Publisher Dotemu has announced a substantial free update for Windjammers 2, and it's out now for all owners.

The update contains a number of welcome additions, the first of which is a pair of brand-new characters: the android Jamma GX03 and Polish powerhouse Anna Szalinski. In addition, How to Play and Practice modes have been added, and online functionality has been given a nice boost with a Lobbies function and full Crossplay.

Here's a breakdown of the new characters from Dotemu:

Making her debut into the Flying Power Disc Federation is Jamma GX03, an android whose well-balanced power and speed can rival the best on the court. Major sponsor Todemu created Jamma GX03 to combat a drop in audience numbers, but in doing so their creation promises to herald a new era of competition in the prestigious windjamming sport and she’s already showing promise as a fan-favorite.

Also joining the roster is Polish Anna Szalinski, an orphan who grew up in the circus before running away. Honing her skills as a slower but extremely powerful weightlifter, she is determined to win the cup and use her newfound position in order to defend animals and take revenge on the circuses who mistreat them.

Dotemu has also noted that with the introduction of these new features, online rankings will be reset, so the playing field will be levelled for everyone.

Will you be booting up Windjammers 2 to try out this new update? Let us know your thoughts on the new additions with a comment.