
Topic: Favorite 3DS RPG? (so far)

Posts 41 to 60 of 165


Legend of Zelda is considered an action RPG thank you very much so yes it does count. You guys forget what RPG stands for.
Anyways my favorite RPG is Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS. But my favorite is going to be the new Mystery Dungeon pokemon game.

Want: Harvest Moon: One World, Story of Seasons: Pioneering Town, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

Finished the Alola Dex.
Now playing New Horizons, Wrath of White Witch and Sword


Tales of the Abyss and probably Kindgom Hearts when I pick it up.

I've always considered Zelda games to be more action/adventure with some RPG elements but each to his own opinion.


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


I'm going to say Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D, just so that Square Enix knows I want the game overseas so badly. D':


3DS Friend Code: 2277-6645-7215


Well, you are taking on the "role of Link", Link pretty much is you, so, it's an RPG.

[Edited by -Juice-]

3DS Friend Code: 0962-9923-0016


AlphaIchimoru wrote:

Well, you are taking on the "role of Link", Link pretty much is you, so, it's an RPG.

You take on the role of someone in many games, but an RPG isn't necessarily defined by whether or not you're role playing - despite how little sense that makes. You can take the role of a character in platformers, shooters, dungeon crawlers, etc. but it doesnt mean the game genre is RPG.


3DS Friend Code: 2277-6645-7215


"A role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting." That's the Wikipedia definition.

"A game in which players assume the roles of characters and act out fantastical adventures, the outcomes of which are partially determined by chance, as by the roll of dice." This is a definition from

3DS Friend Code: 0962-9923-0016


mumof2kids82 wrote:

Legend of Zelda is considered an action RPG thank you very much so yes it does count. You guys forget what RPG stands for.
Anyways my favorite RPG is Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS. But my favorite is going to be the new Mystery Dungeon pokemon game.

Your opinion is fleeting.


The genre itself just happens to have an unfortunately broad meaning. That doesnt make any game in which you assume a role an RPG (in the sense that the genre intended). Understand that the genre was given the most fitting name, and not one that it exclusively applied to...

[Edited by Geonjaha]


3DS Friend Code: 2277-6645-7215


Well this topic has gone to the dogs. OOC not considered an RPG wow

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


Sorry if it's been asked before, are there any other action RPGs for 3DS besides HoR and Tales of the Abyss? I'm looking to try some good titles.

Just got Tales of the Abyss, looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I haven't the patience for turn-based systems, though slowly trying to get into it. Something along the lines of HoR or Zenonia (DSiWare) would be cool, but if there aren't many 3DS RPGs yet (let alone the action kind), I'll take suggestions with turn-based battle as well, if it's easy for a newcomer like me to get into. The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave demo was good on that front, though from ChickenBrutus' comments it looks like the full version will offer a nice challenge. So if anyone has recommendations, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

I realise for some people HoR is common denominator button-mashing, dungeon-crawling RPG, and it is rather linear, but it's been a good diversion here so far. I seldom replay campaigns, but I felt like starting with a different character type just to see what it's like. The daily/weekly quests also add some incentive to re-visit the game. While it does have its flaws (little things e.g. no option to drop a quest), HoR would be a favourite of mine so far.

When I asked at a game store, someone recommended Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS). The plot and characters are terrific and I wanted to like it, but unfortunately couldn't get into the game (puzzles are okay, just not into ones that require accurate timing to resolve). It's why I've held back from picking up Ocarina of Time 3D, if those kinds of puzzles are a staple in the series. Also tried the KH:DDD demo, awesome combos/flying moves, liked the premise of the story but didn't like the battle timer idea, and I had some trouble with the camera (most of the time I couldn't see the target to attack).

Edit: corrected missing word.

[Edited by Shiromikio]



AlphaIchimoru wrote:

@HarmoKnight Doesn't Ocarina of Time count?

Zelda has very light RPG elements, but isn't classified as an RPG in any way.

I love RPGs, & I love Zelda, but Zelda is too far removed from an RPG to be considered one itself (except for maybe Zelda II, which deviated from the traditional Zelda formula, for more of a RPG setup).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Role-Play·ing Game
n. A game where blood is replaced with numbers.

[Edited by retired_account]



AlphaIchimoru wrote:

"A role-playing game (RPG and sometimes roleplaying game) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting." That's the Wikipedia definition.

Wouldnt that about define every video game? I mean by that definition unless you are an Italian plumber that lives in the Mushroom kingdom Super Mario Bros can be in that group. Unless you are a harden criminal living in Vice City GTA: Vice City can be put in that group. Do you see where I am going with that?

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Actually, to all those saying Zelda is an RPG:

Traditionally, RPG refers to table games such as Dungeons & Dragons, in which you create your own character, and make your own story (the other players interact with the one in control of the story, affecting how it unfolds), and there's a large amount of strategy involved in battles, including a leveling system, experience, ect.

When game systems came out (such as the Famicom/NES), they were unable to realize games with such openess, and thus the sub-genré JRPG was born. In a JRPG, the story takes center stage & is very linear, and in contrast to the open ended stories of a traditional RPGs, the characters are defined for you (you may be able to name them and/or outfit them with different skills, but that almost never affects the outcome of the scripted story in anyway whatsoever). Despite these concessions, JRPGs retain the strategic battle system, leveling system, and experience found in RPGs.

Action RPGs (such as Kingdom Hearts) deviate even further from their RPG roots, eschewing strategical battles in favor of streamlined, easy to grasp action battle systems, but still retain leveling systems & experience (often good places to start for newcomers to RPGs).

Then, you have games like Zelda, which further deviate from the formula, by getting rid of a leveling system & experience altogether. Furthermore, there are generally less sidequests & the like in Zelda (you rarely have any choice in which equipment to use even, besides for the occasional special sword). By the time you get to Zelda, it's just too far removed from the source material to consider it as such.

WhiteKnight (formally OlympicCho) could explain all this much better than I (he's the one who explained it to me in the first place), so if my words don't convince you, find a topic he regularly comments on (preferrably one dealing with RPGs), and ask him yourself.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


the first 2 original zeldas i can say were rpg's but the rest after that no there adventure games sowwie :3

[Edited by Mieu-Fire]



Zelda is considered as an action adventure game. End of the story.


Mario Tennis Open
Soon having;
Code of Princess
NFS: The Run


RR529 wrote:

Actually, to all those saying Zelda is an RPG:

Traditionally, RPG refers to table games such as Dungeons & Dragons, in which you create your own character, and make your own story (the other players interact with the one in control of the story, affecting how it unfolds), and there's a large amount of strategy involved in battles, including a leveling system, experience, ect.

When game systems came out (such as the Famicom/NES), they were unable to realize games with such openess, and thus the sub-genré JRPG was born. In a JRPG, the story takes center stage & is very linear, and in contrast to the open ended stories of a traditional RPGs, the characters are defined for you (you may be able to name them and/or outfit them with different skills, but that almost never affects the outcome of the scripted story in anyway whatsoever). Despite these concessions, JRPGs retain the strategic battle system, leveling system, and experience found in RPGs.

Action RPGs (such as Kingdom Hearts) deviate even further from their RPG roots, eschewing strategical battles in favor of streamlined, easy to grasp action battle systems, but still retain leveling systems & experience (often good places to start for newcomers to RPGs).

Then, you have games like Zelda, which further deviate from the formula, by getting rid of a leveling system & experience altogether. Furthermore, there are generally less sidequests & the like in Zelda (you rarely have any choice in which equipment to use even, besides for the occasional special sword). By the time you get to Zelda, it's just too far removed from the source material to consider it as such.

WhiteKnight (formally OlympicCho) could explain all this much better than I (he's the one who explained it to me in the first place), so if my words don't convince you, find a topic he regularly comments on (preferrably one dealing with RPGs), and ask him yourself.

Holy f-ing crap I love you


Tales of Abyss. if someone will realese a better rpg game ever my gaming life would be complete


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