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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Trick Track Hall Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations

Trick Track Hall - First Gem

Drop off the platform and pick up a mole. Chuck it at the first gem to collect it.


Trick Track Hall - Second Gem

Pull up the lone flower nearby to get a key, then step on the platform with a mole on it. Tap the platform to lower yourself, open the locked door with the key, and get the third gem.


Trick Track Hall - Third Gem

Cross the moving platforms until you're behind the first enemy chucking the spikes. The third gem is just underneath it.


Trick Track Hall - Extra Challenge: Gold Mushroom

The gold mushroom is on the moving platform just next to the exit star.


Trick Track Hall - Pixel Toad


Pan the camera down and you

To make this guide easier to navigate, we've broken each level up into pages. So to zoom quickly to the level you're looking for, simply head to the page number that matches the level number.

Continue to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Deep Space Gyromajig Gems, Extra Challenge, And Pixel Toad Locations.