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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Touchstone Turmoil Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations

Touchstone Turmoil - First Gem

Position the blue and yellow touchstones so you can easily access the middle of the three visible holes on the blue touchstone. Get inside it and head right to grab the first gem.


Touchstone Turmoil - Second Gem

Now position the two so you can grab the second gem while avoiding the bugs.


Touchstone Turmoil - Third Gem

Stand underneath the third gem and raise the platform so you can grab it.


Touchstone Turmoil - Extra Challenge: Beat In 6 Touches

Tap yellow once, cross to the blue. Go underneath the blue grill and step into the yellow hole. Tap the yellow. Go up the ramp and tap the blue. Tap the yellow once each time you get past the bugs to each the exit star.

Touchstone Turmoil - Pixel Toad

Move the yellow touchstone once and look near the massive stream of bugs. Pixel Toad is hiding beneath them.


To make this guide easier to navigate, we've broken each level up into pages. So to zoom quickly to the level you're looking for, simply head to the page number that matches the level number.

Continue to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Colour Crate Carousel Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations.