
Topic: A way to transport Switch download games quicker

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I have a unique situation where my fastest internet speed is my cellular phone. I could get 20 to 40 megabits per second inbound, 10 to 20 megabits outbound but only when I use stuff internally within the cell phone.

What I'm connected to the Nintendo switch the maximum I get is 5 megabits per second inbound 5 megabits outbound, but thankfully no quantity limits or hard automatic drops to mobile dial up.

I assume that the reason why you connect to the Nintendo switch eShop is to prevent piracy.

I know this might take a couple of steps and would help very few people but it would help them save lots of time downloading stuff.

I assume the legitimate copy of the download and the license for it is registered at the eShop.

maybe there could be an iOS and Android store for Nintendo Switch games but those would be considered dead license games that are scrambled and made gobbledygook until a license key is purchased on Nintendo store and the coded game is transferred onto the Nintendo switch via microSD card.

A couple days before I got visible Mortal Kombat 11 would have taken 30 days of straight downloads 8 hours a day being shared with other people in the house when the maximum household speed is 1.6 megabits. I just gave up and hoped for better internet. Luckily I found Visible Wireless as a decent cellular ISP that is Nintendo compatible.

I guess you're appreciative of speed depends on where you start from. If your house is 50 to 100 megabits per second, Visible Wireless compared to your home Wireless would look like the Game Boy or Game Gear compared to the SNES or Genesis. However if your maximum homemade speed is 1.6 Mbps in 400 Kbps out, Visible Wireless looks like a godsend.


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