
Topic: 3DS Friend Codes

Posts 81 to 100 of 30,844


Yasume wrote:

Yasume ~ 0173 - 1277 - 5074

Is Super Street Fighter IV the only released game so far that has online features? And do these friend codes have any other purpose besides for online gaming?

Apparently Nintendo will release a messaging system (Like a more advanced PictoChat), but nothing's been confirmed, I'm crossing my fingers! =D

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


Adding the new Friend Codes now, can't wait to play Mario Kart 3DS with you guys =D

[Edited by KrazyBean]

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


pkee wrote:

Hey, my code is:
1719 - 3164 - 9836
Add me
I added everyone, so far.
I'm pretty optimistic about tthe future of online with the 3DS. Can't wait for Mario Kart

Added you mate

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


Friend code in tech 101 list.

3ds friend code/4339-2499-8318


9 hours and it will be mine!!!! with ssf

wii 3229-9200-0934-2907
mkw :3179-7167-7341
bomberman blast 4468-3868-1040
DRmario 5600-8768-0503
Tetris 2793-3911-5894
onslaught 0345-6216-9036
Alien Crush 4941-0760-5763
3DS 5026 4420 7567


SegaGamer93 wrote:

@potomas: I cant seem to find your code. Do you have it here?

His code is on the list I've been making. He actually started a topic of his one and I seen it before he posted here so I added him before he could. So that's why he never posted bit look at my list on the previous page.

Edit: I see he beat me to the punch!

[Edited by Spoony_Tech]

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | X:


I think I got everyone so far (added 14 FCs). It is pretty funny that you can see that someone is playing a game.

Steam ID: Yasume
PSN: Yasume90


@potomas: Thanks i got it.
@Tech101: Oh i didnt see the list but i will find it.

I officially own a MAME arcade machine.
"To be this good takes AGES, to be this good takes SEGA".

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9511-8335


Mine is 0688-5239-7511. Ridge Racer and SF4



OK this is about to get ugly fast so I've decided to help post a friends code list. I will update the list as often as I can and repost it ever couple of pages so all can see. Ill put mine in on Sunday!

Albertobankai 4596-9453-5703
Deesotilio 5026-4413-9840
Hoffkage 4553-9942-9180
Iphys 1504-5686-7557
James Newton 1203-9192-8778
JarvanZheitk 3909-7500-2590
Kirigirisu 5026-4410-9196
KrazyBean 1934-0647-4207
MrMagpie 0173-1277-4175
NeoRausch 4639-8940-9147
Oregano 3050-7562-6102
Pkee 1719-3164-9836
Potomas 0989-1717-4190
RetroRich 0688-5239-7511
Sadman 1160-9709-3926
SegaGamer93 3737-9511-8335
Silverstone 1160-9715-1818
Stine 2878-9571-7307
Yasume 0173-1277-5074

Ok this is the most updated list to this point!

[Edited by Spoony_Tech]

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | X:


Thanks to all those who've added me. I've returned the favour so you should all see a miniature DaddyNewts appear in your friends lists now



James Newton wrote:

Thanks to all those who've added me. I've returned the favour so you should all see a miniature DaddyNewts appear in your friends lists now

Yeah, you're on my list now! =D

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


Now relly added everyone so far. Including potomas! . Everyone so far seemed to have added me. Still M.I.A. are: iphys, deesotilio, mr. Magpie.

3DS FC: 4639-8940-9147


Added everyone but theres still people who I cant see.

James, Magpie, kirigisu, Segagamer, deesotilio and iphys.

3DS Code: 4553-9942-9180
Wii Friend Code: 3696-5353-2266-8921
GoldenEye 007: 2207-9446-2010 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-6640-1225 - Monster Hunter 3: A6WF6Z Hoffkage
Mario Kart DS: 1032-6187-2808 - Zelda Phantom Hourglass: 4597-4384-9522 - Scribblenauts: 2665-1833-7371


4596-9453-5703 can u guys plz add me i have no friends

~master of bankai~

add me 4596-9453-5703


mine in my sig

wii 3229-9200-0934-2907
mkw :3179-7167-7341
bomberman blast 4468-3868-1040
DRmario 5600-8768-0503
Tetris 2793-3911-5894
onslaught 0345-6216-9036
Alien Crush 4941-0760-5763
3DS 5026 4420 7567

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