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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Deep Space Gyromajig Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations

Deep Space Gyromajig - First Gem

When you reach the third power button, don't press it. Instead, follow the route round and grab the first gem.


Deep Space Gyromajig - Second Gem

In the next section, pull up a turnip between the two birds and chuck it at the nearby gem.


Deep Space Gyromajig - Third Gem

Pull up the plant near the power button on the same platform as the second gem to get a pickaxe. Quickly press the power button and run forward then left. Break all of the blocks here to get the third and final gem.


Deep Space Gyromajig - Extra Challenge: Don't Take Damage

Super easy this one. Just be patient as you pass the birds and Bullet Bills.

Deep Space Gyromajig - Pixel Toad

Pixel Toad is beneath the right hand side bird in the first set of birds you encounter, but you have to defeat it to actually tap him. Our method was to go all the way to the platform just before the end of the level, grab a turnip from between the two birds, then press the power button furthest away from the birds. Drop to the beginning platform, step onto the power button again, and defeat the bird. Tap Pixel Toad and you're done.


To make this guide easier to navigate, we've broken each level up into pages. So to zoom quickly to the level you're looking for, simply head to the page number that matches the level number.

Continue to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Magma Road Marathon Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations.