Tag: Rumours - Page 22

  • News Soul Blazer – The Virtual Console Release That Never Was?

    During our trips around the wonderful World Wide Web we noticed that a few sites seem to be listing Enix’s excellent Soul Blazer (also know as Soul Blader in Japan) as a Virtual Console title, even going as far as to state that it saw release in North America on the 12th May alongside Konami’s Tiny Toon Adventures. We’ve also had several emails from concerned readers regarding this, too.

    A cursory glance at the Virtual Console shop on our American Wii shows that neither Soul Blazer or Tiny Toons are available, so we??...

  • News New Hudson WiiWare Details for Tetris and Bomberman

    In an interview with Siliconera, Hudson's Japanese vice president Kentaro Murayama has revealed some more details on their upcoming WiiWare games, Tetris and Bomberman.

    There's not much new details for Tetris - They are thinking of incorporating the Wii Balance Board somehow, but have not made a decision on the matter yet. Imagine moving Tetris...

  • News Luc Bernard's Rose Princess Coming To WiiWare

    Luc Bernard has been a busy chap lately. In addition to putting the final touches to the upcoming WiiWare title Eternity’s Child, he has also revealed that he has another game in the pipeworks called Rose Princess which is destined for WiiWare, if a publisher can be found.

    Princess Rose is a cello player who kills anything she touches. She is...

  • News Shenmue 1 & 2 Coming To The Wii?

    Swedish magazine seems to think so

    Sega loves the Wii. Lately we’ve been gifted with House of the Dead 1 & 2 Return, NiGHTS and Sega Bass Fishing, and if recent rumours are to be believed we’re about to see another classic franchise resurrected for Nintendo’s best selling console. Swedish magazine Game Reactor has excited blurted out this...

  • News Castlevania Producer Hints At WiiWare Instalment

    His name might not be as familiar to you as Hideo Kojima or Shigeru Miyamoto, but Koji ‘IGA’ Igarashi is the man currently responsible for the wellbeing of Konami’s highly esteemed Castlevania franchise and this role bestows him a certain degree of kudos and respect amongst videogame fans. The vampire-hunting series is well regarded and each new entry is put under intense scrutiny by veterans of the series.

    However, of late the home console versions of Castlevania have been somewhat disappointing. Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkne...

  • News WiiWare: Pop Pricing Still Unconfirmed

    Nnooo's Nic Watt has admitted that he still isn’t 100% sure how much to charge for his company’s promising looking WiiWare title Pop.

    Speaking in an interview this week, Watt said: For a new company like ourselves, pricing is a really tough issue particularly on something like a downloadable service where there are games at a variety of prices...

  • News Metroid Prime Trilogy Rumour Shot Down

    Within hours of the rumour of a Wiimake for both Metroid Prime and it's newer sequel were Earthed - Nintendo has gone and squashed everyones wet dreams.

    According to our friends over at GoNintendo.com their "mole" has unearthed some juicy tid-bits from a retailers computer regarding a game entitled "Metroid Prime Trilogy"...

  • News Bionic Commando NOT coming to the Virtual Console!

    Our pals at IGN, recently interviewed Capcom's Ben Judd on the upcoming PSN/XBLA remake of the original Bionic Commando Rearmed.

    This might not be of great interest if you only own a Wii console, but interestingly the interview managed to open a can of worms regarding the possibility of the NES version of Bionic Commando coming to the Virtual...

  • News European release dates for WiiWare and Nintendo Channel announced

    Nintendo of Europe today issued a press release containing the dates for multiple games to be released in Q2. While no doubt plenty of people will be happy Super Smash Bros. Brawl is included in the list, of note to this site is the fact that both upcoming Wii features have been dated.

    WiiWare will be added to the Wii Shop on the 20th of May. No...

  • News Nintendo Squash "New DS" Rumour

    Well that's no surprise then. What did I tell you? You can't remember. Well, I told you it was too damn early for a new DS.

    And I was right. Following on from our report last week about the possibility of a new DS to be announced at E3. The news came from Hamamura-san (head of Japanese publishing giant Enterbrain) and has been squashed by both...

  • News 3 NES Beat 'em Ups Coming To US Virtual Console Soon

    The North American Virtual Console is in for a treat over the next three Mondays as our pals at IGN have revealed that River City Ransom, Double Dragon and Renegade will be punching their way to the Virtual Console in successive weeks.

    Much to the annoyance of North American VC fans the rather excellent River City Ransom came out in February in...

  • News Capcom To Lend Support To WiiWare

    According to a recent interview, industry veteran Capcom has expressed interest in developing for Nintendo’s WiiWare platform.

    Christian Svensson, Capcom's VP of strategic planning & business development, had this to say: We’re looking for the right content first — a lot of the content we have now isn’t quite right in value or approach...

  • News "WiiStrip" - Erotic Dancing In Your Own Home!

    According to TechDigest.TV "Peekaboo Pole Dancing" have sent out an email requesting a partner to help license their concept of a pole dancing game on the Wii.

    Following on from the news a few months back that the Wii might be getting some cheerleading action we wouldn't be too surprised if this idea eventually surfaced. Complete with a...

  • News F-Zero Wii Hint In Mario Kart?

    Maybe we're reading way too much into things but we like to get ourselves excited.... I mean-?! SPOILERS.

    As self indulgent gamers from across the world start posting videos of themselves playing Mario Kart Wii onto the interweb - one particular unlockable kart has caused a bit of Internet babble. Depicted in the video above is the "Blue...

  • News "The Most Powerful Engine Available For Wii"

    It's been a bit "will it, won't it" with Nibris' psychological thriller "Sadness" ever since it was announced in April 2006 but according to Official Nintendo Magazine the game is running on "the most powerful engine available for [the] Wii". Blimey.

    After the new screenshot which emerged last week we've all been waiting for the next twist in the...

  • News This Is A Pretty Hearty Rumour: DS 2 At E3?

    And it's all down to an article posted by Bloomberg Japan which has caused a whole host of rumours across the nerd-o-sphere.

    According to the article, the president of Japanese magazine publisher "Enterbrain" (which hosts the gaming bible "Famitsu") has commented that Nintendo may (note the emphasis) be announcing a new version...

  • News Club Nintendo Dates Animal Crossing Wii?

    Let's hope this isn't just a coincidence...

    Kotaku has recently reported that the Japanese Club Nintendo calendar has Animal Crossing as the theme for December. This might not seem like much of a news item, but you have to take into account that for April, the same calendar features Mario Kart Wii...which is out in the same month. See the faultless...

  • News New F-Zero Coming To Wii?

    We're praying that this is true

    We’re massive fans of Nintendo’s F-Zero series here at NintendoLife so when German site Planet Nintendo reported that a new game is rumoured to be in the works, we let out a collective ‘yippee’ that shook the plasterwork off the office walls. Seriously. Supposedly titled ‘F-Zero Z’ (which basically means...

  • News 360Mote Tentatively Titled The "Newton"

    In a not so dramatic twist Microsoft have (virtually) confirmed speculation that they are indeed ripping off Nintendo's innovation with a product the development team have dubbed "Newton".

    We broke the news that Microsoft are developing their own "Wii Remote" yesterday. Seemingly following on from the media frenzy that such...

  • Rumour Wii Price Cut Imminent?

    Highly-respected French site seems to think so

    According to leading French website JeuxFrance.com, Nintendo France is looking to reduce the price of the Wii in that territory. This has sparked rumours that a European price cut in on the way, which of course would logically lead to a global reduction in the price of the console. The current pack...

  • News Microsoft Working On Wiimote-Style Controller?

    When you run out of ideas, why not steal one from someone else?

    They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and if that is the case then Nintendo must be feeling pretty flattered at the moment. MTV has recently been contacted by a developer who says that Microsoft is working on a Wii-style controller for its 360 console, as well as a...

  • News Solitary Sadness Screenshot Surfaces

    That some pretty impressive alliteration there

    Remember Sadness? Many months ago we were treated to some tantalising production artwork for this potentially groundbreaking survival horror title, and then it all went silent. From what we can gather developer Nibris has experienced issues with finding a publisher, and this has led many people to write...

  • News Konami to bring us WiiWare goodness?

    In a recent interview with IGN Fumiaki Tanaka the president of Konami has hinted that Konami may be looking at bringing classic franchises to WiiWare.

    Tanaka stated that Konami will be releasing more remakes of old titles and revisiting past projects as the company moves forward. He suggested that digital distribution services like WiiWare could...

  • News “Street Fighter IV Could Potentially Come To Wii”

    Producer hints at a possible Nintendo version

    Capcom’s forthcoming 3D ‘reboot’ of the Street Fighter series may be dividing opinion all over the globe thanks to its unique visual style but producer Yoshinori Ono is confident the end product will be a success and commented that in his opinion the game could ‘potentially’ arrive on the Wii...

  • News DJ Hero In The Pipeline? Chica-chica.

    Activision are planning a spin-off to their ridiculously popular series, Guitar Hero.

    According to CVG Activision have filed a trademark for a game titled "DJ Hero". The trademark reads: "Computer game software and related instruction manual sold together as a unit; interactive video game programs; computer game discs; downloadable...

  • News Mario Kart Wii To Hit Europe On April 25th?

    Online store seems to think so

    Online retailer Play.com has sparked a shockwave of excited fanboy chatter by listing Mario Kart Wii’s European release date as April 25th. Nintendo’s previous date for the game was the somewhat vague “Q2 2008”, and a spokesperson for the company has insisted that Play.com is merely guessing at a possible...

  • News Smash Bros. Brawl to get WiiWare Portal?

    We’ve gotten wind of rumours that suggest that Super Smash Bros. Brawl may be granted its own WiiWare channel in order to distribute new content and features.

    The proposed name for the service is “Smash Bros. Brawl: Challenger” and the content in question is said to include new stages, characters and music. These items will cost Wii points to...

  • News Zack & Wiki 2 Possible, Says Creator

    Could the underrated duo get a second chance to top the charts?

    Despite posting depressing worldwide sales figures, Capcom’s excellent adventure title Zack & Wiki may be getting a sequel, according the game’s creator. Hironobu Takeshita was interviewed late last year and asked if Capcom had any plans to create a franchise based on the game...

  • News Retro Studios Working On New Zelda?

    Rumour mill enters overdrive

    We must stress this is a rumour with a capital ‘R’, but a story has come to our attention that suggests that US development house Retro Studios, better known as the chaps behind the successful Metroid Prime trilogy, is currently working on a new Zelda title that could be announced as early as E3. It’s probably...

  • News Factor 5 Working On Kid Icarus Sequel?

    American developer could be putting Pit back in the limelight

    We’ve only just had confirmation that Factor 5 is once again working with Nintendo and the first rumours regarding the company’s next project have already begun to flood the net. According to news site Kombo, a ‘credible source’ has broken the news that Kid Icarus is the franchise...

  • News “No More Heroes Is Like The Arctic Monkeys”

    Game creator makes a surprising comparison and reveals sequel is a possibility

    No More Heroes isn’t available in the West yet but creator Goichi Suda (AKA Suda-51) is already thinking about producing a follow up. I'm really willing to make a sequel version and right now I'm asking if it can be made...I think No More Heroes is a great game,...

  • News New Duck Hunt Coming to WiiWare?

    This could be a fake, but we'll leave you to decide!

    It seems that the son of a Hudsonsoft employee recently stumbled upon a disc containing an updated edition of Duck Hunt for the Wii, and then made a video of someone playing it. Our first question would be why did someone at Hudsonsoft have the disc when you would assume this to be a first-party...

  • News More Wii Colours On The Way?

    US store Target's internal stock control system may indicate so

    When the Wii was first announced Nintendo practically bombarded the general public with tantalizing product imagery, the most striking of which was the promise of different coloured Wii consoles. More than a year later and we’re still stuck with the bog-standard (but admittedly...

  • News Sam And Max Hit The Wii

    Retail distributor lets it slip in latest press release - adventure fans go wild

    Point and click adventure fans should prepare to get very animated indeed – it would appear that everyone’s favourite crime-busting animal duo Sam and Max are coming to the Wii. For those of you that don’t know, Sam and Max are a detective dog and psychopathic...

  • News Smash Bros Brawl Delayed Yet Again?

    Mario and company might not be kicking ass as soon as you expected

    Those of you looking forward to the release of Super Smash Bros Brawl (that's pretty much everyone, then) will no doubt be upset to know that rumours are currently doing the rounds that the game has been delayed yet again. SPOnG reports: GameFly, a games rental service in the...

  • News Goldeneye NOT Virtual Console Bound?

    Xbox site Xbox Evolved has posted a rather worrying story regarding the N64 classic Goldeneye. According to the site, Rare is gearing up to publish the game on Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service.

    Rare apparently has already started to seek the permission of current Bond licence holder Activision. Other classic Rare titles such as Perfect Dark and...

  • News Goldeneye Not Coming To Virtual Console After All?

    N64 fans, look away now

    Since the Virtual Console appeared there's been one game that Nintendo fans have called for at the very top of their voices. Rare's Goldeneye is rightly seen as a classic N64 title and, for a while at least, it seemed like the chances of it appearing on the download service were actually quite good. Until now, that is. A...

  • News No Rock Band For Wii?

    For the time being, it would appear not

    EA’s Rock Band has been thrilling music loving gamers on the PS3, PS2 and 360, but EA doesn’t seem too keen on bringing the game to the Wii – at least not yet, anyway. Back in April 2007, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos got everyone’s hopes up with a series of comments that seemed to indicate Rock Band was...

  • News NiGHTS: Into Dreams Port?

    Rumours surface of a possible a remake/port of the original Saturn classic "NiGHTS: Into Dreams" is heading to the... PS2.

    Picked up by EuroGamer earlier today, IGN have done some poking around and seem to think they've stumbled upto a secret - however SEGA Europe is refusing to comment on the matter. SEGA Europe has offered no comment over reports...

  • News The E3 2007 Rumour Mill

    The new slim-line E3 should still provide us with a wealth of new information, but what exactly should we expect?

    Thankfully the guys over at Gaming Target have compiled an interest list of predictions regarding E3, here's the ones that caught our eye. "It should be noted that these are all educated guesses based entirely on available information...

  • News Stop The H.A.M.M.E.R Time?

    Rumours surround Nintendo's forgotten Project H.A.M.M.E.R, has it been canned? No-one knows!

    A number of reports have surfaced this week that Nintendo has cancelled Project HAMMER, a game that was demoed at E3 in 2006 in which we've heard nothing since. "Insiders close to development studio NST allege to IGN that the software company's Wii action...

  • News Wii Hard Drive Rumour

    There's a fair whiff of a rumour, posted last week by fellow UKers, Wii-UK, its possible we'll see a hard drive from Nintendo as early as E3.

    According to our friends GoNintendo, the latest episode of the IGN podcast hints rather strongly that Nintendo may be making some announcement regarding a hard drive attachment for Wii at this year's E3 games...

  • News New Smash Bros. Brawl Info Tomorrow

    Nintendo is set to re-launch the offical "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" tomorrow, according to the big count down thingy.

    One of the better websites for a an "in development" game was the SmashBros.com aka "Smash Bros Dojo" website. Nintendo used the site to unveil all the characters and a few secret ones, the site hasn't been updated in quite a while...

  • News Wii Keyboard Rumours

    Game Informer magazine has suggested that a Wii Keyboard could be on the cards.

    "With the news this week that Logitech is going to provide peripherals for Nintendo's Wii console, this latest tidbit of information coming from the May 2007 issue of Game Informer has a bit more credibility than we would normally give it." It certainly makes sense,...

  • News The Excite Truck 2 Hoax

    Details emerge from an unknown source of a online enabled follow up to Nintendo's Excite Trucked, excited? Don't be, its all pollycock.

    A number of online gaming sites were duped this week as a fake press release (complete with screenshots) emerged online telling gamers about the new features to expect from Excite Truck 2. "The sequel to Nintendo's...

  • News Interesting Wii Music And Wii Health Rumours

    Nintendo's Greek distribution CEO George Katrinakis has shed some light upon upcoming Wii titles Wii Music and Wii Health.

    Wii Music was seemingly unveiled at last years E3 whereby the gamer uses the Wii Remote as a baton in order to conduct an orchestra of Mii characters. Interestingly a stripped down form of this gameplay was seen in Wario Ware...

  • News NiGHTS Still Not Confirmed

    It's been almost two weeks since we first saw "hints" of a new NiGHTS title for Wii, problem is, there is still no dice.

    Sega have refused to give any "official" comment on the existence of the game, a sequel to arguably the most popular Sega Saturn game ever made. Just to confuse matters even more, a German SEGA representative has stated that the...

  • News Banjo Kazooie A Virtual Console Possibility?

    Virtual Console Archive have quoted Rare saying that "its possible".

    One of the most exciting parts of the Virtual Console is the ability to play Nintendo 64 games, when this was first announced we all drooled over the idea of playing all the classics, even the Rare titles. Sadly this dream was short lived as we all started to remember that Rare is...

  • News Japanese Only Games Could Get Worldwide VC Launches

    Finally Nintendo make some kind of hint that we may see Japanese only Nintendo classics put out for worldwide release.

    For a few weeks now the word on then street has been that import favourites will not see a release on the Virtual Console due to problems with translation and such. However, speaking with Wired, Nintendo senior Vice President George...

  • News Wii Is HD Afterall?

    Either that or TheInquirer.net are seriously in need of some hits to their site this week.

    Anyway, according to a post on their website the Wii is in fact capable of High Definition graphics. It's just hidden. Or something. The original article states: It is amazing what you can get out of a drunk Nintendo executive. Who would have thought Nintendo...