E3 isn't far away, and it's worth remembering that companies often use the build-up to the LA extravaganza to make big announcements. Capcom, seemingly unaware of how the internet works, chose good timing for what seems like an ultimately underwhelming Monster Hunter tease.

Capcom France has posted a teaser video (via MHKogath) that points to a Monster Hunter announcement, undoubtedly for the West. Roughly translated the video promises an announcement in 'a far away country' and 'it's coming' - the video tease is below.

Plenty of eager Monster Hunter fans chatting about this online hoped it related to Monster Hunter XX coming to Switch in the West, with a '4 days' part of the message perhaps prompting a pre-E3 reveal. However, over 30 minutes after the original post Capcom France remembered to add the description that you can see in the above embedded video, which states that it's a new 'costume'. That, unsurprisingly, put a pin in the hype balloon.

Quite what they mean by the tease is unclear, but right now it doesn't seem like the MH localisation news we're anticipating. We'll find out later in the week.