This is my 1st time playing through OOT. So I just started with normal mode, not Master Quest. I'm not planning to try Master Quest for a while. When I finish OOT I'm going to switch over to MM to experience that game.
I've got so many TLoZ games that I don't want to revisit any games yet.
The TLoZ games I have right now are . . . 3DS: OOT, MM, LBW, and I have Link's Awakening and the 2 Oracle games as downloads; Wii Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword.
I haven't even looked at BotW, or TotK at all. LOL.
Maybe by the time I get through a couple more of TLoZ games I already have, Nintendo will bring out a nice remake of OOT for Switch 2. That could entice me to explore OOT again. LOL.
RE: Hylian Loach
That is one of two items I haven't gotten yet before I attempt the last level. That and the Biggest Quiver. Well, those and 5 Gold Skulltulas I missed along the way.
Still playing Metroid Samus Returns. At the last section of the game so soon finished. I am curious how how difficult the last boss will be on hard mode. I have beaten all bosses on first or second attempt up to this point. Finishing the game on normal first really helps understanding paterns etc. The extra damage enemies give on hard mode is not that big of a deal to be honest.
Have you 100% it for the hard mode for this run through or are you not bothered about that?
Good luck on finishing. Although it sounds like you don't need it. Let us know when you finish it and what you move on to next!
Yeah. I really enjoyed Samus Returns. So much that until I finished it, I kept going back to it whenever I had a bit of time. Of all the games I've played and finished, this would definitely be one that I would consider playing again. And it would be one of the few that I would consider trying the "hard" mode.
Yesterday, I booted Miitopia to get the amiibo costumes of the compatible ones I've gotten, but for some reason it's crashing on different points.
-Right after the 3DS logo when you start it.
-When you enter a level.
-If you change the appearance of the clothes, it may fail to load and show the default clothes of the job, it may show either with or without a hat. If it shows without a hat, it'll crash once I exit the menu.
I have to investigate more, the crashing after the 3DS logo makes me think it might have to do with the additional data created on the microSD card.
Other than that, maybe Ill finally finish Kid Icarus: Uprising.
My 3DS backlog is the smallest of my modern Nintendo systems due to how late (July 2017) I got my New 3DS XL, the only 3DS I own. So I missed on a lot of games, one day I hope to get Kirby: Planet Robobot, Metroid Samus Returns, Metroid Prime: Federation Force (yes, really), Mario & Sonic Rio 2016 and the Zeldas.
As for it not working, it could be anything from a programming bug to corrupt memory or flaky SD Card.
Is there any patches for the game? What version firmware is your 3DS?
The only time this has happened to me (knock on wood) was with a game save on the Wii U version of Minecraft. It was a world that me and my kids were exploring and mining. Just goofying around. But one day we weren't able to open it up.
Have fun with Kid Icarus: Uprising! Are you enjoying the game? What would be your next game after that?
RE: Late to the game . . . I actually have you beat. LOL. I didn't get our 2DS until after we got our Switch. I think it was 2018 I got it. It might have been early 2019. It was a used one at EB Games (Game Stop). I was car pooling with my wife, and I'd sometimes be waiting for her after work for up to an hour. I was watching shows on my phone while I'd wait, but decided I might as well get same gaming time in. Of course . . . we all know what happened in 2019. No more commuting to the office. No more car pooling. No more waiting. I kept gaming with the 2DS, but a lot less than I thought I was going to. LOL.
Finished Metroid Samus returns yesterday. The last boss (won't name it in case someone has yet to play the game) was a bit tougher on hard mode. I died a few times and it was quite intense. Wonderful game and I really recommend playing it and trying out hard mode. I am not the greatest of players, but I enjoy a challenge. So if you are like me you will definitely like it, even if it is a tad too easy to be 'hard-mode'.
I got the urge to re-play Super Mario 3D Land so I fired it up yesterday evening right after finishing Metroid. What a great game! Definitely my favourite of Mario's handheld adventures, and one of my overall Mario games.
RE: Metroid Samus Returns — Yeah! I agree that Samus Returns is an amazing game. It challenges you and it is such a great world to explore. You mentioning the hard mode got me thinking about it. And the next time I play through it I'll try the hard mode. But I want to try the other Metroid games 1st. (Zero Mission, Super Metroid, Fusion. I've started ZM, but moving slowly while I concentrate on OOT. I'm going to track down a copy of Dread next month.)
RE: Super Mario 3D Land — I really enjoyed playing that one. I haven't actually finished that game yet. I finished the main game and thought that was it so I put it aside and started OOT. Only recently I realized there was more. I might slip in finishing it off after I finish OOT.
RE: OOT - No. I haven't finished it yet. LOL. But I did get the biggest quiver. So now just the biggest fish and 5 Skulltulas before the final boss.
I got sidetracked last night. LOL. I moved my Wii from an old failing TV (Sound is gone. Difficult to turn on.) over to a computer monitor I am using that actually has an RCA Video-In port. So now my Wii is right beside my computer in my home office. I'm lining that up for when I eventually get to Super Mario Sunshine. LOL.
Been playing Ridge Racer 3D. Graphicly the game is impressive, especially for a launch title. The performance with 3D turned on is for the most part good, with only some slowdow on tracks with cramped scenery.
I have just finished the basic championship, which comprise of 18 cups. The game is rather repetitive and I don't think the single player game is particularly well structured. That said, I look forward to start the advanced championship.
The music is both good and bad. Love the classic tracks and some of the new ones. But over all it is a bit of a hit and miss. I usually play without sound and listening to my own music or a podcast.
But playing for 30 min to an hour here and there I'd very enjoyable. Definitely a good game all things considered.
Has anyone else played it? What are your thoughts?
I just this past week went back and struggled my way through The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes. A friend and I bought it the day it released, only to discover playing with two people was impossible, it HAD to be three people. I tried it in single player, but it's just...I mean, I know it has its defenders, but for me personally...yeesh...
Over the years since then I've filled in the holes of my Zelda accomplishments, and after getting Echoes of Wisdom for Christmas and finishing it, it came down to just Triforce Heroes as the sole mainline Zelda game I had never completed. So I strapped on my boots, dusted off my Majora's Mask New 3DS, put green Link in a dress, and managed to finally see the credits roll on the legend of Hytopia.
My opinion hasn't changed: I truly dislike Triforce Heroes. But with its completion, my quest is done. I haven't finished all of the spin-offs (the CDi games, Satellaview entries, or any of the Tingle series), but if it's a game that has a bullet point on Nintendo's ever changing timeline of Hyrule, I can officially say I've beaten it!
Last year I walked into a Shoppers Drug Mart store and they had 2 New Super Mario edition 2DS’s on the shelf going for $90. It felt bizarre seeing “brand new” 2DS’s on store shelves in 2024 so I bought them both. I already had 2 3DS’s but could not pass up this opportunity. I still have a backlog to get thru, I’m looking fwd to finally playing *Fire Emblem:Awakening * …a game I’m hoping can finally convince me to play “turn based” games. It’s the one genre of gaming I could never get into 😝 . The DS family is easily one of the best series of gaming consoles , how neat would it be for Nintendo to reopen their Eshops for a brief 1 week bonanza of something the like? Never gonna happen but would be cool ! I’m still curious to know just how much revenue they generated after they announced they closure of the 3DS Eshop 🤔
Been playing Ridge Racer 3D. Graphicly the game is impressive, especially for a launch title. The performance with 3D turned on is for the most part good, with only some slowdow on tracks with cramped scenery.
I have just finished the basic championship, which comprise of 18 cups. The game is rather repetitive and I don't think the single player game is particularly well structured. That said, I look forward to start the advanced championship.
The music is both good and bad. Love the classic tracks and some of the new ones. But over all it is a bit of a hit and miss. I usually play without sound and listening to my own music or a podcast.
But playing for 30 min to an hour here and there I'd very enjoyable. Definitely a good game all things considered.
Has anyone else played it? What are your thoughts?
I finished Ridge Racer 3D last year, 100% in Grand Prix mode. I had a lot of fun, great game.
I had never played a RR before, so I can't compare it to other games in the franchise.
The game has a good challenge in the final stretch (from 65% onwards), especially in the duels where you face and unlock the Special Machines.
PS: I bought my 3DS XL in 2013, and RR3D was one of the games I always wanted to have, but it was very hard to find here in Brazil. Luckily, I found a store selling two new copies for a good price in 2023. 10 years later XD
@Rodolfo6493 Wow! Impressive that you found new copies in 2023.
Yeah, they game starts out really easy, the first grand prix mode is more or less a cake-walk. But I got to say that the difficulty really ramps up right at the start of the second tier. I never bought any of the boosts that you can use in a single cup during the first grand prix, but now I realized I better start using them.
It is also much more fun when you unlock the faster cars. My only gripe with this is that there are a bit to few different car types. It is the same models, only better versions of them. At least that is how it has been up to now.
But again, it is a great game and probably one of the best racing games on the 3DS. Not that the genre is particularly thriving on the console.
@Splash_Woman That is one of those game in a series that I love that I probably will never play. It is the same with Metroid and Other M.
The latter is dirt-cheap now, and I have been tempted to buy it. At the same time reading about the premiss, how they portrait Samus and the how the game mechanics work (or perhaps don't) keeps me on the fence.
Impressive non the less that you slogged through. I feel I am too old and have too little time to play something that I do not enjoy. When I was younger I played everything to the end despite how I felt about it. If I had started a game I finished it. The same with reading books.
RE: Ridge Racer 3D — That RR3D looks pretty good. Is that based on the N64 version of RR? I never had a N64, but when we got our Game Cube I ended up getting R: Racing Evolution. I never really got into R:RE as I never got a hang of driving in it. At the time I wished it was more "arcadey" rather than realistic / simulation. But now-a-days, I think I would appreciate the realism a bit more.
RE: 2 New Super Mario Edition 2DS's — Ok. I'm totally jealous with that find! Totally weird to find 2 new 2DS's. But what a find. I have never really given turn based games a go myself. Maybe one day.
RE: Opening the DS eshop . . . LOL. That would be cool, but IMHO not if it pulls Nintendo's focus away from the Switch/2. I kinda like Nintendo concentrating on 1 console right now. IMHO makes it easier for a gamer to focus on one console, rather than be split between a set-top and handheld separately.
@NintendoDad From what I hear, and even what I could infer just from playing the game alone, Triforce Heroes is/was a fantastic multi-player game, assuming you could corral exactly two other people to play through it with you. Some of the puzzles/combat seem like they would have been great fun, screaming at your friends to "go up there, get that rupee, NO, NOT THAT WAY, WAIT!!" But as a single player game, and for that matter as a Legend of Zelda game in general, it certainly has its faults:
1. There's nothing inherently wrong with the story, as far as video game plots go. Fashion obsessed kingdom -> witch turns princess's clothes ugly -> heroes go fight the witch and stop the fashion crime. But...I mean, my favorite Zelda is about a man in a carnival mask trying to make the moon crash, and my second favorite stars a talking boat and has a ton of slapstick comedy, so Zelda doesn't have to be SERIOUS by any means. Triforce Heroes, though, is over here trying to make me think rescuing a princess's wardrobe holds the same gravitas as saving the world from Calamity Ganon.
2. Again, in multi-player this game seems like it's probably a blast. In single player, though? It feels like trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time while on rollerskates in the middle of an ice rink, and also there's a Gibdo chasing you. Good luck! You have to control all three Links simultaneously, and when several of the puzzles require precise timing that had three sets of hands in mind instead of one it's certainly a challenge, and rarely in a fun way.
3. There's also no sense of real progression. In most Zelda games you collect new items, equipment, and heart containers as you progress, making you feel as though you're getting more and more powerful throughout your quest. Triforce Heroes has none of that. You start at max health, each level gives you whatever items you'll need for that specific level, and while you do earn materials that you can craft into stat/ability changing outfits, there weren't any that really felt like they significantly changed the game or made any real impact on my ability to proceed.
But I finished it, so I can rest easy! I enjoyed Echoes of Wisdom. I wasn't sure how I would feel about having no direct control over combat while simultaneously having infinite ways to break the game, but I was surprised by how effectively they took into account my penchant for stacking potted plants to climb cliffsides without making the game feel way too easy. Not my favorite Zelda, but certainly a good and worthwhile entry into the canon!
I'm still kinda on a Zelda kick. With awhile before Switch 2 comes I might play A Link Between Worlds again, it's been a few years!
@NintendoDad I haven't bought a new 3DS game since 2023, it's increasingly difficult to find a title that interests me and is at a good price.
For the DS, I only bought one game last year (Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party).
Right now my goal is to "complete" my Switch collection.
I think the DS RR was based on the N64 game. RR3D is a new(is) game that has some tracks and music from previous games. But also tracks and music made specifically made for this game. I believe its a bit like a remix and a new entry.
RE: Triforce — Thanks for the info on what you didn't like. Yeah . . . playing together can be fun, even if the game isn't exactly what you were expecting. It could be a really simple game, like Pico Park . . . and because you are playing with friends trying to figure it out together or trying to struggle through it it can be a lot of fun. That co-op play adds a whole other dimension to things.
I haven't finished a single TLoZ game yet, but have gotten mostly through OOT. And I've finished off 1 Metroid game. But I'm realizing that I won't have time to play all the games LOL, so I've really narrowed down the list of the ones I want to try. And I'm realizing that I am totally OK with that.
RE: A Link Between Worlds
I've not really played this game. I didn't realize it was a "sequel?" to A Link to the Past. Do you think it is worthwhile to play ALtoP before ALBW? I probably wouldn't have a chance to do that as my kids usually have the Switch, so I'd only have ALBW on the 2DS.
That looks like a fun game. Unfortunately I never downloaded that to my 2DS. For me, I guess it will be one of those itches I can never scratch LOL, unless Nintendo eventually brings it to the Switch/2.
I hear you on slowing down on carts. I can't remember when I picked up my last 3DS cart. It was either last year or 2023. I've got quite a few games to finish that I stopped grabbing them. But the last one was the Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions. I'm terrible at both games, but I really enjoy playing Galaga. And the version of Galaga on that 3DS cart is a lot better than the one on the DS cart that I've been playing so I couldn't walk away LOL.
RE: Switch — Yes. With the wait for the Switch 2, might as well use this time to finish off Switch games.
RE: RR3D . . . Yeah, for me personally I think an arcade racer would be more up my alley. If I ever get moving on finishing off some of the games I got stocked up for my 2DS, I might then start keeping my eyes out for RR3D.
I love my New 3DS, still play it and I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I'm playing the games I had not played yet, like New Yoshi's Island, a "bad" game compared to the SNES classic, but still getting 100% in every level, including the special courses. Currently at level 6-2. I hate the music in this game, sometimes play with the sound muted.
Topic: What are you playing on 3DS? (2025 Edition)
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