
Topic: General 3DS Games Topic

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When a console is Dead, Nobody makes games for it anymore. THE NES IS DEAD

And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit


Can't really call the Switch a "better version of the 3DS" when they share almost none of the same games or features, lol.

And, yes, the system is dead as far as official support is concerned. It had a good run.

Currently Playing: Backlogged Game #2: Cubemen

Ugh. Men.


Looking back at the 3ds. What a fantastic system and what a fantastic library.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


My 3DS will never retire. Not in 5 years, not in 10 or 20. That’s how I feel anyway lol



I'll be playing zelda II on my 2ds tonight. Id play on switch but....ya know....that lack of dpad lol. And you REALLY need a solid dpad for zelda II



Of course 3DS is dead. Nobody disputes that. But dead also means a completed library. A nice, full robust library which took nearly a decade to accrue.

And that library is so vast and the games are so good, we could probably sit around this campfire roasting marshmallows for another 15 years, and still have games to talk about. Right now we have a lull in Switch news. Which is a perfect time to revisit the countless games we never got around to playing on the 3DS. And five years from now when we’re in a lull in the Switch 2 cycle, we’ll probably be playing Switch games, talking about that dead system and the 200 amazing unplayed games we still have in our backlog

[Edited by JaxonH]

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John





@NintendoByNature If you ever go on a controller splurge, I HIGHLY recommend the Split Pad Pro. It's handheld mode only and lacks gyro/rumble/NFC, but the buttons/sticks feel great and, more importantly, the D-Pad is just perfect.

@JaxonH Thanks for the link to the styli. I really liked the telescoping one I used for my original system.

I feel like it'll be different with Switch games insofar as I expect Switch 2 to be fully BC with this current system, and a lot of these games are going to continue flying off shelves well into next-gen.

BTW, that's a whole lot of Falcom and Atlus JRPGs in your 'PLAYING' list. I think you've officially become a niche JRPG fan when you find yourself piled under five 50 - 100 hour long epics simultaneously.

@Ninfan The third one certainly wasn't. I felt like I was playing a mobile port.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Backlogged Game #2: Cubemen

Ugh. Men.


Support-wise, yes the 3DS is pretty much dead. Though I won't consider it completely finished until the eshop is shut down.

Physically, those rechargeable batteries should last a good few years yet.

Currently playing: Super Mario RPG (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Ralizah who makes that one again? Hori? What's the cost again?

Ive toyed with their single JC with the dpad but i heard that has battery issues tied to the switch(depleting the switches battery rather quickly).



@NintendoByNature have you a link to a quick review of all the bit trip games handy. someone did say that the earlyier one's were good.



@Anti-Matter Why did you collect the 4 3DS consoles? have you a chinse's one?



@NintendoByNature It is, indeed, a Hori product. They usually go for $50, but I got mine on sale for $40.

They also have buttons on the back that can replicate the face buttons and a turbo button, which I've found very useful for Animal Crossing's tedious crafting.

Currently Playing: Backlogged Game #2: Cubemen

Ugh. Men.


Because 3DS is Region Lock.
I played USA, Japanese and PAL 3DS games so i have to buy All 3 models to play them without jailbreaking.

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



Ralizah wrote:

@NintendoByNature It is, indeed, a Hori product. They usually go for $50, but I got mine on sale for $40.

They also have buttons on the back that can replicate the face buttons and a turbo button, which I've found very useful for Animal Crossing's tedious crafting.

No gyro in that Hori split pad pro, unfortunately. There is, however, an alternative. The only problem is, the one I got has this weird thing where the analog is programmed to move along the up/down/left/right guideways within a certain margin of error. Meaning, if I move it mostly right, but say, 5 degrees downward, it still registers as perfectly right. Same for the other cardinal directions. It's like it's programmed to negate a certain margin of anglular error and treat it as if the player wanted to go in a cardinal direction, presumably to make it easier in FPS games to turn perfectly straight or aim straight up or down. But thats a huge problem for me personally. I want it to go in the direction I push. Those kinds of settings should be on a game by game basis, and I have used such methods with the steam controller settings, but again, on a game by game basis. That said, maybe mine is just messed up. I struggle to believe they intentionally designed it to do that. Other than that they're pretty great, but given that issue, I still use joycon. Nothing has beaten a good slender joycon for me.

Anyways. I have become a niche JRPG fan over the years. Crazy, considering I hated all turn based games up until I played Fire Emblem Awakening- started playing that again btw, so good, also just started playing Three Houses again on a Blue Lions route, on hard, and got stomped all over in the mock battle- how the heck did that happen! So I bump it down to normal, AND I STILL DIED! Last year I was saying the game was too easy, now I can't even beat the first map lol. Man... 3 different house routes + split path in Black Eagles + Cindered Shadows DLC path. That's 5 different playthroughs just in one game. They really outdid themselves after Fates, with its 3 paths all sold separately. I mean, wow. There's so many hundreds of hours of content- good content... no, GREAT content.

The Switch 2 will for sure be BC, but 3DS is BC with DS so, they're kinda similar in that way. It'll make it easier to revisit backlog. But they NEED to figure out a way to hit 2-4TB storage if BC is going to be viable. I can't even contain all my games (complete digital collection) on a 1TB card. I have a 1TB and a spare 500TB I split them between. And that's ever growing, month by month (though it's slowed down considerably in the last 6 months). Say 2TB of the absolute best games by end of generation. Then another 2TB for Switch 2 games. That's 4TB. We need exchangeable NVMe (which won't happen, only Sony lets you swap internal drives), which means we'll definitely need the new SD Express cards that can hit 1,000 mbps speeds. But Idk if those will come in 2-4TB sizes. Seems we're stuck in 1TB purgatory.

I think it's time to play Zelda Ocarina and Majora's Mask 3D. Never did play MM, like, at all. And only 10 hrs into Ocarina before getting stuck (this was years ago though- prob be ok now). Just couldn't figure out where to go or what to do. But I'm in a Zelda mood. It's been 3.5 years since Zelda BotW now. And before that, it had been about 3 years since playing Link Between Worlds, which itself was about 5 years after playing Twilight Princess. I don't play Zelda often, but every few years I get in a mood. Really should do Skyward Sword too, but I'm hanging onto hope for a Switch port... for now, anyways. Probably show up around the time we see Metroid Prime Trilogy... in 2024.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH Yeah, if I'm going to use gyro at all, I just go back to joycons + grip for portable mode. But the vast majority of games I play don't support gyro, so they remain attached most of the time.

My go-to when docked is either the Wii U Pro (for games that demand a proper controller, like Astral Chain), split joycons (which is all I used when playing Paper Mario: there are a few games where you really want rumble, and that's one of them; the range on those things is annoying, though. If I have my leg propped up the wrong way on the couch, it blocks the signal to the dock that's literally 3 feet away or so), or 8bitdo's M30 controller (which is THE controller for retro games, as far as I'm concerned; that rolling D-Pad feels so good).

As to Switch and digital games... my digital collection has just slightly outgrown my 256GB card thanks to a few beefier downloads like RE Revelations, but I don't really want my digital collection to balloon out of control, so I'm going primarily physical with big games for a while.

Definitely don't sleep on MM3D or OoT3D. The latter is flat out improved in every way over the original, with a solid framerate and visuals that don't hurt to look at. The former is a little more controversial due to certain changes that were made, but I still feel like it comes out on top in terms of QoL improvements and, of course, just being a much nicer game to look at. And Majora's Mask is one of the greatest games ever made anyway. I've never played anything else like it.

I think what I appreciate most about OoT3D is that it started the trend of Zelda games supporting gyroscopic aiming. Back in 2011. The feature is also present in MM3D, of course.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Backlogged Game #2: Cubemen

Ugh. Men.

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