
Topic: A Nightmare on Elm Street

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It comes out tomorrow down here. Anyone else excited?

Sad about them switching Freddy from being a Janitor to being a Gardener.

Most recent trailer here.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


I'm a huge fan of ANOES. It's my favorite Horror franchise of all time, and the original ANOES is my 'favorite' Horror movie of all time. And even though I'm exited as hell for this....I know I'll be dissapointed. After all, PD is behind it and their track record has been complete crap aside from the decent Texas chainsaw Massacre Remake. The last movie I've seen of theirs was their Friday the 13th Remake which was totaly mediocre....They couldn't even do that right. FT13th 1-4 and maybe 6 are the greatest. 1 and 4 are personally my favorites

Anyways back to ANOES. This remake looks overly flashy, too polished, almost like some MTV rock band video. PD's films all have that same metalic cold look to them as well. As for Freddy, Haley may be a great actor, but his tiny 5'5 build isn't what I call menacing. Englund was 5'10 and had a thin build which seemed perfect for Freddy. As for Haley's make up, I know they're aiming for a real burnt victom look, but it seems to be like he's limmited when it comes to facial expressions, like Krugers famous nasty grin, or that evil menacing look he sometimes pulls off. I'm also not a big fan of Freddy's new voice which sounds like almost like Batman or some evil super hero villian. And also, this movie relies on alot of jump scares, which is kind of cheap and lame if you ask me. And what's the deal with Freddy coming out of the Wall 'The Frightners' CGI style? it looks horrible. People were also saying Tina's death scenes was garbage compared to the amazing original.

Not to mention, S.Bayer directed it and it's the first time he's even directed. His music Video's are all overrated if you ask me....Anyways, I'll wait until this movie hits DVD/Bluray. I'm still insanely excited for it even though it's getting poor reviews....But there's no way I'm seeing it in theatres, because of all of the loud obnoxious retarted tweens who constantly laugh at crap that isn't supposed to be funny, or they're busy talking on their cells and texting crap on Twitter all at the same time while the movie's playing. All of that would take me out of the experience, which it has many times....

But all of that aside...I gotta say

ANOES - Amazing, scary and still hold up til this day. It's my favorite of the ANOES films. Tina's 2 dreams are when Freddy was at his scariest!
2: Freddy's Revenge - Underrated, Freddy looks menacing and fantastic in this as well. It's just the plot and lead character that sucked. I wasn't crazy on Freddy's lower pitched monster voice either.
3: Dream Warriors - Best Sequal easily. Loved it! Although Freddy started his goofy antics in this one. And watching it today, there's definitly some cheesy moments, but awesome nonetheless!
4: Dream Master - Definitly fun, but Freddy's make up went downhill, and he became too goofy and in the light.
5: Dream Child - Thee' WORST in the franchise. It had this dark, gloomy, gothic, eerie look going on. But Freddy was a clown in this which didn't match the atmosphere. The music was depressing and repetitive as well. This one just leaves a bad taste in my mouth
6: Freddy's Dead - Sure it's bad, but it's 'Fun-bad' It's almost like a spoof. I felt everything was fun up until John Doe died.
7: Wes Craven's New Nightmare - Not a fan of this one either. It was just lame on all acounts, and the music was overly dynamic, almost like it came from a 'Scream music' Freddy's Demonic plastic looking mug didn't help either.

Edited on by Donatello



Your right on most counts, however, I do really like the obvious transitions in the supermarket, seems to remind me of the laser room in Resident Evil, in the trailer it would have to be my favorite shot. Your right about Englund. He scares the crap out of me. I am glad there keeping some of the best dreams, like the bath one, but I hope it doesn't turn out like crap. In the end, it will be a crappy remake, but I am looking forward to the new dreams, apart from the crap way they tell what happened to Freddy. It also bugs me how much they copy the original (I know it's a re-imaginary) but seriously, pulling some of his sweater from the dream instead of his fedora. BS!


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!

If you skip to 1:37, thats the shot I was talking about.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


Your right, it brings an unknown to when he will next strike next. Its a shame that most of the dreams are real obvious, like in one (can't remember) a guy falls asleep watching tv, later getting sucked into the TV. It was harder to know until he appears. I also like the scene where all the other kids at school just evaporate. Some of these shots impress me, but your right, it is over the top. At least this time they gave him some real knives.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


The original Nightmare On Elm Street is a classic and I still watch it once a year. Don't mess with classics, I thought the Friday the 13th remake was crap.

The new Nightmare On Elm Street is a little forgettable, I saw it opening day. Remakes of classics are pointless, I don't understand why the 80s had all the awesome movies, and these days we get franchised and remake crap.

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There have been some good remakes - I personally enjoyed the Friday the 13th reboot, as it did take the franchise back to its philisophical origins, and the remakes of the Hills Have Eyes and Dawn of the Dead were both seriously awesome films.

This one... probably no so much. It does need Robert Englund to work.


WaltzElf wrote:

This one... probably no so much. It does need Robert Englund to work.

I agree 100%.

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury

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