduck! They look amazing ^^
I don't know if anyone even reads this thread anymore, but I thought I'd write some of my opinions anyway.
I thought this movie was great! As in 9/10 great. The way the Pokémon are integrated into the real world is stunning - they fit so well. The movie does well to disguise the fact that it was filmed in London and although some landmarks are still visible, by adding Pokémon names to the buildings, you forget easily. As many others have said, the first and third acts are easily better than the second, but the second is still enjoyabls in its own way.
The thing that disappointed me the most is when I realised that after Harry Goodman's spirit is released from Pikachu, Pikachu can't speak anymore. Knowing a sequel is already being scripted, I'm sure Legendary have a way of making Pikachu speak again, but if Tim knows Pikachu is his dad, the bond between the two characters might not be the same, unless both characters have their memories erased.
It's highly unlikely there will be a sequel to this.
New movies in the same universe? Absolutely. Direct sequel to this exact storyline about the same Pikachu? Nope.
It's kinda final in its resolution, and they would probably prefer to focus on expanding the universe instead of keeping the Detective Pikachu as a main character.
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