While Wii U has ultimately become little more than a benchmark for Nintendo Switch sales to surpass, the experimental pit stop between Wii and Nintendo’s hybrid handheld still had a handful of must-have games. Bayonetta 2 sits proudly at the top of that list, and now the bold and brazen action-adventure breaks the chains of exclusivity as it hits Switch with a triple somersault, a hail of bullets and an ocean of angelic blood.
And while its platform exclusivity might have limited its audience in 2014, developer Platinum Games certainly didn’t let that curb its desire to improve and evolve the Umbran Witch’s addictive formula. That core experience has ported over beautifully onto Switch, resulting in the best possible take on an already amazing action-platformer that surpasses the first Bayonetta in almost every single way.
Much like its predecessor, Bayonetta 2 takes the beating heart of its gameplay - over-the-top combos that combine magically-powered melee attacks with deliciously brutal gunplay - and layers it into a game that’s even more insane that the original. The story - which follows the antics of the titular witch and her continuing run-ins with the bestial powers of Heaven (or Paradiso as its known in Bayonetta lore) as she hunts for the true Gates Of Hell - is just as inexplicable and downright ridiculous, but that’s part of its enduring charm. It doesn’t matter if its plot makes no cohesive sense because you’re having so much fun killing god-like bosses.
That Devil May Cry formula remains mostly unchanged from the original, but its free-flowing nature empowers you at every turn. Leaping away from enemy attacks (which are now represented by a glow from their weapon, making them a little easier to predict) initiates that familiar burst of slow-mo known as Witch Time, while building up enough combos will enable you to pull of comic book-aping Torture Attacks and battle-ending Umbran Climax moves. The button-mashing modifiers are still there (which ups your score and bank extra halos - the in-game currency of the series), but thankfully those ruinous QTEs have been dropped.
Bayonetta 2 is also a far more inclusive and rewarding experience than its forebear, but it's a double-ended blade that leaves its mark, for better and for worse. There’s no two ways about it - this second instalment in the trilogy is noticeably more forgiving with its difficulty spikes, with a slightly larger window for dodges and the ability to interrupt enemy attacks more often. To its detriment, it does take the bite and challenge out of the battles and boss encounters that make this series so utterly bewitching, but much like the Wii U version, it’s an issue that can be easily negated by simply dialling up the difficulty.
Visually, Bayonetta 2 is one of the best looking games you play on Nintendo Switch right now. It runs at 700p and 60fps (much like the original Bayonetta), but free of the much older and muddier textures of the original, the sequel saunters onto Nintendo’s modern handheld with silky smooth visuals and a performance that never once stutters or suffers from slowdown. The new Mediterranean-style setting of Noatun and Fimbulventr (where most of Bayonetta 2 takes place) takes full advantage of this with its bright and beautiful vistas, and you can explore most of its open-ended locations for various collectibles or just to marvel at how incredible Platinum Games is at level design.
There’s also an invigorating sense of diversity to a game based so firmly around the freeflowing combat of its core design. You’ll get to fight giant angelic dragons while riding inside a typhoon filled with disintegrating buildings. You’ll sprout your hair-powered wings and fight a giant demon, King Kong-style, around a skyscraper. If Bayonetta was the game where Platinum Games nailed the formula that confidently took the baton from DMC, Bayonetta 2 is the game where it embraces the opulent and endlessly satisfying set-pieces that make this such a must-play experience.
Thankfully, the utterly pointless Angel Attack mini-game from the original has been dropped, and in its place we get Muspelheim, a dark realm accessible by portals scattered across Noatun and beyond. Each one contains a challenge with a specific modifier (only defeat enemies with dropped weapons, take no damage, etc) and beating each one unlocks extra special items such as Witch Hearts or Broken Moon Pearls. Each challenge is locked to a specific portal and you can retry each one as often as you like, adding in a side dish of extra challenge as well as providing a means of honing your skills to a fine point.
The brilliant Tag Climax mode - which enables you and a friend to fight six consecutive waves of angelic enemies and bosses - returns in full, with both online and local play once again supported. You can bet halos at the start of the stage, so you more you bet, the tougher the challenge. It’s both competitive and cooperative and just as addictive as it was on Wii U - doubly so now because of how much larger Switch’s install base is for supporting online play. With Verse Cards - which offer access to specific Tag Climax stages - unlocked through completing certain milestones in the story, it’s a simple symbiosis that feeds back into one mode for continued replay value.
As with the Switch port of Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2’s touchscreen controls are far more dextrous and responsive on Nintendo’s new hardware. Dodging and general movement is as accurate as you’d hope for, and while it adds in a platform-specific control scheme, the automatic-nature of the combat ultimately robs the game of its most involving and empowering mechanic. It’s a cute little addition, but nothing beats using the analog sticks to send Bayonetta on a death-dealing chaos spree.
Of course, there is still the issue of just how over-sexualised Bayonetta is a character. The sequel does make some effort to tone down the fact she’s effectively unleashing special attacks with her modesty barely concealed - and the camera doesn’t zoom in on her assets quite as unnecessarily as it did in the original - but it’s still a game that can’t quite decide if its promoting a strong heroine or a teenage boy’s virtual fantasy. The fact that its attempt at innuendo falls flat almost every time probably doesn’t help the argument, but even that borked teenage humour somehow adds to Bayonetta 2’s enduring charm.
Despite being a three-plus-year-old port, Bayonetta 2 shines brightest on Nintendo Switch. It runs without a hitch at 60fps, looks incredible in both TV and tabletop modes and offers an addictive free-flowing combat formula that sprinkles in platforming, light exploration and a ridiculous story to create something that you simply need to experience. If you’ve never played it for before, you’re in for a treat. If you’ve already played it, it’s even more bewitching as a handheld gem.
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Comments 139
Amazing game but I play this 4 years ago. Switch is a port system for old games. Where is new AAA games?
@therealgamer Mario Aces, Kirby, Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Octopath Traveler, Metroid 4, Pokemon, and more E-3 and direct announcements still to come. Lots to play!
@therealgamer Breath of the Wild, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Kirby Star Allies, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Mario Odyssey are ports? Every console gets ports and considering Switch already overtook WiiU in hardware sales, they have every right to give these great games a second chance on Switch. I‘d say keep‘em coming!
I'm happy to hear it's a good port, but I'm not gonna bite on this one. I have it on Wii U, and that's perfectly ok for me for this game. I don't feel a need to buy it again.
@MoonKnight7 Thank you. I already have this and why will I going to play this again?
My favorite game of all time. It may not look it, but it really does have the controller feel and wackiness of a Nintendo game.
@Biff_ARMStrong "Mario Aces, Kirby, Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Octopath Traveler, Metroid 4, Pokemon" lol 😁 none of these games are not yet release. It's February going on March and Switch have no new AAA games
It's good if you never played it before. I don't have a problem with ports, but this one just isn't for me.
@GoldenGamer88 First of all Breath of the Wild is not a switch exclusive its on the Wii u. Second you list games came out last year. Where is new games came out this year? And obvious Mario odossy is not a port.
"Every console gets ports and considering Switch already overtook WiiU in hardware sales, they have every right to give these great games a second chance on Switch. I‘d say keep‘em coming!" Who fault is that. Your fault. You should buy the game when it came out. Also you rather have old port than new games lol
Nothing lost for adding nothing and still being full priced despite being an old port?
With this release I'll own 3 versions of Bayonetta 1. I'll gladly take 2 copies of Bayonetta 2. They're fantastic games.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It's not full price. $60 for 1 & 2 together.
@subpopz "It was exclusive to Wii U, which was a massive failure" How that a massive failure It's a Wii u exclusive lol.Nintendo funded bayonetta 2. Also the game sold a million copies.
So I was looking at the NL front page and almost got the impression there was some Bayonetta news today.....
I must admit, @Dom, I'm very disappointed that you missed the obvious subtitle: Switch Time.
@therealgamer I'm fine with old ports of games that never got a chance to shine. The fact of the matter is that the WiiU flopped so these ports are basically new games for the majority of switch owners. So why wouldn't Nintendo try and port them over?
Furthermore, it's barely February and you're begging for new AAA games? How often do we get AAA games so early in the year? Just hold on, we'll get the games. In the meantime they are helping out the newcomers that didn't bite at the WiiU.
@Tedikuma That's the same price as on Wii U.
@therealgamer Lucky you for getting to play this on the Wii U. But the fact is that most of us don't have that system. This is my first Nintendo system since N64 and I'm excited to see what all the fuss is about. I preordered from amazon and got both games for less than $50. Seems like a pretty good deal to me!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE On amazon the price for both games on the Wii U is $89.05
@Kalmaro Stop damage control. First bayonetta 2 did not flop. It sold million copies. Second yes its new to switch owners but wii u owners like me already play it
@NEStalgia "The Witch makes the Switch".
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I guess my view is skewed by the Amazon Prime discount...
Ahem, @therealgamer - AAA is dead or dying. It's all coming coming to a head with all of this microtransaction riddled "live services" nonsense. They don't even call them games anymore for crying out loud. Keep that crap away from Nintendo machines. I fear for how Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to turn out. May just forget about it if Rockstar decides to make a lootbox fest. That's the last new AAA title worth thinking about at this point. We already have Bethesda and Atlas on board. Ubisoft is there, too, but they've been conning people into the live services model as well. I'll gladly take A+ indie games and 1st & 2nd party Nintendo over Live services any day.
"looks incredible in both handheld and tabletop modes"
What about in TV mode??
I am super excited to play Bayonetta 2 again! Great Vday game!
Oh man not long now!
I must’ve stopped myself from buying a Wii U almost a dozen times just to play this.
Got my Pro controller. I’m ready !!
@onex As long as Sony & Nintendo are around I’m happy. They provide all the AAA I need with a sprinkle from Capcom, Square & SEGA.
People on the Internet are insufferable during a console's first 18 months or so. Call me in 2019, if you're still complaining then, just sell your Switch.
In the US when Bayonetta 2 was released it came with a second disc with the original Bayonetta game for $60.
@therealgamer I never said Bayonetta flopped. I said the WiiU flopped.
For some strange reason women like this game more than men. Is it an empowering game for women?
@MyNameIsRandy I know. I own it.
$20 for Bayonetta 1 and $40 for Bayonetta 2 doesn't seem that bad to me, but these are some of my favorite games of all time, so I'm biased.
@therealgamer you can use the same argument for PS4 mate - all consoles do it. It's easy money.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I have both on Wii U so I wouldn't buy it even if it were half the price. However they are two brilliant games and well worth £50 to anyone who hasn't played them before.
Switch literally got 2 of the best games of all time in the span of 7 months, one of the best jrpgs ever, a sequel to the most fresh and innovative new tps IP of last gen, the strategy rpg of the year in M+R and a fresh innovative fighter and new IP (ARMS) in addition to an exclusive FE Warriors game, plus some of the best indie games to date and the future looks brighter than ever. If you meant yearly casual dudebro games like Madden and cod, you can play them on an xbox or pc or something. Not every game should be on Switch and vice versa. @therealgamer
"It runs without a hitch at 60fps"
"never once stutters or suffers from slowdown"
The Digital Foundry video demonstrates otherwise. Definite improvement over the Wii U, but it still has dips in performance. I'm surprised Nintendo Life didn't pick up on this.
Everyone is complaining about the price.. the quality offered is still worth the full price no matter how you spin it. I see absolutely no problem here.
I would love to double dip on this but I'll wait till it drops in price since I have it on WiiU already and I never completed either game. Great game though and a good value for those that have not played it.
Oh great, people whining because of the price.
I misunderstood your comment then. They are great. I bought them both again also.
@therealgamer Have patience. It's only mid February. There's an overwhelming amount of games on the eshop to tide you over
My favourite Wii U game, glad too see it's a great port but do I double dip, ooh decisions decisions.
My hype grows! Day one, baby.
@therealgamer Oh pardon me, my good sir, but just because these games released last year doesn‘t mean they poofed out of existence and couldn‘t be bought by future Switch owners. Also, Kirby Star Allies, Mario Tennis Aces, Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3 and Pokemon are all known to be coming to Switch either this or next year. Also, we‘re in February and Nintendo‘s only given us a schedule up until May so calm down and drink some tea.
Also, excuse me but I did buy all those games when they were released on WiiU - Mario Kart 8, Pokken, DKCTF, Bayonetta 1 and 2 and lots more. WiiU flopped big time so why not bring these games over to Switch to give them a. a second chance for people who rightfully didn‘t invest in a WiiU and b. make some extra cash from people double-dipping on them, like I do? Also, I‘ve never said I‘d rather have ports than new games. Ports take less work and do have an audience, again given the WiiU‘s failure. I doubt they take large resources away from the development of newer releases.
Sigh. For those complaining about games, we are in freaking February. Let's see if you have the same tune in a couple of months.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Not punny enough. "SWitch Time" was just....essential. They ruined it. I can no longer put my faith in their punning.
The Switch is the go-to handheld for retro releases. Move aside Vita!
@therealgamer I'd rather play old games and Indies than play "AAA" games with microtransactions.
Maybe after a price cut
Comment on ports...they are a great addition to any consoles library. Switch is getting great exclusives and great aaa ports peppered in there. I expect to see ports of every Wii and Wii U game over its lifetime. Smg1 +2, skyward sword/twilight, mp1-2-3, etc... why else would they design a console and in its 1st reveling, show its a nes—Wii in one. Maybe even ds games in some cases reworked. Indies are. Why not Nintendo?
Switch will be the greatest gaming console ever if Nintendo continues doing that they have always have, and delivered us a great way to play games.
@therealgamer Are you a cousin of that Irish guy that comes here? Because he is the one that is always annoyed by ports. Have in mind that a video game is not a yogurt to go bad after its expiry day.
Everybody that has a Wii u can trade it i. And get a switch version. Also keep bayonetta physical version.
@therealgamer How old are you, 12?
One of the best game (at least top 5) I played on WiiU
@GoldenGamer88 I love the switch, I personally wish they would put every Wii U title out so I could pack my Wii U away. The portable aspect of Switch has easily made it my favorite console. I can play games more often now.
I would have purchased the Switch version if they had released Bayonetta 2 and it came with a Retail Version of Bayonetta in the same case like they did on the Wii U, instead of just a dumb digital download code. When the Switch doesn't really have alot of space to download full retail games to start with.
Bayonetta 2 released on a machine that people actually own. Smart move releasing this on Switch.
Humble suggestion: if you are annoyed by people slagging off the Switch for being a portmachine (and some clearly are), don’t respond to them. Especially people whose usernames and post history suggest they’re just in it to seek attention.
And so this post is worth a damn: I think it’s great people are getting to play this. Of all the generational leaps out there, I’m gladdest to see ports from the Wii U to the Switch, because the obvious popularity disparity means the biggest new audience. Bayo and its sequel ain’t for me, the genre’s just not my thing, but everybody else who hasn’t played them already (and surely some who have) should probably pick up the version they can play on the go.
@AlphaElite A lot of those drops in the Switch version are pretty miniscule. Can't really blame someone for not being able to tell 52 and 60 apart.
That being said the intro scene has a ton going on in it and Dom should have absolutely noticed the framerate there.
Just my two cents if there is anyone on the fence due to the sexualisation side of things.
As someone who is usually pro-censorship about character outfits and cringes at 'fan service' Bayonetta 2 did very little to aggravate me. Bayonetta herself is a lot more three dimensional in this game than you might expect and other than one or two moments at the beginning of the game the sexualisation is exaggerated but not exploitive.
Also you very quickly gain access to outfits which don't unravel during combos which is a big plus if your not into it 😄
@AlphaElite SHHHH!!! Fake news fake news!! Someone muffle this guy!
Seriously this is very similar to the Wii U version.
Great to see this on the Switch. Hopefully it finds a bigger audience than Wii U could provide.
"I already have this and why will I going to play this again?"
I wouldn't imagine anyone is all that bothered whether you play it again or not.
@therealgamer the system is not even a year old yet. All of those games are announced with 2018 dates or windows. It is only February so just have a bit of patience. Take care.
Shame. Whiffs of a quick and dirty port. But, well, it's an excellent game and it isn't going to anyone elses systems.
Why do reviewers feel the need to comment on these types of games for over-sexualizing characters? Have these guys read comic books or watched pretty much any action movie? Most main characters are treated in this way, yes even the males. Everyone is so darned sensitive about everything these days. Sorry for the mini-rant. Take care everyone.
@electrolite77 Absolutely a quick and dirty port. But also one that still manages to be an immense improvement on the Switch version. Still debating if I want to get it.
@th3r3ds0x I wholeheartedly agree. I‘d even dare to claim it my favorite console ever. I mean, I can play the best indies known to man, frickin beautiful games like Bayonetta, Mario Kart 8 or Breath of the Wild wherever I want. This is something PS and Xbox need to catch up on but all they care is how much res their games have and how many teraflops.
I'm going to get this but likely next month.
My £42 pre order seems a very fair price for these 2 games - I can’t see a problem with having ports of great games I haven’t had the chance to play before.
@therealgamer quite a few came out last year. Nintendo can't if others also wanna port their Wii U games to a bigger audience.
Hey guys, maybe step outseide your own bubbles and realize that since the Wii U bombed, not many people experienced this game. Sure, it might be a "ripoff" if you've already purchased it for Wii U, but nobody is forcing you to buy it again for the switch, and for those millions of people who will play it for the first time, it's definitely not a ripoff. Nintendo isn't holding a gun to your heads forcing you to buy every title that is released.
@gatorboi352 "Seriously this is very similar to the Wii U version" Cause it's a port of the Wiiu version not a remaster.
@therealgamer The answer is you don't have to play this again. Nobody is forcing you to buy it again. But Wii U's install base was small. Chances are, there is a greater number of Switch owners who never played either of these games, or at least never played Bayo 2...so this release is for them, not for you. There, question answered.
My favorite Wii U game and one of my favorite games in general. Really happy more people will get to play this. Enjoy!
@WiltonRoots No, @therealgamer is probably in high school, because his mom is letting him play on the internet. However old he is his school district appears to be the worst in America; they clearly haven't taught him basic grammar.
One of the Wii U's best... creme de la creme.
Keep those Wii U gems comin... pilfer that library dry!
Hey, @Dom, can you tell what the Bayonetta Smash Amiibo does? I know the other amiibo unlock outfits for her, but I just couldn't find anywhere saying what Cereza herself unlocks.
The reason I buy this is to support PlatinumGames otherwise had it not been a physical release on Switch I would had skipped on it too.
@mj2k18 people just don't seem to understand that the Wii U was such a commercial disaster that many games sold far less then they should have
I really can't get the hate and anger towards Wii U ports on Switch. Nobody is forced to buy these games. It's simple enough to just ignore them.
Business wise there is no doubt that bayonetta 2 will sell more copies on Switch over Wii U
@JaxonH I refuse to accept the porting is complete until TMS#FE is on Switch. Best RPG of all time.
@therealgamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CkQskMZUBs
For my fellow UK brethren, this can be picked up for 35 quiddies, which is fantastic value.
@AlphaElite I was about to say the same thing, on some parts it's nowhere near a consistent 60fps and isn't it 720p and not 700p? I've seen some questionable things written by the author of this article recently, particularly with regards to the capabilities of the Switch. The reality is that it's CPU isn't a big step up from last gen consoles (apart from Wii U which was poor) and in some cases struggles by comparison.
As for the games themselves, they're quite fun but I never got into them as much as some, I'd probably give the new one a go when it comes out but these are a bit too pricey, perhaps I'll just pick up the first on 360 for a couple of quid and see if I'd enjoy it more now
Good game - if you never played it worth the price. Now Time to concentrate on Bayonetta 3 for the rest of us.
Great game, but I’m really ready for Bayonetta 3.
I always find it boring when people complain about games being ports or whatever. It's a decent port, runs just as well if not better than the original releases and isn't overpriced in my view. I got the pair for £38 and I already own the first print edition on Wii U but I like the idea of being able to play them handheld now. If the game isn't for you then don't buy it, what's the big deal?
Imagine a world in which everybody hasn't played every game released in previous generations...ok? I personally was lucky enough to play both Bayo's on initial release, but for those who haven't - for whatever reason - I highly recommend picking up Bayo 2, and if you like it enough, Bayo 1. Just be aware the original isn't quite as great, while still being great.
RE: The port issue: What critics don't get is the fact that Bayonetta 3 is coming. People who never played 1 & 2 and own a Switch but not the Wii U (like me) are genuinely interested. So what to do? Why, release the first two on the system many gamers own and missed out on, of course!
RE: The "sexualization" issue. Speaking as a guy that lives like a monk, just stop, please. Bayonetta is a badass witch that kicks ass and takes names. How else do you want her to be represented? A frumpy cat lady with blue hair that wears muumuus and birkenstocks? xD
(I love cats, BTW.)
@QwertyQwerty Are they trying to score brownie points or something?
You are of course assuming the game is being released for all the people that bought the game on the Wii U.
The game is good value for anyone who has not bought the game before or bought a Wii U.
As I own this on Wii U, I feel I should get some kind of apperication discount... paying the same as everyone else is Sony tactics
@PanurgeJr but see, he's a real gamer and he's here to school us casuals
@johnvboy Well I don't see it as good value. Remember that if you buy the first game with it, you only get a download code. You know other 3rd parties that ported their Wii U games onto Switch, reduced the asking price. But it's Nintendo publishing this, so that was never going to happen. Sure it's still full price on the Wii U eShop.
@therealgamer Just wow! Every time a port comes for the switch you moan like a little female dog ... every damn time. We get it you already own the ports that come to the Switch.
Got this pre loaded. I have it on the Wii U but will simply never finish it.
Being able to play on the go has transformed my gaming life.
Couldn't agree more.
Anyway. I'm new to this franchise, have had consoles I could play the games on but never got to it. Figure I'll finally give them a chance especially with the disappointment that the new God of War has gone away from the flashy hack and slash and Devil May Cry 5 is still not a guarantee. So where should I start? It seems that 2 is the better game and when I'm new to a series I generally like to start with something that is considered the best but story is important to me as well. Does the original have to be played first for 2 to be enjoyable from a story perspective? I know with the Uncharted series I would've enjoyed it much less if I had started with 4 and went backwards. A lot of the little nods to previous adventures was part of the appeal of that series.
As for the port 'issue.' This is kind of laughable to me as more a PlayStation fan and somebody who bought a PS4 on launch day, honestly. In a little under 8 months on Switch we got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (yes it was on a Wii U but it was a cross-gen day and date release, not a port of an already released game) and Super Mario Odyssey. That alone destroys what PS4 had in its first calendar year and doesn't count great sequels in Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. ARMS didn't set the gaming world on fire but it was a better debut than some new IPs on PS4 had. PS4 had inFamous: Second Son and... a bunch of ports from a console that had a userbase of 80 million and when I mentioned over at PushSquare that many people had a PS3 and access to all those ports what was I told over and over again? That I need to stop complaining, I wasn't a real PlayStation fan and that PS3 was basically a failure as not many people owned it. Well, if over 80 mil is a failure I don't know how we would categorize Wii U hardware sales but I can say, Nintendo's decision to port games from that system to Switch is more than sound when you look at the rate at which Sony and third parties were remastering PS3 games for PS4. And on top of that Nintendo still found time to get two of the best recent games out in less than 8 months as well as a few other really good ones. So it's hitting a wall right now, droughts happen, in March a new Kirby game will be out. I think people really need to pump the brakes a bit. Compared to other systems I've owned at launch, including the original Wii (which had a solid first year ) and 3DS, Switch is off to a fantastic start.
I'm double dipping, but not just yet. I want to know when Bayonetta 3 comes out. I will be all in when that time comes and I will spend a month or two being engrossed in the series.These 2 games are stellar, but in the end, it is a port. I'm just not impressed with the first quarter line up. I'm stuck on 3DS and Vita right now. If you have not played these great games you are in for a treat. Get them. They are must-haves.
@therealgamer Anyone can take a look at your posting history and conclude that you're nothing but a pathetic troll with 100% negative comments about Nintendo and the Switch. Sad existence you have there.
@JaxxDuffer thanks
It's also the same as the other ports from Wii U. I don't even know of you have a Switch but no one is forcing you to buy it. I really don't understand why everyone has to complain about the prices when if they don't want to pay for it then they don't have to. Chances are if your annoyed that it cost such and such then it's because you have a Wii U and don't wanna pay for it again. So if you still have your wii U then play it there and stop moaning as if Nintendo is forcing you to part with your money.
Climax! That is all.
Never ended up playing this on the Wii U so now I’ll give it a go.
Such as an awesome game, the Bayonetta collection is easily worth $60. If you missed out on these games before, I strongly recommend picking this up on Switch.
To those complaining about ports, yeah, speak for yourselves regarding "I've already played this" . There's ALWAYS an audience for ports. Whether it's A) New gamers as a whole or B) Never bought or a Wii U etc. Why should games be stuck on one console or one console generation? Another thing: Ports can help fund a new game and keep at studio alive. News flash folks, gaming kinda is all about the money.
Lastly, what gets me is that some folks complaining about Switch getting ports don't seem to have a problem when other systems get ports. The PS4 and Xbox One got A LOT of ports early on and still get quite a few. You can't pick and choose when ports are good and when they're bad, lol.
@therealgamer wait for the game sales on switch come out and you'll see how it didn't come even close of the sales potential on th Wii U. More people will want the game now as it performs way better on switch and gets 60fps almost all the time with little hiccups.
TFW you just got confirmation that your pre-ordered copy won't arrive until next week.
As if the wait wasn't killing me enough...
Why are some of you guys blindly defending Nintendo’s every move like you own the company? Come on.. Nintendo re-releasing some games over and over and over again which is not good.
Got the preorder discount and for both games £50 I think that’s a great price, I was expecting each to be higher then £25
Can’t wait to play as I have never played Bayonetta
@SLIGEACH_EIRE your always such a Debbie downer drama queen 👸 shouldn’t you be washing your pink dress right about now?
@formulas666 it is true that considering the amount of games on the switch there are not that many Nintendo exclusive or new ip games. It’s been ok. It I get your gripe, I Personally want to see a lot more ports as I have so many games I want to play again on my switch but it will be nice when the wave of new games starts flooding in. I think we will see a phase where this happens a lot of devs are now working on exclusives so sooner or later there will be a boom
Hey everyone, PSA here with TheRealGamer:
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You’ve been here long enough to know that they don’t dock points for it being a rerelease with no added features. They judge the game as is for people that haven’t played it before, which makes a lot of sense here. A lot more people will be able to play this game now, and reducing the score because it’s the same game as it was for a previous console misrepresents how good the game actually is. (It’s a different story if the game aged poorly, but I think we can be certain that that’s not the case here)
To be fair, I do concede that the review should’ve made it a bit more clear what’s new in this version and what was pulled over from the Wii U, and that the game as a whole is relatively unchanged.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nope, this isn't the print era anymore. The tradition of subtracting from the score for a port on a later console years down the line with no major additions has long since been abolished. You also gotta remember the NL grading scale in conjunction with this- if Nintendo is directly involved, add at least 1 point to the final score. 8+1 = 9.
Never played it on Wii U even though I have a Wii U. But I am picking it up this time and am gonna start with the first game first.
Though feel free to laugh, I will probably be playing through it like a filthy causal on lower difficulties.
Any idea what the bayonetta Amiibo do? Anything special?
dunno. i'm still waiting on them for the ps4/xb1 as well.
dry times in the early year. been that way forever. did you just start gaming?
@formulas666 B3cause it's a fact that many of us never owned the WiiU for whatever reason, and this is our first chance to play these. You guys always want to argue that dedicated fans should bought the WiiU and say Nintendo shouldn't cater to us, but do have any idea how money Nintendo will make with these ports of games that millions of people will happily buy? And it promotes the new game to build up a larger player community than the originals had. It builds a lot of hype.
They do this in every game generation, because it works. People want to play these games.
Can anybody say if Bayonetta is similar to darksiders? And which would you say is better if you have played both?
@PlywoodStick Oh ya, I forgot about that. That scale wasn't always around though. They've definitely got more cosy in the last year or so.
@formulas666 releasing a critically acclaimed game for a wider audience is a great move.
Nintendo are a company that likes making money. Many of us can see why releasing this on Switch is a great idea.
I have three friends who skipped Wii U buying this day 1 on switch.
Pre-ordered on eshop few weeks ago. The waiting is killing me.
-1 star for a less sexualised bayonetta
WIIU version> Switch version
@Deathwalka I’ve played both Bayo 1+2 and Darksiders 2 on Wii U and I can tell you they’re quite different games. I feel DS2 is more similar to pre-BOTW Zelda games or Okami than Bayonetta, which instead is similar to Devil May Cry or God Of War.
DS2 is an action adventure with RPG elements and a pretty “hack-and-shash-y” combat system;
the Bayonetta games are purely action/hack-and-slash games, where the focus is entirely on the battles. And they’re glorious.
Bayo still has some light exploration in between skirmishes, but you’ll spend most of your time shredding angels and/or demons to miserable pieces.
So if you enjoy DS2’s combat system and would like to try game that is centered on a combat system that is somewhat similar, but way deeper and refined, then go for it. But then again, it’s a pretty simplistic comparison, so maybe watch some footage first.
In any case, I’d recommend both games as they’re utterly great, and 2 in particular is one of my all-time favorite games.
So for £40 at Tesco (£35 using a discount code) I can get two great games for the price of one. And people round here are saying that's NOT good value?
Seen it's sold out on Amazon UK at the moment.
But hey Nintendo should have not released this just so they could keep the small minority happy who don't like Wii U ports.
One of the most overrated games of the last few years.
It's the echo chamber of video game critics. Fun game, but not brilliant. A lot of the enemies and boss fights are forgettable.
@therealgamer so what? Just because you have played it then no one else can. You sound like a whining entitled millennial.
@clvr thanks for your input that was what I was hoping to hear.
I mentioned darksiders as I love the big demonic looking bosses and the hellish aesthetics, and I noticed the bits of Bayonetta looked similar to that type of design.
Thanks man your post has got me very excited to play it now, I purchased both so will start with the first one even though I’m itching to see the second one as I have heard such good things.
Do you know how long each game campaign is roughly?
@BigKing "I didn't like it as much as the rest of the people, so it's overrated".
@subpopz Exactly! I don't understand this attitude of acting puzzled that other people would have different circumstances than oneself. It would be like if I said "I don't get why they sell eyeglasses" just because I don't need to wear glasses, or "I don't understand why they're still showing Black Panther in the theaters" just because I already watched it. It doesn't seem difficult to comprehend that there are lots of Switch owners who never owned a Wii U.
@Deathwalka you’re welcome man, and I’m glad I helped you get pumped for the game! 😄
To answer your question I’d say a “normal”, non-completionist playthrough will take you 12-15 hours, 20 or more if you wanna unlock everything the game has to offer. Also, the 2nd one has a multiplayer mode that may add tp your play time.
On the subject of designs in DS vs. Bayo I think they’re quite different: I personally love Bayo’s art direction but for example I don’t like DS’s, so I guess it comes down to personal taste. I’d recommend you watch some footage to get a clearer idea of the designs as well.
@clvr man that’s a lot of praise as I love darksiders, hope this available at 12pm!
Bought it because everyone is so hyped about this game and I had not the chance to play it in my Wii U. IMO its one of the worst games Ive ever played. This is so boring! Maybe not my genre. I cant understand why anybody likes this?!?
Tastes are different...strange.
@Deathwalka glad I’m helping! Enjoy your new games then!
I have it coming from Gamefly, can't wait. A game's value doesn't diminish based on how long it's been since release...if that were the case people wouldn't continue spending money on Monopoly.
The touch screen controls are a great addition for players with physical obstacles to playing "normal" games requiring full access to controller.
the game is even better than the wii u version, the framerate is as smooth as silk, the action is unadultered either dock or undocked, really a must have if you own a switch
I paid 50 pounds digital a year back.would have liked the cart but I just wanted it.
What a great game can't wait for bayonetta 3 💃👍👌
@Shellcore I remain a huge fan of the Vita, but I think it moved aside in 2014.
@matdub You realise I wrote that 2 years ago right?
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