
Topic: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D

Posts 461 to 480 of 515


@Samholy I've only played the demo and the controls were completely fine for me.
The CPP works very well for this game.
I know some people don't want to spend a small amount of money to own it or think it looks too big or ugly or something like that, but it's their loss.
Works great for RE:R and for this game, and is pretty useful to have for just playing at home at least if you don't want to carry it around with you.
I haven't tried the controls without it and I'd imagine they could be a bit awkward, but not absolutely terrible from most of the things that I've heard.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


bezerker99 wrote:

So.....the ultimate verdict is this game is awesome on 3DS and to just forget what u saw from the demo, right? OK, cool.

Yep. The controls aren't crappy at all, IMO. They just take getting used to.

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Tried the demo another time yesterday. I already said that it's a good demo but now I didn't have any control problems on the second try. Still don't like the fact that FPS mode is 2D only as I had to change my aiming mode to it because sometimes I couldn't see where I'm shooting as Snake was on my way. I thought that I had much slowdown first time but now I didn't have almost any slowdown at all (weird). The enemies were really dumb but that may be just because the demo is set to be so easy. I think I have MGS for PC somewhere, I never got into it when I got it from my friend but I could maybe give it another go.

[Edited by Late]

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


I have Snake Eater on PS2 and it's easily my fav of the first 3 MGS games. I'll probably get this 3D version later too many games to play atm and also I need to save some money for a while.

Does everyone recommend the CPP??? (My apologies if that question has already been addressed IIT).


bezerker99 wrote:

Does everyone recommend the CPP??? (My apologies if that question has already been addressed IIT).

As you may have noticed if you read my post just before, I'd recommend it (even though I haven't played the full game or without it).
From my time with the demo, I thought it played really nicely with it and I've used it for 50+ hours of Resident Evil: Revelations and it feels very comfortable once you give it maybe about half an hour the first time to stop feeling weird.
Even if you didn't end up using it too much for this, I'm sure in the future there'll be quite a few games that make use of it, and considering it's not even that expensive, it's worth owning just because you can.
Great for playing certain games at home, but probably not so much out and about.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


Oh thanks!!! Looks like I'll be getting a CPP. I wasn't too much on the controls that the demo had. (I'm used to having two analog sticks via ps2 controller).

I think I mentioned it earlier but, (and I'm the only one I've read to have experienced this) the SnakeEater 3D demo crashed on me before I could even get halfway through it. It also (I believe) temporarily corrupted my SD card. (After the demo crashed on me, my SD card failed to recognize all of my downloads and stuff). I removed the card and reinserted and they (thankfully) all came back. I quickly deleted the demo and it's been smooth sailing ever since.

[Edited by bezerker99]


That's pretty strange.
Haven't heard of that problem happening to anyone before.
Good to hear that everything was fine afterwards.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


I actually played the demo until I got to the first codec conversation (that's not spoilers, is it?). Right in the middle of that, I had to hit the HOME button on the 3DS to temporarily Suspend the game. I came back to it about 20 minutes later and resumed play. Within 30 seconds the top screen went blank and I got an error message on the touch screen. It said I had to turn off the Power and reboot. When I did, I went back to the demo. I discovered that it put me back at the beginning AND I was down to 29 uses.

Instead of playing the demo again, I went back to the 3DS Home screen and when I did that, all of my Ambassador games, VC games, (my Shrek 3D Thriller video!), the Snake Eater Demo.....EVERYTHING that was on my SD card wasn't showing up.

I temporarily panicked, removed the SD card....and got the message, "Your SD card cannot be read by the device." I ignored that message and reinserted the card. Voila!!! Everything came back! /end rant/story.

Needless to say, I'm very 'iffy' on redownloading the demo at this point.

[Edited by bezerker99]


@bezerker99: For me it looks like somehow your SD card couldn't be read in the middle of the game and so the game crashes and nothing from SD card shows up in menu, putting the SD card back to it's place fixed it as the 3DS could read it again. Something must have happened to your SD card between that 20 minutes.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


@bezerker99 Well I think after reading that I'll avoid leaving my system running for a long period of time on the Home screen with a demo open, just in case something like that happens.
I'd imagine that it was probably some weird, one off thing and that if you tried again you'd be fine considering nobody else seems to be having any problems.
I'd only bother though if you're still trying to decide on the game or something as it's pretty short and there's not too much interesting to do, and even then, it sounds like the demo isn't that good representation of what the game is actually like from what I've read.
But yeah, if you really wanna give the demo another shot, I'd imagine you'd be pretty safe to do so, and if it happened again, you could just do exactly what you did last time.

[Edited by BenAV]


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


Well, again, I've played Snake Eater before. I've never beaten it (the only MGS game I've not beaten - besides PW - cuz I don't have PS3)....but I've gotten really far in it....way farther than what the demo had. It's freaking awesome!!!!


Late wrote:

I think I have MGS for PC somewhere, I never got into it when I got it from my friend but I could maybe give it another go.

oh do not judge the MGS games by the cheap PC port of the first game. that is a really bad port. NOTHING like the original PSX version, which is the best game ever btw

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


6ch6ris6 wrote:

oh do not judge the MGS games by the cheap PC port of the first game. that is a really bad port. NOTHING like the original PSX version, which is the best game ever btw

It's the only MGS I have. I'll take a look why I didn't like it when I first time played it. If I like it I may get other MGS games.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


bezerker99 wrote:

(the only MGS game I've not beaten - besides PW - cuz I don't have PS3)

For one thing, Peace Walker is a PSP game (though I know it was remastered for the HD Collection) and for another, what about MGS4?

[Edited by zezhyrule]

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


i played the demo today for the third time (game will come out here on 8th of march)

the controlls without cpp are awesome
seriously...i had my doubts before playing the demo, but it really is amazing what konami managed to do with no second analogslider.
this time i wanted to go through the demo with shooting rather than sneaking. but i was too dumb to see how i could change weapons into the weapon-section xD
but i managed to get it done and i killed all enemies in the last section with headshots from my sniperrifle. damn i love this game !one after the other they went down. i wanted to kill the last one with the assault rifle but i didnt know he had so much health^^ so it was kinda hard at the end but i managed to kill him too.

i love MGS. i just sneaked through the last section first to see spot all enemies and then shot them down. so much fun. stealth games are awesome and snake is just badass
cant wait to buy the full game

btw: there is no fire at all after those barrels explode. it looks like something is missing. is this different in the full version? i know there are flamethrowers and stuff so there need to be fire-animations or something like that

[Edited by 6ch6ris6]

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


Does anyone know how to keep your stamina from depleting so fast? I checked for any injuries but nothing shows up.

Nintendo ID: RoryLee
3DS: 3007-8085-6351


are you fighting the end? if he darts you then you have to remove it with a knife. it doesn't show up as an injury since it doesn't deplete your health.

if you're just running around normally and it's depleting too fast then try taking some of your equipment off and putting it back in the backpack. the more weight you have the faster it goes down

goldeneye- 5447 4748 5174


RoryLee wrote:

Does anyone know how to keep your stamina from depleting so fast? I checked for any injuries but nothing shows up.

Rolling and running takes stamina. Make sure you feed yourself properly

Formally known as EvilCookie
3DS FC: 5069-4209-9709
Dream Suite: 5700-2151-8534

3DS Friend Code: 5069-4209-9709


Quick somebody ask me how far I am so I can say "I'm at The End."

But seriously man is it hard to drain his stamina without killing him. He captured me right when I almost killed/tranquilized him (is it worth it to tranq if I've already snipped him)?

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