With that all out of the way, it's time to sit back, relax, and check out what the Nintendo Life staff are up to this weekend. Make sure you leave a comment with your own gaming plans!
Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer
I'm still blasting my way through Metroid Prime Remastered this weekend. I'm playing the game on Hard difficulty now, which is unlocked when you complete one playthrough. It's definitely a nice challenge and it makes me wish the option was actually available from the beginning.
Elsewhere, I'm still having fun checking out the new Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games added to Nintendo Switch Online. I haven't played Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga since its initial release back in 2003, so it feels wonderful to get reacquainted with it. It looks gorgeous, right?
Alana Hagues, Staff Writer
Not many changes from last week for me, I'm afraid. I wanted to actually beat Metroid Prime Remastered but the week proved a lot busier than I expected, so that'll be my main focus. Otherwise, I'm fifty hours deep with Theatrhythm Final Bar Line and there are no signs of me stopping anytime soon, despite having written our review — I need all of those CollectaCards, after all! And I have some friends who want to get together and play when they've brushed up, so I can't get rusty.
I'm also still going in Hollow Knight despite having to shift focus away from my replay for a bit, but I only have the final boss left to beat. I'd like to actually beat at least the four main Pantheons this time, too — we'll see if that happens. No, don't ask me about the Pantheon of Hallownest. Have a good weekend, everyone!
Gonçalo Lopes, Reviewer
My three hours with the Octopath Traveler II Prologue Demo are almost up. I managed to squeeze two prologues out of it so I will probably level up my party a bit before the clock runs out and I'm left to wait until next Friday to resume this HD-2D adventure. Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is proving to be quite an effective time-waster while simultaneously reshaping the definition of 'the grind'. The spirit of GameCube continues to shine strong with both remasters of Tales of Symphonia and Metroid Prime reminding me why the 6th generation represents some of the happiest times in my life. Rooftop Renegade also looks like a hoot, so I will likely do some renegading this weekend.
Game of the week is The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Could Capcom do no wrong on the GBA?
Gavin Lane, Editor
I blasted through Gargoyle's Quest last weekend, and I quite fancy ticking another Game Boy quickie off the list. Elsewhere, I need to get back to Chained Echoes, and everyone's saying this Metroid Prime thingy isn't bad — who knows, I might give that a looksie.
Also, has anyone played Rain World? I've heard interesting things and it's on sale.
We hope you enjoyed reading! Let us know what game you'll be maining in the poll above and leave a comment with your gaming plans for the weekend!