It's been a while since we heard from Shovel Knight, with 2021's Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon being the last game to carry the name of the hardest-working character in indie gaming. However, Yacht Club Games has announced his return to the realm of platformers with a release date for Shovel Knight Dig, coming to Switch (and Steam and Apple Arcade) on 23rd September.
Originally scheduled for release last year, this next chapter in the series is a co-development between Yacht Club and Nitrome (Bomb Chicken) and sees ol' SK going up against a team of thieves led by Drill Knight. After stealing Shovel Knight's loot, a pursuit ensues which leads Knights Shovel and Shield to dig deeper than ever before in a vertical adventure that apparently puts a SteamWorld Dig or Downwell-style spin on Shovel Knight's 8-bit-inspired platforming.
Here's some official flavour blurb and some nice-looking screens:
Meet new friends and foes, visit strange lands, and outfit yourself in your quest to keep the entire land from collapsing underfoot! Jump, slash, and dig your way down an ever-changing chasm of mystery in Shovel Knight Dig, an all-new Shovel Knight adventure!
The game will cost $24.99 on Switch and Steam, and Apple Arcade subscribers will get it for 'free' with their sub.
Ready to steel thy shovel and dig into another Shovel Knight game? Head down into the depths of the comments below to let us know.
Comments 34
Wow, I wasn't expecting this! I thought this game was a long way off. Very curious to see what they've been able to do in this 16 bit style.
You had me at steamworld dig... So need a number 3.
Looks great! Shame the trailer was so...painful
Best. News. Ever.
This is the most SNES-Nintendo-vibe game, which is not from Nintendo.
What with this and Splatoon 3, September is looking to be a fun month for Nintendo fans. I won't be able to get it at launch most likely but I'm still looking forward to getting this one.
The similarities to the SteamWorld Dig games - both of which range from decent to excellent - mean I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
Wait, so this is a full-fledged sequel to Shovel Knight and not a spin-off? When was this announced, and how am I only just now hearing about it?
Edit: Wait, after doing some research, I realize now that I was aware of this game's existence, but I thought it was a mobile game getting a Switch port. But apparently, that was Pocket Dungeon. I'm very confused now about what this game is--is it a "Shovel Knight 2," or its own separate thing?
I know I probably sound like a massive idiot right now.
I will hold off on this for the same reason I haven't bought Pocket Dungeon:
no physical release? no sale.
Next Shovel Knight needs to be a Card game like Snk vs Capcom Card Battle!
Loved original
Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon was not as enjoyable as I hoped
This......I think looks great so will add to watchlist for enivetable Christmas sale
@Not_Soos Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon was a spin-off made by Yacht Club Games in collaboration with VINE, but it wasn't a mobile game.
Shovel Knight Dig is also a spin-off, and while it's not mobile game either, it's developed in collaboration with Nitrome. Nitrome has developed a bunch of web games and mobile games.
So in short, it's not 'Shovel Knight 2', but it does look fun.
Edit: To be clear, Shovel Knight Dig is also coming to Apple Arcade, but I don't consider it a mobile game since it's also coming to Switch and Steam.
@Not_Soos there haven’t been any shovel knight mobile games. pocket dungeon and dig are basically spinoffs though i think lore-wise they are kinda like sequels? i don’t follow the lore
@Rykdrew But we already have Joustus mini-game and King of Cards campaign...
@Kimyonaakuma Right? I mean i do like The Completionist somewhat but i did always find their humor a little cringeworthy. This though turns it up to 11, my god 😅. Well, glad if they had fun and they're surely hyped to be a part of an official trailer for a Shovel Knight game - and i'm excited for the game itself!
Well, this looks more like my thing compared to pocket dungeon, even if I’m still interested in trying that one sometime… on sale.
wow. i want it. shovel knight + steam world dig = the best
@Vyacheslav333 I love the idea of a "Slay the Spire" Shovel Knight or Snk vs Capcom Card Battle like!
@Not_Soos I also thought Pocket Dungeon and Dig were the same game.
I wish Nintendo would take a page from Apple Arcade…. Sponsor some promising indie developers and include in online service for $5 or $10
@vincentgoodwin Glad it wasn't just me, haha. I didn't know there was even a puzzle game. I thought Pocket Dungeon was the name of Dig, and I don't recall ever hearing the name Shovel Knight Dig before today. I'm guessing they were both announced at the same time and the marketing was a little confusing or something. Either that, or we've been living in the Twilight Zone.
I can't wait!!!! Been waiting for this one for a long time and it looks even better than I had hoped.
I’m always ready for more Shovel Knight. Bring it on!
I have never been drawn to a Shovel Knight game, but really dug both SteamWorld Digs, especially part 2.
This game has definitely piqued my interest.
Looks like a combo of Mr. Driller and Steamworld Dig? I’m so down.
Forget Splatoon 3! This is a DAY 1 purchase!
Nice surprise! This'll hold me over until Dig 3!
The trailer made this the worse game ever
That trailer(?) is super cringe, and I say this as someone that enjoys The Completionist's content...
More Shovel Knight is always welcome. I still think I'd rather have a more direct followup in terms of gameplay style, but I won't say no to this.
I really digged the trailer.
I am sure going to dig this up on release.
Unfortunately, for me, I’m highly allergic to procedurally generated games. Found out when I was young and ate some procedural oatmeal, almost didn’t make it.
Waiting for Physical, but this is great news, nonetheless.!!
Looks cool but I’ll play on Apple Arcade instead of laying out the 25 clams.
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