
Topic: Monster Hunter Rise

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Ya they’ll get a new game (should say “we” since I’ll be playing the next one on PC too), but that’s at least 3 years off due to a new generation. And then when the next Switch entry releases the cycle will start over again.

World was amazing. I’ll say that up front. It made a huge leap forward graphically and in terms of gameplay. It brought countless quality of life features that advanced the series, and its success is what we have to thank for MH Rise being as impressive as it is.

That said, I did take issue with World in several respects. Most notably, the cluttered maps. Everything was so busy, especially Coral Highlands. And Ancient Forest was such a pain to get around in. Like a labyrinth. The weapon designs were lacking, and the changes to the skill system, notably random decoration skills with crafted talismans, eliminating negative skills and skill thresholds, that really upset me. It also lacked a lot of the charm because they were so preoccupied with making it a flashy graphical showpiece with the camera zoomed in way too far behind the hunter’s back so they could show off his big sword, same thing they did in FF7R. The Sony crowd goes nuts over that sort of nonsense. Me? It negatively impacts my gameplay experience. The first thing I noticed about the trailer here is that the camera is zoomed out much farther than in World, as it should be. The charm is clearly back too.

Now, they may stick with the skill changes and, if they do they do. I would prefer they go back to the old system where talismans are random and decorations are crafted, with negative skills and thresholds for activation, but, I managed in World and I’ll manage again. At least I’ve had time to get used to the system now.

One thing that was curiously missing though was scout flies. I have to wonder how that’s going to work. Will they reimplement paintballs? Will your canyne sniff the monster trail? No, that can’t be because bringing them along is optional. Idk. Maybe it will be paintballs. The maps are open but I doubt they’ll go overboard again like they did in world, which means exploring could be a viable approach to find the monster. Especially with a Palamute for traveling at high speeds, and Wirebug for climbing structures and getting a lay of the land.

It really does feel like World was the beta test and this game is building on what worked. World was their first open world MH, and that was a learning experience for them. Now they’ve had an opportunity to make a game with this approach and can use that experience to make a better game here.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Funnily enough the scoutflies are actually in the trailer for Monster Hunter Stories 2

"Enthusiastic Hi" (awkward stare)
Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5081-0666-1429
PS4 Thing: TBA


Were they? I must have missed that.

In light of that fact, I’m inclined to think they will implement scout flies after all. I can’t imagine them showcasing a mechanic they dropped from the main series companion game to MH Stories 2. Good catch, Green.

Ya know, I wasn’t much a fan of the scout flies at first, but I kinda grew to love them over the course of my playthrough. Paintballs were never the most elegant solution but they did bring in a mix of exploration and strategically not letting the monster get away where you have to hunt for them again. Scout flies seemed to make it a bit too easy once you’d tracked them, but on the other hand, the maps were large enough that finding the tracks kind of replaced the exploration of looking for the monster. And sometimes you would just run into the monster before you had actually tracked them.

So I would be ok with scout flies returning. There’s also something strangely satisfying about watching the hunter scoop up some yellow/green goop with his buck knife off of some tree bark, and drop it into a jar. That “blub” sound as it dropped into the jar is music to my ears

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I'm super happy about this announcement. My best experiences with MH were always on the Nintendo consoles. World just killed the community aspect for me, since no one has an incentive to even communicate in that game. I'm excited to see what this game will look like in comparison. It looks like a happy medium between the traits pf old and new MH.

3DS FC: 3222-5568-3578


Question since i'm not familiar with MonHun games.
What is the objection in MonHun games ?
Conquer and Capture the monsters like Pokemon ?
What can i do after Post game ?

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Spanjard wrote:

Yeah I started on the Wii, a fantastic first experience that was. It quickly became one of my most played games on the system. In some ways it is still the best online experience I have had in the series or any online game for that matter. Combining the hunt with a keyboard and chatting about while you anticipate every attack on a instinctual level was somehow just bliss.

Excited to learn more about this new game.

Wasn't that strangely amazing? Practically every single MHTri player I ran into online had a keyboard. Loc Lac City legitimately felt like an MMO on a Nintendo console.

No other online game on any other console have I found other players as reliably using keyboard to chat as MHTri.

JaxonH wrote:

I’m still a 3rd fleet Hunter! Even if I didn’t get in on PSP or Wii (or even with the Mac daddy of OG hunters, on PS2). It doesn’t feel that long ago but, 3rd gen MH was still well before it had blown up, even with the popularity MH4U brought. Playing on Wii U was a very niche experience that only the diehards partook in, but that’s what made the community so great. Because there really weren’t any casual hunters everybody who was playing was a serious, diehard monster hunter fan. And as a result the community just became so closely knit. I feel proud coming from the 3rd generation of hunters. Truth is I did try it out on the Wii, but I didn’t really know what the game was about back then, and I just remember seeing a lot of text and reading in the beginning which caused me to turn it off within 20 minutes. But I wasn’t really that into gaming back then either and had a pretty short attention span. In fact, I had never even played a turn based game in my life, just to give you an idea of how close minded I was at the time.

Anyways, Rise does look great. While world is absolutely stunning in a visual sense, my problem was it felt too cluttered, Which is pretty much what you’re saying with too much detail. The coral highlands were just too busy, and the ancient forest was a nightmare to navigate. It’s like the team got too excited with the new powerful hardware and what they could do and they just went overboard with the size of the map.

I feel like MH World was the beta test, and now they’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, and they’re moving forward only using the things that worked well, and learning from World’s mistakes. The environments are still seamless as an open map but the areas aren’t so cluttered, and are a little more open, almost reminiscent of MH3U maps on Wii U, in the Moga Woods. Except way better looking and with insane verticality.

There are definitely some spots that look a little rough around the edges, some ground textures and pop in... but overall, the full picture as a whole looks fantastic. They really are squeezing every ounce of juice they can from the Nintendo switch hardware. I am dumbfounded how similar this game looks to world visually, yet doing so from a handheld gaming system. My my how far we’ve come from Freedom Unite on PSP and MH3U on 3DS. Who would’ve thought we would ever get a handheld Monster Hunter that looks this good. Heck, even a CONSOLE Monster Hunter that looks this good would have been unthinkable before World released. So to see it on a handheld is all the more impressive.

I'm what you might call a first fleet hunter, although Freedom 1 could be compared more to a 1.5 generation game rather than being an OG hunter ala MH1. Ironically I tended to begin my favorite franchises with generation 1.5 games (Pokemon Yellow, KH: Chain of Memories, and MHFreedom1).

Mind you, I was so young that I wasn't a serious player back in Freedom 1; a friend introduced it to me as a "console-level game on PSP!" I fell in love with the cutscenes, the world and music and aesthetic of it all, and just fooled around with beginner quests (the farthest I managed in Freedom 1 was the Rathian!).

My first serious foray through the harder quests was with Freedom Unite, and my first completion of G Rank was with 3U! To everyone's credit, even huge fans needed a lot of time to get fully into the franchise, but these games really do reward patience. Monster Hunter truly is a slow burn.

I fully agree. World felt like a prototype to seamless and open maps just like how MH4 felt like a prototype to vertical map design. Rise genuinely feels like the culmination of Capcom's concepts spanning generations into a more mature gameplay execution. (even with grappling being integrated more organically than clutch claws)

Edited on by Ulysses



The objective is to battle monsters in long, epic boss fight showdowns. The hook of the game comes from hunting more and more difficult monsters, and in order to do so, instead of leveling up, you make armor with higher and higher defense, and weapons with higher and higher damage. Each monster you fight has an associated armor set and weapon you can craft if you get the item drops.

So you take on quests hunting different monsters. When you find one that has an armor set you like with skills you want, you hunt it a few times and get the drops, then craft new armor and weapon. That armor and weapon will be a little better than what you had. Now you're good for a while. So you keep taking on more quests and progressing up the ranks, and eventually when you start getting your butt kicked, its time to make a new armor set and upgrade your weapon, or make a new one. Rinse and repeat.

You're constantly striving to take on harder monsters so you can make better armor and weapons so you can hunt even harder monsters, etc etc.

Add in tons of items to gather and use for crafting- traps, potions, tranq bombs, buffs, etc, endemic life you can capture and keep as pets in your room, turf wars between monsters, exploration and rare items you can gather, arena challenges, full solo campaign and completely playable online with friends if you want, and you have a full, robust game that will see you net anywhere from 200 to 1000 hrs of gameplay and never get sick of it. Because no two hunts ever play out the same. MH games are chock FULL of content.

Its a relatively complex game and requires some dedication but the payoff is SOOOO worth it. It will become your favorite game of all time if you give it the chance. And this game, like World, will make it even easier to get into the series as a new player.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@JaxonH That's also encouraging! Especially when compared to the Dark Souls fanbase.

Currently playing: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


If anyone wants to play MHGU over the coming months, I'm just starting out on it and would love people to hunt online with! Somehow I kept putting off playing through GU ever since buying it this year, but now MHRise's announcement was the perfect motivation to finally visit Yukumo Village and Misty Peaks in preparation for the Japanese aesthetic of Rise.



@Ulysses I would play, I just happened to have a sudden urge to play some MHGU after watching that direct.

Also, is nobody actually excited about MH Stories 2? That game actually looked quite charming and a lot of hard work seems to be put into it. I'm also wondering just how many studios are working on these games.

The way Capcom seemed to put it is that they had one Dev team for the Switch and the rest for other systems, but these two games being made at once exclusively for the Switch seems to counter that. They're both using entirely new assets and are of high AAA quality (even Stories), has Capcom really expanded that much over the past several years?



@Tyranexx I love Dark Souls and finished every game in the series to completion (including every achievement) and it's still a game difficult to recommend because of the trash community.

If anyone is discouraged by the game, the fanbase can actually drive people away from it instead of being encouraged to try harder.

Such a bizarre thing, seeing the biggest fanboys of the game actively hating on everyone who isn't as good as them. I had many friends who had the experience of playing a Dark Souls games, getting sh*t on by fans and then never trying another Souls game again.

In contrast the Monster Hunter community is excellent at giving feedback and helping players out. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that Monster Hunter is in no way a competition - everybody actively benefits from having others be better at the game, whereas in Dark Souls, not so much.

Edited on by Varkster



Problem now those looking for the CE is all but Sold Out now. And I doubt they will make more of these unless people cancel their orders. Or eBay is your Scalpers friend to look at.



Oh, I’m rabidly hyped for Monster Hunter Stories 2.

I know MH Rise has hogged the spotlight, but dear goodness... MH Stories 2 looks epic! Easily my most hyped RPG for 2021 now, surpassing Bravely Default 2, Trails of Cold Steel 4 and YS 9. Well, maybe not SMTV and SMT3, but still, it’s up there.

People are just jittery from the excitement of MH Rise. Once that dies down a bit, I think you’ll see more people talking about MH Stories 2. I do know one thing though- both games looked AAA budget for their genres. And if we want to continue seeing games like this on Switch, people will need to go out there and support them. I never thought we’d see such a remarkable looking pair of MH games on Switch. I hope they smash the charts.

At least MH Rise is getting some attention outside the Nintendo bubble on social media. Lot of PC-centric and PS-centric YouTube channels making videos on it. The post-World effect, you might say.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Yeah, one of the great things about the WiiU and 3DS entries was that you could customize virtually every aspect of the HUD. I always kept everything essential on the extra screen so my main screen was totally clear and unobstructed.

Edited on by EOTW

3DS FC: 3222-5568-3578


I'm thinking about making this my first Monster Hunter game because I never played one before.

There are a couple of things I want to know before I jump in though:

  • Is there a continues storyline between games?
  • Can you customize your character at the start?
  • Are you able to switch between classes / weapons mid game or do you need to specialize?
  • Is there a lot of grinding involved?
  • How long is the main campaign and is there a lot of post-game?

Thanks in advance for answering guys!

Treasure Acquired


@status-204 I don't know if you've played World (or if you own a PS4), but in World you can completely turn off the HUD, and even the music! Hopefully they carry those additions over to Rise, which I expect they will.

Rexenoboy wrote:

I'm thinking about making this my first Monster Hunter game because I never played one before.

There are a couple of things I want to know before I jump in though:

It's great to see your interest! Monster Hunter Rise is the perfect game to jump into the franchise. It looks to have all of the modern conveniences and better tutorial of MHWorld.

I and others will be happy to answer any questions you might have! It's been said before in this thread, but you probably won't find a nicer game community than Monster Hunter's. We've been a smaller, more dedicated bunch for many years. World brought in a lot of fair-weathered mainstream gamers on PS4, but back on Switch you'll probably have a much larger ratio of hardcore fans.

Rexenoboy wrote:

  • Is there a continues storyline between games?

Not at all! Each game has its own self-contained storyline, so the storyline starts fresh every time! Admittedly, the storyline isn't very long or fleshed out compared to other "Action RPG's," but MHWorld and now Rise boast the most involved storylines, with full-fledged cutscenes!

Rexenoboy wrote:

  • Can you customize your character at the start?

Yes you can! MHWorld and now Rise will have extensive character customization options.

Rexenoboy wrote:

  • Are you able to switch between classes / weapons mid game or do you need to specialize?

Each weapon type is considered its own weapon class, and you can equip any one you like between each quest. And, starting with MHWorld, even in the middle of a quest you can return to your camp and swap equipment.

Rexenoboy wrote:

  • Is there a lot of grinding involved?

Without sugarcoating this, Monster Hunter as a franchise has a lot of "Looter genre" grinding. But! As others say, the gameplay loop is part of the fun, and MHRise looks to follow in World's footsteps to help streamline the process for newer players.

Rexenoboy wrote:

  • How long is the main campaign and is there a lot of post-game?

I can't say how long Rise will be, but I can say that it looks to mirror World's more involved story cutscenes, so a pretty good amount of main campaigning can be expected. It will be longer than an action game, but not as long as a traditional JRPG.

Rexenoboy wrote:

Thanks in advance for answering guys!

You're very welcome! Feel free to ask as many questions as you like! We love seeing new players jumping in for the first time. Nothing more fun than to go on a hunt with an inexperienced player, vicariously experiencing through them the thrill and tension for the first time all over again!

Edited on by Ulysses




Another carry-over from MHW to MHR is the layered armor (transmog) system. If there's an armor set you think looks dope you can craft the layered set and keep that look while still progressing your gear.

Secondly, MH is sort of like a weapons simulator. Each weapon has a different playstyle from the next. So if one particular weapon isn't to your liking you can try a different weapon in the following hunt. The game gives you a starter class weapon of every type right from the beginning, so you aren't committed to one weapon immediately.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,252 games (as of April 30th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Now that the Deluxe/Collector's editions are live, I'm waiting to see what the exclusive layered armor will be. If the layered armor looks great, then I might rather get the Deluxe Edition + full amiibo set, especially since $30 for 1 amiibo + pin + stickers might not be worth it to me when I could put that $30 toward the two other amiibos with the full set.

@Northwind @Varkster That's great to hear! I went ahead and sent Northwind a friend request. My nickname is also Ulysses, and my FC is SW-4668-5207-5011

Edited on by Ulysses



@Rexenoboy To add to what has been said already, Monster Hunter as a whole tends to be more than 50% post game in my experience. Of course that depends on your definition of post-game, and it varies from game to game.
Also, yes MH is one of the grindiest games out there BUT it's not the mind numbing grind you may be thinking of. Each hunt is unique even when you hunt the same monster several times for its armor set, and the gameplay is so deep that it stays interesting near indefinitely. And the game never requires you to hunt a monster more than once (except in special cases) so if you don't like one you can move on after beating it.

3DS FC: 3222-5568-3578



My favorite rumor right now is that MHR looks too good. So good in fact that perhaps MHR is the tentpole game for the next Switch revision? Personally, I think that's hogwash, MHR looks as good as it does because RE Engine is a powerful development tool. If a Switch revision is coming in 2021 BotW 2 will be the tentpole game, not MHR.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,252 games (as of April 30th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

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