Masahiro Sakurai launched his very own YouTube earlier this week, and he's already discussed a number of interesting subjects about game development. In his latest video, he talks about how frame rates work in video games.
He's also included his own thoughts about frame rates in games - mentioning how 60 fps is "ideal" and 30 fps is "adequate":
"60 fps is an ideal frame rate when possible, but 30 fps is a common standard...And 30fps is still more than adequate for playing games."
Although The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is shown on-screen during his comment about 30 fps gaming, this 3D title is not always consistent and suffers dips in both handheld and portable mode during more heated moments.

Nintendo's first-party titles on Switch typically aim for 30 to 60 fps, but other consoles can hit 120 fps, and platforms like PC games go to 144 fps and beyond - provided they've got a supported monitor.
What's your own thought about frame rates in video games? Would you like to one day see Nintendo release a system that can match the Xbox and PlayStation hardware in terms of fps? Leave your thoughts down below.
Comments 107
I'm sorry but in my opinion: As a 60fps gamer, I find 30fps to be inadequate for me. 60fps, for me, is the way of gaming.
Anyway, I still love Mr. Sakurai 's videos about the technical details of video games like framerate, freezes when hit with a devastating blow.
Framerates are really not something I particularly care about so long as it's generally consistent.
I think frame rate adequateness comes down to the game. Something needing fast paced action will likely need the higher rates, but a slower game perhaps not.
"Why should I care about FPS? I don't care for graphics, I only care about gameplay."
FPS is gameplay, 30FPS instead of 60FPS means they sacrificed good gameplay to achieve better graphics, while 60 FPS makes your game look prettier, it is important on making the gameplay better, it's a win for both sides, and especially the gameplay side.
It's 2022, 60FPS on all games should be a standard, not a luxury, we need the Switch 2 / Switch Pro to finally bury 30FPS, 30FPS was a necessary sacrifice in the PS1/N64 era.
I have said this before but ai don’t mind saying it again. Frame rate for me depends on the game, if a game Im playing doesn’t require me to do tight inputs and reaction time, sure I don’t mind a lower fps. But if it’s say, something like a shooter, or a boss fight of some kind that needs quick fast reflexes and inputs, then yes I need 60.
Other then that I couldn’t care as long as it doesn’t look eye burning.
My opinion is that it does not affect on my enjoyment unless it's crippling the game. That only happens when I play pc games with settings my computer can't handle.
The best games I've ever played have been 30fps. That old formula 1 game running at 120fps is not a better game than BotW for example... as for the difference between 60 and 120 fps I can't even see it.
All in all, stuff like this is mostly irrelevant.
I’ve never really been bothered with fps dips except once massively in Xenoblade 2. Old warehouse on Mor Ardain. I’m sure it went sub 10 fps at one point.
Yeah a lot of it comes down to the developer look at Elden Ring it’s one of the biggest games of the year and it very rarely stays locked at 60fps for long on PS5/XBS and doesn’t even have the option for a properly frame paced 30fps instead having a hellish feeling 30-45fps “quality” mode, From wants to make games heavily focused on execution and needing to read your opponent’s movement and attacks but they seemingly refuse to deliver consistent performance to make this as viable as It would be in a fighting game
I don't mind FPS not being 60. While 60 FPS looks nice, it doesn't exactly bug me if a game can't hit it. All that matters to me is if the game is fun, and if the frame rate is actually consistent.
Yeah Nintendo has always been my sole platform, framerate isn't something I've ever cared about. Hell, I'm mentally stuck in the late 90s where FPS dips due to too many sprites or polygons on-screen are expected.
A lot of the 2-d games deserve 30. Almost all of the 3-d games need 60 especially these days. 120 for pc if you have a great monitor and graphics card.
I think the most important thing for frame rates is consistency over high numbers. I'll always like seeing 60FPS, but if it's jumping all over the place most of the time I'd rather just cap it at 30 and call it good. I like it when a game that CAN hit 60FPS some of the time gives an option. That way people can decide for themselves how much it does or doesn't bother them.
Will always be weirded out by people who ‘can’t play at 30 fps’ or something like that. I’ve gotten better at noticing the difference recently but I still don’t really mind most of the time. Framerate consistency is what matters to me, since it mostly depends on that how comfy the game feels to play. If it’s constantly dipping then it gets a lot more noticeable, so I’d rather have a stable 30 than an unstable 60. When it’s stable I just forget about fps altogether because honestly, it really doesn’t matter that much in most games. It’s an asset in some and a bigger deal in some genres compared to others, but couldn’t ever see 30 fps being a dealbreaker. Depending on the game I can even be quite forgiving with sub 30, even if it’s far from great.
Some genres of games don't need to be 60fps like turn based rpgs, visual novels, combats with slower combat like xenoblade and so on.
But I would say for most genres 60fps is ideal if not necessary like competitive fighters, shooters, racers etc.
60fps should be the industry standard at this point.
If I’m absorbed in a game, I barely notice it
Well said by Sakurai. I'm almost numb to framerates, only really kills my enjoyment if it's really jarring, like 30fps dropping down to like 15fps constantly.
I can still play 20fps N64 games to this day, no problem.
60 is the least my eyes can take after playing so much PS5.
30 fps is completely unacceptable and it absolutely baffles me that people especially on here, will defend 30 fps. I feel like those people are partly to blame as companies are going to release trashy 30 fps games if people keep buying them. Animal crossing for eg could have been a gorgeous game but instead its an epileptic inducing earthquake mess.
Smoother performance, when possible, is almost always better, but the childish exaggeration around this issue annoys me. A lot of legendary games over the years have performed well below 30fps without being "unplayable."
30fps is good for singleplayer games, esp non-shooter types. 60 fps is becoming something of a good minimum for online games.
Even tho 30fps is playable.
You will only see the difference when putting it side by side with Xbox x, ps5 and a gaming pc.
Now i only play on my gaming pc most of the time.
Switch is only for zelda and smash for me these days (yep still playing zelda lol)
I can only suspect Sakurai plays his games on a CRT or a monitor that has a very clear picture in motion.
30 fps on N64/PS1/PS2/GC was fine because most of us were on CRTs which inherently have better motion resolution. In other words, 30 fps looked less blurry in motion than on your 4K TV.
Which is probably why we see so many people comment that they can't notice the difference between 60 fps and 120 fps, it depends on your TV how obvious it will be.
I guess if your TV is close to a PSP 1000 model's LCD, then 30 fps vs 60 fps would be harder to notice too.
God yes. Enough with the frame rate ***** already. I find it to be entitled and tiresome.
@Bomberman64 I notice the difference and in all honesty it's quite minor and way overrated.
Just like 4k is overrated when half the games, even with DLSS need be to scaled down or some options lowered just to maintain a steady framerate.
It makes very little difference to me tbh and I think that puts Me with the vast majority of people. I can totally understand gamers who get into fine details and it becomes important but it’s a tiny minority of the world. It’s similar to Hifis. I can’t stand listening to music on poor speakers (or tv speakers) but this also places me in a tiny minority of the population.
I think some additional context provided by the video itself helps illustrate his points more clearly. My interpretation of them is that I think he prefers higher framerates, but is also a realist about what is possible given real world factors.
"Some PC games and high-end machines can surpass 120 or even 200 fps, depending on processing power. But none of that will matter if your monitor doesn't support it. What you really want is both. Silky smooth graphics are where it's at!" (2:08)
Additionally his later description of making his games run on PAL at 25 fps notes that this tradeoff was "Jarring". (And this may just be me, but I think there may be just a tinge of disappointment in his voice when he describes this around 3:13.)
This article touches on variable framerates in games, but so does the video. (1:48) He doesn't ignore it, but he doesn't go very in depth on it either. (Which is fine for a 3:55 long introductory video)
Sick of this 60fps vs 30fps debate. As long as the game is locked, or doesn't have to many consistent dips it's fine. This mainly stems from the pc master race who like to justify their over priced hardware. Same with the resolution crap. Back to retro games again for me. Some of the best games ever dont run at 30fps or 4k!!!
Me: “Laughs in superior PC Master Race”
@victordamazio are you under the impression that all games on all other ‘next gen’ hardware, run at a minimum of 60fps?
I think all games should be 60fps by now, even on Switch. It's 2022 FFS... I'd much rather have a bit less detail in the graphics but smoother GAMEPLAY.
After tinkering with settings for years, and then getting the options from steam deck, anything above 24fps is ''playable'', as long as it is perfectly frame paced. The optimum seems to be 48fps, double your eyes natural perception, as very smooth, again, as long as it is perfectly frame paced.
There's no point in shooting for 60fps and have it dip constantly, any drop of 4 frames or more is easily perceptible. It just doesn't make for a good experience. It isn't the amount of fps, it is the consistentcy, your eyes adjust, so when it fluctuates, you notice.
The good thing about ridiculously high fps like 120, is the millisecond gap is so small, that 4fps or more drop is much less noticeable/perceptible, so it will nearly always appear smoother. Even if you lose 20fps, which is nearly an eye full of frames! However, if all those frames are dropped consecutively, you would notice a little stutter or judder in the picture.
Edit: There's also a really peculiar occurrence with frame pacing. A readout of 60fps on the monitor cannot pick up stalls in pacing. I have had a game at 60fps 'appear' to drop a frame, but not in the readout. The game has taken too long to display the frame, so chucks two out, probably identical, hence the appearance of dropping a frame. Mario Kart 8 on Wii U actually did this intentionally, but so the duplicated frame wasn't as noticeable.
That's my take on things.
I think frame rate is gaming’s Emperor’s New Clothes.
I couldn’t tell you which games I have run at 30fps and which at 60.
I can tell which ones have a variable frame rate though.
and hes absolutely correct about that. 30fps is fine for most genres, especially with a controller
@cdmac the older Xbox one and one X support VRR. I can say from experience it helps. It's more like playing on an older CRT for motion, but with the advantage of the clarity of a higher res lcd. Pretty good tbh, but big drops still appear, itmainly irons out games with poorer frame pacing (micro stutter some call it).
Back in the day, I didn't care about frame rate. Hell I didn't know the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps until the ps4 came out. I remember playing PSO 2 on GC and with 4 player locally and it would slow down terrible, me and my siblings thought it was simply slo motion
To me that's the hardest part about going back to things like the N64 version of Ocarina of time and Banjo tooie, especially after playing the ports of them with improved framerate, its also why i feel like F zero X holds up extremely well (also why the chrono cross remaster not fixing the framerate was dissapointing)
I do feel like people who use the term "literally unplayable" are definitely exaggerating though i do feel like nowadays a stable 30fps should at least be the bare minimum.
Its also why i feel like more console games could use a performance/visual toggle.
As someone who owns a Switch, where most games run at 30fps, and a PS5, where most games run at 60fps, I have to say that it luckily really doesn't matter to me.
Sure, 60fps is nicer but I still can play games at 30fps without a problem. I can easily play a game like Spider-Man at 60fps on PS5 and then go back and play a game like XC3 at 30fps and it doesn't bother me. Or play SM Galaxy at 60 and then go back and play SM Sunshine at 30
Anything that require fast movement or input (shooters and fighters) need to be 60 fps. Hell even adventure games like 3d zelda games should be 60 fps also. Exceptions would be any turn based game. While it is nice to have 60 for smoother animation it doesn't affect the game in a gameplay sense.
So overall if you are moving your character and are attacking the enemies in real time then games should be 60 fps as standard nowadays.
EDIT: Also I do agree that 30fps is adequate but doesn't mean you should stick with the bear minimum. This is why I am glad that the current gen consoles are gives people a small taste of control to what settings they prefer. Do you want higher res and graphics but at the cost of fps or higher fps at the cost of res and graphics. I main on pc and I will always sacrifice graphics and the res to get a solid 60 fps.
I think some games don't require a higher framerate and can look nicer and more cinematic if made in a lower framerate
I have a high end PC which I usually can get just about every game so far at 120 fps or higher (if available) and VRR/G-sync takes care of any inconsistencies. It is my preferred way to play and any game that is multiplatform I will choose the PC. However on consoles I prefer a locked frame rate over anything. An inconsistent 60 fps is worse than dropping it down to a locked 30 fps. DRS technology is getting better every year and I hope in the next Switch they're able to utilize the latest DLSS.
FPS is the most overrated factor when it comes to gaming. Game mechanics and gameplay loop is what people let play a game or leave it alone.
FPS discussion really is for people who talk about length of other things.
Consistent Frame Rate all the time is the most important to me.
One thing I never understood though is how important frame rate is to people when it comes to gaming, and even how certain genres it must be 60fps minimum...yet the movie industry runs at 24fps and no one cared when the Hobbit tried running at double frame rate. Why don't all action moves try to run 60fps to be more smooth?
@BlueCoolYoshi I am so sad this is the first comment. As an 80-90s gamer I will Forver favor creativity and art direction over any technicality around 30-60fps.
Bad fps lasts for a few seconds but compromised art direction lasts forever
@coxula … I agree 100% with you
@Zio_Ziodyne Totally different. In games a 60fps framerate makes the game control and play more smoothly, you don't move the characters around yourself in movies...
I agree with him 100%
After getting so used to 60fps as standard on PS5 it is jarring going back to 30fps, that said its still playable but 60fps is something i hope is more common with the next Nintendo console.
While he is correct, I also think the type of game genre has an effect too, on what is acceptable.
I am still a strong believer that 30fps is a creative decision for certain games, designed to give games a more narrative feeling in a similar way that 24fps gives to movies and TV. This is why I think that games like Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade simply look better without getting an FPS increase. If I remember correctly, Metroid Dread had 30fps cutscenes for the cinematic effect, despite the rest of the game running at 60fps.
As long as a game is not a stuttering mess then I don't care where its frame rate sits.
I dont understand the constant pressure you seems to be putting out for more FPS or next gen Nintendo console. My very costly gaming PC is catching dust while Im playing mostly on my cheap Switch. I love the games, 30 FPS is perfectly fine. In my case 30 FPS is clear winner over stable 144 FPS I get on my PC (144 Hz monitor with G-Sync).
May the Switch be with us for a few years still, its quite a ride.
Fps over resolution, seems to be the way most games are going. Especially if you look towards the pc side of gaming. Most gpus and monitors favor higher framerates than resolution. A 1080p monitor/gpu pushing 165hz+ is more preferable than a 4k60hz, more so in the competitive realm.
@Gorlock i hope not progress must happen
Consistency first and foremost. Frames and frame pacing.
Next comes 60 fps. That should be the bar and games should be designed around that if at all possible.
30 fps is the bare minimum of playability and it needs to be rock solid. No dips or pacing issues.
VRR helps as long as it's done right. Sony dropped the ball there and I'm not sure N would ever support it given that they're allergic to technology.
@Takoda I never noticed it till I experienced it. Been playing a lot of PS5 games and they are smooth playing all around. GTA V PS5 version runs beautifully. On the same system Red Dead 2 is 30fps and feels and looks like it stuttering. Movement is choppy. I just can't go back without getting a head ache. Had to quit Kirby The Forgotten Land over bad fps. To each their own I suppose.
I won't play ANY game unless it's 16k @1,000 FPS or more. Anything less is not ideal and ruins any chance at GREAT gameplay!! PC MASTER RACE!!!
My takeaway here is that a lot of people don't seem to understand what "ideal" and "adequate" mean.
@cdmac Series X are fairly easy to find these days, compared to PS5. I play mine a lot more than my PS5, thanks to the incredible backwards compatibility support (I skipped last Xbox Gen, but still own a bunch of 360 and OGXbox games that are boosted on XSX)
Does this qualify as throwing shade on all 5e Nintendo games that fail to hit 30?
@Jiggies also worth noting that what's ideal and what's adequate is not a constant--it varies from genre to genre. I'd argue that for certain modern action games, 60fps is only adequate--120 being the ideal. Meanwhile turn-based and/or puzzle games, without a lot of complex or quick movement, can be well suited for 30fps — or fewer.
@GuyProsciutto I thought the PS5 was also backwards compatible? That was the only reason I had one in my, "To Buy, Eventually," list.
The claims I see in here about how action games "need" 60fps to be playable are, quite frankly, total bologna.
Even if 60 is what you're used to, your brain and eyes can and will adjust to 30fps. This includes accounting for any potential (small) increase in input lag. Monster Hunter endgame, for example, is some of the most demanding action game content out there for the most part, and yet something like Rise/Sunbreak is perfectly playable on Switch at 30fps. Same goes for MHGU prior.
@victordamazio Thank you!! You took the words right out of my mouth. This is especially true for any type of game other than RPGs or visual novels, where lower frame rates matter less. If the game has any type of action in it, 60FPS should be the standard, and in current year it’s more than achievable!
@Tailesque When I go between games that run at 60 and games that run at 30, the ones at 30 look jarring and abrupt. If what you were saying were actually true, then 60 FPS would also look jarring and abrupt.
The human eye can see up to 60FPS, but the brain is capable of seeing more, and the eye is simply transferring the image to the brain, which is doing the actual processing. This is why people see a difference when they are playing at higher FPS and higher refresh rates. A very simplified why, but this is a comments section.
@BloodNinja It's like you ignored the rather central part of my comment explaining that your brain and eyes have very little problem making the shift to adjust to 30fps if you give them a brief time period and a chance. Yes, it is initially jarring if you are primarily playing 60fps games. Once you sit with it and acclimate, it really isn't a problem. Maybe you personally have trouble acclimating, though.
Also fail to see the point of that second part of your comment. Yes, people can tell the difference between framerates. We know this. It doesn't mean that 30fps is simply an unplayable standard on its own, despite 60 feeling smoother in comparison.
@Tailesque I’m saying that 30 is the incorrect number, and that the eyes see up to 60. So your very premise is incorrect and incomplete because it negates the human brain. I had to read it to be able to correct it.
@BloodNinja "Incorrect" number? You're literally not making sense; 30 is a number that can and has been applied to framerate in games for ages. My premise isn't incorrect because my "premise" was simply that action games are perfectly playable at 30fps, which has nothing to do with the upper limit for how many frames per second the human eye can perceive. It doesn't "negate the human brain" in any fashion, lmao. Ridiculous.
If anything I am very plainly echoing Sakurai himself in the source video with the sentiment that 30fps is perfectly adequate despite some people being hyperbolic and claiming it is an unplayable standard.
60 or 120fps make little difference in games like Persona 5R, or other turned based RPG's. On fighting games and FPS its huge. Hope 60 fps will the standard on Switch 2 but even Xbox Series S is 30 fps/1080p in many games and Switch 2 wont be as powerful
@Tailesque You're saying that the human eye can't see beyond 30 FPS and tries to adjust 60 back to 30, did you forget you said that? I'm talking about the following statement you made:
"Even if 60 is what you're used to, your brain and eyes can and will adjust to 30fps."
That's copied from your post I was replying to. You did say that, right? I'm saying that statement is incorrect.
@BloodNinja I said one's senses are typically able to comfortably acclimate to 30fps gameplay - coming from playing mostly 60fps - given some time. You're straight up putting words in my mouth. That quote does not at all say the human eye can't see beyond 30 fps or that we "try to adjust 60 back to 30". I quite obviously never said either of those things. You're trying to prove statements wrong that have nothing to do with what I have been saying from the beginning.
You seem to be misunderstanding my initial statement; I'm saying your senses can adjust to 30fps gameplay and have it become a comfortable baseline if that is what you are working with. I am not nor was I ever saying that you process 60fps AS 30fps. Pretty certain you misinterpreted the wording.
@Tailesque I literally copied and pasted a line from your comment lmfao. Post #73, second paragraph, first line.
@BloodNinja I am aware, and I'll still direct you to the part of my previous comment where I explain that you've misinterpreted this line from the start due to potentially ambiguous wording.
@Tailesque You call that ambiguous? You made a direct statement. Bro, call it a day and take a nap.
@BloodNinja Yeah, a direct statement that people are able to adjust their senses to 30fps gaming if that is the performance that the game offers in the first place. I cannot put it more simply, and yet you are willingly misinterpreting it to argue against a claim that I never made. Take a nap yourself bud.
@TheBigK Prior to Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has often been very good about solid framerates.
They felt like the only ones actually aiming for 60 fps back during the Wii when devs on the PS3 and Xbox 360 were pushing graphics way too hard to even achieve a consistent 30 fps.
Mario Galaxy, Prime 3, Smash Brawl, Sin & Punishment 2, Donkey Kong Country's Returns, Mario Kart Wii, Punch Out. All 60 fps and aged better for it.
@BloodNinja I'll even pick apart the statement very slowly for you.
"Even if 60 is what you're used to, your brain and eyes can and will adjust to 30fps."
Even if 60fps is what you are used to performance-wise, your senses can and will be able to adjust to other games that run at 30fps, especially if you give yourself a decent acclimation period. This is what I have been getting at this entire time.
@Tailesque Triggered bro! Give it a rest!
@BloodNinja Ah, resorting to ye olde "u mad" technique. Sorry you misunderstood everything man, I know it's a little embarrassing for you, but you'll be ok.
A stable 60fps should be the bare minimum in 2022. And 1080p to
Sacrificing framerate for visuals is always the wrong choice. 30 fps looks and feels so much worse than 60 that any potential increases in graphical fidelity simply aren't worth it. Modern systems are more than capable of delivering impressive visuals while running at 60 fps. Hell, MGS2 on PS2 runs at 60 and still looks impressive to this day. 60 fps should be the target every time.
@NeonPizza LOL Agreed. I didn't even bother with his replies, so I don't know what he said.
But I agree, 30FPS, while adequate, should no longer be sought of as a standard. Games at 60 just look so nice, and are much easier on the eyes.
30 fps is fine as long as the frame pacing is consistent. Wish more developers would pay attention to this. Kirby and the forgotten land is a great example of how to do 30fps right.
@NeonPizza 100% agreed on all counts, once you've seen 60 or even 120, there's no going back!
@NeonPizza I mean, feel free to also willfully misinterpret what I was originally getting at, while speaking about me as if I can't see your open replies, all because of a framerate preference which I also happen to share because you never bothered to ask. If dismissing arguments that don't apply to me warrants some tired old "life of the party" sarcasm, then sure, I'll take it.
@NeonPizza Good effort, pal.
@NeonPizza I am saying that, yes. The mind works by filling in perceived gaps (lack of frames) or learning to deal with them over a period of time, similar to how you're not constantly aware of your nose being directly in front of your vision at all times, because you've filtered that information out. But you wholesale admit to not having the patience to even stomach 30fps games for more than 15 minutes, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say to that. There's no "fixation" on being content with 30fps. There are just a lot of people who find 30fps to be perfectly serviceable and unobtrusive. To be clear, I do not consider 30fps ideal; but playable and adequate as Sakurai also said.
I appreciate you taking back that jab, though. All good. Not sure why any of this has to be so heated, especially when I'm not even close to suggesting that 30fps is an end-all be-all state for all games, or even most. The core of what I'm saying really just has to do with the malleability of the brain and how it processes information/frames, and I'm not arguing against the fact that 60fps is preferred and very obviously results in a smoother experience in comparison.
@NeonPizza Don't get me wrong; I would prefer for Nintendo's systems to be able to reasonably support games of BotW's caliber at 60fps, I really would. I'm just speaking to the reality of myself and others who don't resort to outside methods like you're alluding to. It's not ideal, but it's also not at all a deal breaker either.
I go between PS5 games (which all run at 60fps) and Switch games (most of which just a consistent 30) pretty often, and while going from the former to the latter can be jarring for 15 minutes or so, it genuinely ceases to be a problem afterwards. At least for me personally; I'm not going to invalidate your own experience of feeling like it's just not enough to be enjoyable, if that's how it is for you.
I care more about stable/smooth framerates...the Switch Monster Hunter games, I don't care if they're both 30fps, I care that it's smooth.
genres like 2D/3D plataform, action adventure, fighting games and hack e slash benefit for a 60fps framerate, is always ideal for a developer to aim for a consistent high framerate in a game.
Over the years, Nintendo kept hammering Sakurai's head with the idea that 30fps was good to the point he started believing it. 30fps is a joke that we unfortunately need to deal with to play exclusives (unless you want to sail with the pirate boat, but that's another tale...)
Coming out of the video world with a understanding of frame rates and how Displays can represents them I can only say I am good with 60fps. The same with resolution vs dynamic range. Resolution loses the challenge here.
60fps is of course ideal. But I do prefer a stable 30 over a highly fluctuating 60 with dips to 50/40. The dips are much more noticeable to me than a stable lower framerate.
@BlueCoolYoshi 30 fps is more than adequite if its locked and stable.
The problem is often poor optimization where the frame rates drop far below the 30 mark, not 30 fps in itself.
If you have a stable consistent 30 fps, it will be good enough for the vast majority of games. Especially on the Nintendo Switch.
Its a bit different with fast paced online shooters on the big consoles and PC, where 60 fps might be desired.
@victordamazio Wasn't the PS1 era where 30 was a sacrifice, in that era for 3D games it was a target as most PS1 and N64 games went into the 20s for FPS. I'd say late PS2 and into 360/PS3 era where 30fps became a sacrifice for graphics. As 30FPS was "adequate" during that time of 2005-2011. That was also the time PC Gamers were boasting their 60FPS over the inferior console experience of 30FPS. Lol I Remember like it was yesterday, the bragging in college around the PC scene.
Let´s talk about "adequated" netcode.....
Smash bros Ultimate has the worst netcode i´ve ever seen in a fighting game.
Last weekend i played Smash Bros Ultimate ONLINE (emulator) in a friend´s house. Wow....much more quality.... Nintendo cannot put a good netcode, but a man in his house created a Smash Bros perfect netcode to play on a emulator. WTF, Nintendo? pratice, I can play Smash bros Ultimate better in a emulator, including better online quality, on a Steam Deck, than Nintendo Switch??? It´s absurd.
About FPS.... I play games in 120fps....144fps on my Gamer PC. That´s because i play more Steam than traditional consoles.
I think all consoles jurassic today (and i have all of them...).
I don´t even know if i´ll buy another console next generation one day. Steam is the winner here.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Arawn93 that's just my opinion. There's really no need to flame me or give unconstructive criticism. 🤷♂️
@BlueCoolYoshi it’s constructive criticism, but ok.
@Arawn93 Also I said "as a 60fps gamer, I find 30fps inadequate" not "as a 120fps gamer, I find 60fps inadequate", so I don't really know where you got that 120fps comment from.
That's just my opinion and how I like a video game's frame rate to run. If this is how I feel, then my opinion is not hurting anyone.🤷♂️
Even as someone who get ill from poor framerates, have a highish end gaming PC (i7 9700k and a 3080ti) connected to high end 240hz monitor. I can basically play games at 4k/120fps if I want. Currently playing Soul Hackers 2 at 4k/200FPS.
I'm perfectly fine with 30FPS as long as it has no dips, have perfect frame pacing, and don't have mass input lag. There basically only one game i can think of that has more or less manage to accomplish this to a T, and that Forza horizon. If a gane can't do that... 60FPS or higher is always gonna feel better.
@YoshiF2 As an 80s gamer I'd assume you'd appreciate 60fps too as that's what most games were back then.
@YoshiF2 Well that's my opinion, so I don't know what to tell ya.🤷♂️
@Synthatron_Prime fps are the bottom of my list of priorities in video games. 30fps are ok and I’d rather prefer the developer focused on other aspects of their games than trying to achieve 60fps or 120fps
@YoshiF2 I can understand that point of view but it honestly shouldn't need to be a consideration. A system should be powerful enough to run a game at 60fps. Most releases on PS5 and Xbox have a 60fps option or higher nowadays. The Switch has been underpowered since day 1. I get the compromise to make it portable but they really should have a "pro" option for people like myself who value a smooth framerate and textures that aren't muddy. I say all this as a huge Nintendo fan.
@Synthatron_Prime I agree with you. Maybe if Nintendo comes out with the rumored Nintendo Switch Pro, they system maybe, just maybe run at 60fps locked or higher (although I'm not gonna push it farther, but it all the depends on how powerful their new system will be).
@BlueCoolYoshi Yeah honestly I'd be content with 1440p 60fps.
Love the guy but 60fps should be standard no matter what.
Resolution should be the variable, whether 1080, 1440, 4K or whatever.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Arawn93 I don't know if you didn't read my comment throughly or your trying to start an argument in the comment section because I told you twice that it's my opinion. And if you can't accept that, then that's your problem, really.🤷♂️ And since you are probably trying to start a fight, I have no choice but to block you. Observe. There. Now you have a nice life🙂👋
@Andigaming when you say "variable", do you mean like an option to choose "resolution mode or "performance mode"; like Switch version of Pac-man World Re-pac?
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