Armour of Memories
Image: Nintendo Life

According to lore in Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, the Tunic of Memories was meant to be worn only by those who earned the respect of the royal family in ancient Hyrule, but we don't really have time for ingratiating ourselves to the nobility so we're buying it off a big stone lad in the Depths.

One of the many nostalgic armour items in Tears of the Kingdom, let's take a look at how to grab this fetching vibrant blue tunic.

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom: How To Get The Tunic Of Memories

The Tunic of Memories is likely to be one piece of armour that you get your hands on quite late in the game — unless you decide to make finding all of the game's Bargainer statues a main priority.

There are six Bargainer statues to be found hidden around the Depths (making for a total of seven when you count the mini one at Lookout Landing), and you can check out our Bargainer Statue Locations guide to find out exactly where they are all located.

Armour of Memories
Image: Nintendo Life

In order to grab The Armour of Memories, you'll need to make sure to find all six Bargainers, as each one you visit adds a new item to the list of things you can buy from them with your collected Poes. The Tunic of Memories is the very last item added to the list and will cost you 400 Poes, so prepare to get down and dirty exploring the darkness below Hyrule.

Armour of Memories
Image: Nintendo Life

Of course, to make things a little easier, you can have the exact location of each Bargainer added to your map at the statue in Lookout Landing, but remember this will cost you 100 Poes per statue, so make good use of our guide to save yourself some currency!

For more help on your journey across Hyrule, check out our full Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough for more hints, tips, tricks, and maps.