Update [Wed 1st March, 2023 10:30 GMT]: After being teased last week, we now have all the details on First 4 Figures' upcoming Daruk statue including that all-important pre-order information.
The statue is set to release in Q4 of this year and will retail for $203.99 on the official First 4 Figures website. An Early Bird offer, which brings the Goron statue down to $191.99, is available if ordered before 3rd April:
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With the other three Champions already out as well as statues of both Link and Zelda, we wouldn't be surprised if this is the final release from First 4 linked directly to Breath of the Wild. Might we be looking at some Tears of the Kingdom merch down the line? We sure hope so...
Original article [Wed 22nd Feb, 2023 10:30 GMT]: First 4 Figures is teasing the full reveal of the next figure in its The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Champions lineup, with Daruk rounding out the quartet.
Those who want to see the statue in full will have to wait until 28th February at 08:00 PST / 16:00 GMT on which First 4 will be hosting a full introduction livestream with all of the important details including pre-order dates and pricing. This hasn't stopped the company from revealing a sneaky first look at the statue, however, and we must say it is looking pretty sweet.
Revealed in a preliminary livestream teaser over on the @First4Figures Twitter, we got a look at most of the upcoming statue in a good amount of detail. We haven't seen the base for this one just yet (though we imagine that it will have the same LED Sheikah Eye symbol as the prior three Champions) but the main body is looking set to have all of the attention to detail that we have come to expect from First 4 Figures.
Standing with the Boulder Breaker held aloft and a big grin on his face, this is definitely the Goron Champion alright.
We don't have an official price set for this one just yet, though based on previous numbers we would expect it to sit around $150-$200. This is on the pricier end, we will admit, but price tags are often high on statues of this quality and there is always going to be the incentive to complete the set for those who have pricked up Revali, Urbosa and Mipha previously.
What do you make of Daruk's statue? Will you be picking one up? Roll down to the comments to let us know.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 24
Man.. seriously i wish these champions where playable characters.
He does look great, well all of the first 4 figures do, but those prices...don't think so
Also wife says I got enough "Gaming Crap" (as she calls it) around the house already
I wouldn't spend that much on a model persoanlly but the Mipha one looks amazing. Mipha was easily my favourite of the 4 champions
Finally, and my collection will be completed. …Until they make a TotK Ganon.
Daruk's smile always puts a smile on my face.
Seriously though, if it isn't a perspective trick that's quite the sizeable figure! It looks as big as her head!
@The-Chosen-one I thought they were playable in Age of Calamity?
I'll be honest--I never really cared about the champions. They're a big part of the reason I didn't enjoy Breath of the Wild's story. Their voice acting was mediocre. They all had incredibly simplistic personalities that can be described in one sentence. Mifa was the Mary Sue character, with no faults whatsoever. Revali's whole character was just being a cocky jerk; Nintendo literally said let's do Falco again but make him completely unlikable. Daruk is the clichéd "lovable oaf," the big, strong guy who you wouldn't expect to have such a heart of gold (even though you do expect it because it's been done ad nauseum.) I guess Urbosa had the most interesting personality--she's kind of your stereotypical female bad*** trope, but she also has a nurturing, maternal side towards Zelda, so that's something. But I'm never given enough about any of their backstories to ever really care about them.
I don't care that they died in battle. The only exception is Mipha, but that's only because she had surviving loved ones who were grieving over her--Sidon, her father, and Link. I feel bad that she died for their sake, but not really because I was invested in her as a person. Frankly, I hope they don't appear in Tears of the Kingdom at all, because every scene with the champions just made me cringe. It's why I still haven't gotten around to playing through Age of Calamity and why I don't have any of them in my collection of 70+ amiibo. They bogged down the experience of BotW for me because of how poorly written and poorly voiced they were.
I know I'm gonna receive some major flack for this because I'm using some pretty strong words here that are bound to trigger several people, but I can't help how I feel. I already know what you're going to say, and my response is that touching grass makes me itchy and I'm not holding anybody at gunpoint saying they aren't allowed to enjoy things. So there. Get off my back, Carl from Nebraska! 😝
@Not_Soos Lol yeah "Carl from Nebraska" 😂
Points well stated, though I'm not sure I agree. At least you added some levity, which is more than can be said for most any comment about anything lately wherein someone states what they don't like about a thing and why. Have a great day! 😁
@The-Chosen-one @JONOFTHEJONS
Yes, all of the Champions are playable in Age of Calamity. Playing as Urbosa was so awesome, I wish they'd had that option in the main game as well. Also, AoC did way more to flesh them out as characters, since in BotW they were mostly broad stereotypes. As was Zelda, who is also much more interesting in AoC.
^(Not_Soos) I mean... I just like imagining the untold bits about each character, I don't need a full character arc covering their ancestors and heritage-based motivations. Just how much time do you expect to be put into some NPCs in an open game like BotW?
It's a shame they're the exact same poses as the amiibo. It's clear this is a digital sculpt that's been sized up for this production run. Would have been nice to see some different poses.
@Not_Soos interesting. I don't think they're quite as one note as you say...well maybe Daruk is... but I agree it would have been beneficial to learn more about them and see some more intricacies to their personalities.
@Bunkerneath They drop in price fairly quickly, I've not paid more than $80 each for the first 4.
@Dom_31 I just wish that these nintendo warriors games had online pop where each player is on separate armies.
Man i totally forgot about that game, havent played it yet eventho i like these kinda games.
Thanks for the heads up, i will give it a go.
My Mipha just arrived today. Urbosa arrived a few weeks ago. I recently ordered Revali (even though I hate his guts), and he will be on the way soon. I'll be sure to get Daruk as soon as preorders go live.
And once I have all Four Champions, I will arrange them with all of the amiibo I have of them, and show off the difference in size.
@Not_Soos Miphas flaw was being zora, otherwise she would have been a more serious love interest.
f4f is also giving 25 dollars off if you have bought another statue in the line.
I bloody love Gorons.
I'd like to see Daruk, or Darunia or general 'Goron Chief' in Smash.
I love F4F statues. And the Link on horseback is amazing.
But, I'm not too fussed by the BOTW PVC line. They're just big Amiibo. I do have Link and Zelda, though.
clearly this Carl from Nebraska needs a restraining order.
@Bunkerneath Be grateful it's around the house and not in the loft/shed/cellar!
@nocdaes All my old consoles with games are in our bunker under the house.
@Uncle_Franklin Lock him up!
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